The Loud Pets: Season 1 - Part 1: Welcome to the Loud Pets/Script (2024)


  • 1 Theme Song
  • 2 Episode 1
  • 3 Episode 2
  • 4 Episode 3
  • 5 Episode 4
  • 6 Episode 5
  • 7 Episode 6
  • 8 Episode 7
  • 9 Episode 8
  • 10 Episode 9
  • 11 Episode 10
  • 12 Episode 11
  • 13 Episode 12
  • 14 Episode 13
  • 15 End credits

Theme Song




[Theme Song]

Crashing through the crowded halls,

Dodging girls like ping-pong balls,

Just to reach the Clubhouse on time (Hey! Hey! Hey!)

Leaping over laundry piles,

Diapers you can smell for miles,

Pets gotta do what they can to survive!

They're the Loud Pets, They're the Loud Pets!

Duck, dodge, push and shove,

It's how we show our love!

They're the Loud Pets, They're the Loud Pets!

One boy, Twelve pets,

Wouldn't trade it for the world!

Loud! Pets! Loud! Loud Pets!

Title: "Nickelodeon's The Loud Pets"

Duckling: Quack quack.

Based on "The Loud House" Created by Chris Savino

Episode 1

Episode Title: "Left in the Jungle"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[The episode begins with Rip Hardcore advertisem*nt.]

Rip Hardcore: Do you believe in wild animals? Join me, Rip Hardcore, spectre hunter, leader of the Academy of Really Good Wild Animal Hunters or ARGWAH! As I descend into the scariest place in any home, their wild habitat. Sunday night at 8 PM! Don't miss it, or you'll be left in the jungle! ARGWAH!

[The ARGWAH! logo dissolves into a calendar in Lincoln's room. Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt got the current date highlighted with all past days crossed out before marking the current day.]

Charles: It's finally here! The live first episode of the greatest show ever!

Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt: (Making such happy and excited pet noises. They realizes they're being watched.)

Charles: (To the viewers) "All right, I know you're probably saying to yourself, "Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, with eleven human kids, there's no way you're going to get to watch your favorite show." And, you'd be right. Every Sunday at 8, it's the same thing." [Cut to flashback of Lincoln and his sisters fighting over the remote; End flashback.]

Cliff: (To the viewers) "But tonight, we have a plan." [Breaks out Lincoln's walkie talkie] "Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti, This is Cliff the Felix Cat speaking to you. Do you read me?"

Cleopawtra: "This is Cleopawtra. Nepurrtiti and I we read you loud and clear over!"

Nepurrtiti: "We are so excited! We finally get to watch the first episode of ARGWAH! together. And by together, I mean you, Charles, Walt, Geo and the rest of the Loud Pets at your house, and me and Cleopawtra at mine, right?"

Geo: (To the viewers) "For such a landmark event, we decided that it'd be best for us if we watched it separately. Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti's got a crush on Luna it's gets awkward."

Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti: [Looking dreamily at drawing of Luna.] "Hubba hubba."

Cliff: "Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti, Do you two read me?"

Cleopawtra: "Uh, you, Charles, Geo and Walt better hurry, Cliff. It's almost 8:00!"

Charles: "It's time to put Operation Distract The Humans So That We Can Get to the TV First and Watch the Special Live First Episode Of ARGWAH! and Think of Shorter Name For This Operation into action."

[Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt are alerted by the sound of the twins marching out of their room.]

Lola and Lana: "Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons!"

Charles: "Alright. First we need to distract the twins. Cliff."

Cliff: "I'm on it."

[While Charles, Geo and Walt went into Lola and Lana's rooms, Cliff distract the twins.]

Cliff: "Did someone say..." [reveals a teapot and a box of cookies] "Tea party?"

Lola: "Eeeee! Thank you, Cliff!"

[She takes the items and goes back to her room. Lana stands, glares at Cliff, displeased]

Lola: [annoyed] "Hey, I don't want to be part of some dumb old tea party, I want to watch TV!"

Cliff: "Not even if these guys are invited?" [holds out two frogs; one croaks.]

Lana: "Eeeee! Thanks, Cliff!" [takes the frogs and goes back to her room.]

Cliff: "Hey, Luan."

Luan: "I was just heading downstairs to watch TV."

Cliff: "You might want to grab your video camera instead. The twins are at it again."

[Lola and Lana are fighting.]

Lola: "You can't! You can't! V.I.P. only!"

Luan: "This is totally gonna go viral!" [goes back to her room to get her video camera] "Thanks, Cliff!"

Lola: "Ow. Ow!"

[Charles, Geo and Walt came out along with Bitey, Izzy, El Diablo, Hops, Gary, Duncan and the Duckling]

Charles: "We got our pet friends."

Geo: "So what now?"

[Lisa and Lily come out of their room.]

Walt: "Hey, Lisa. We saved you a trip downstairs and got that stuff you needed."

Lisa: "The lactose, Triticum protein, sodium chloride crystals, sucrose, and gallus gallus ovum?"

Charles: "Uh, you mean milk, flour, salt, sugar, and eggs?" [holds out ingredients]

Lisa: "You say tomato, I say Solanum Lycopersicum. Thank you." [takes the ingredients and goes back into her room.]

Lynn: "Yeah! Two minutes to game time! Whoo!"

Geo: "Hey, Lynn, check it out." [holds out a football that starts floating] "I filled it with helium for the extreme player who demands more."

Lynn: "I demand more!"

[Leni is approaching.]

Charles: (Took the ball from Geo) "Uh, go long!"

[Whistle blows, Lynn struggles to get the ball.]

Lynn: "Get over here you!"

Gary: "Oh my gosh, Leni!"

Leni: "What? Is there a spider on me?!" [frantically rubs her head] "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!"

El Diablo: "Worse. There's a zit on the end of your nose!"

Leni: "I'm a hideous monster!" [runs away]

Luna: "Hey, pets! TV tonight is gonna be rockin'!" [Strums her guitar] "Yeah!"

Charles: "Or, you can have your very own flashlight rock show in your bedroom." [holds out a colorful flashlight and Luna takes it]

Luna: "That is sweet! Thanks, Charles!" [Goes back into her room]

Lori: "Has anyone seen my phone? I need to live-tweet my show!"

Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt: [Takes out the phone and presses buttons on it.] "Hey, Lori! Hey, Lori, we found your phone!"

Lori: "Give me that!" [snatches her phone] "How many times do I have to tell you to keep your paws off my stuff!" [Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan and Duckling counts down from 3 and phone rings.] "Hello? Oh, hi Bobby." [Laughs] "No, I didn't text you to call me, but I'm glad you did!" [to Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan and Duckling] "Thanks for nothing, twerps!"

[Sees Lily sleeping, lays her in the laundry basket and kisses her.]

Charles: "And that makes 10." [The Loud Pets slides down the stairs and jumps to the floor; to the viewers.] "Like I said, we Loud Pets might not be the fastest, and we might not be the strongest, but to get all of our humans out of the way, it pays to have a plan."

Lucy: "You forgot me."

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan and Duckling: "Ahh!" [As an organ pipe plays, they fall to the ground after getting startled by Lincoln's sister and her pet bat; Fangs.]

Geo: "Lucy! We always forget about Lucy!"

Lucy: "Story of my life."

Cliff: "What are you doing here?"

Lucy: "It's the second season premiere of my favorite show, Vampires of Melancholia."

Geo: "This is the episode of ARGWAH that every animal and pet is going to be talking about at the clubhouse tomorrow! Please let us watch it? Pretty please with a black cherry on top?"

Walt: "We'll be your fortune tellers by holding hands!"

Lucy: "I'm sorry, pets. But you know the rule. Fangs and I were here..." [in slow motion] "First."

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan and Duckling: (Goes totally crazy by making such pet noises) "NOOOOOO!" [Looks at remote and licks it] "Ha!"

Lucy: [holds up another remote] "That's the old remote that Lily threw into the toilet."

[Charles gags, rubs his tongue and spits out the germs. Walt then sobs.]

Lucy: "Sorry, pets, I can't miss my vampires. Edwin is so cold and tormented and mysterious. Sigh... If only he wasn't from another century."

Gary: "Another century! That's okay, Lucy. You watch your show on the big color TV. We'll just go watch my show on Lynn Sr.'s crummy, old, black-and-white TV."

Lucy: "Black and white are my favorite colors."

Bitey: "Yeah, it'll make watching our show a little bit more... spooky!"

Lucy: "Spooky is also my favorite color."

Geo: "Well, enjoy your vampires. I think."

Lucy: "Wait! I'll take the TV."

[Cut to Lucy's room where Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan and Duckling are found grunting to get the TV to the other side of the bed. Then Fangs joins them.]

Fangs: "How can only two colors be so heavy?" [Puts it on the bed.] "Here you are. Now to plug it in. So, you can be happy or sad or whatever that emotion is. And we pets won't be left in the jungle." [Plugs in the TV. Unfortunately, the plug is broken, and the power goes out.] "Dang it."

Duncan: "I think it's time we get out of this dark house. Don't you think?"

Charles: "Let's go!"

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling get out of this dark house alive and went into the royal woods jungle right near royal woods lake as the scene fades to black.]

[Scene fades back to where Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling are now in the Royal Woods Jungle.]

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling: (Panting)

Charles: Uh, guys? I'm afraid we're not in the Loud House anymore.

Izzy: Where are we?

Willy the penguin: (offscreen) You're in the Royal Woods Jungle.

Gary: Who said that?

Duncan: Who's there?

Willy: (He, Larry the llama and Squirt the flying squirrel came out of the trees) I did.

Larry the llama: Hey there.

Cliff: Who are you guys?

Willy: Please allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Willy the penguin. And I live in the Arctic North Pole. And these are my friends Larry the llama and Squirt the flying Squirrel.

Squirt the flying squirrel: Hi.

Charles: Oh hi there. I'm Charles the pitbull dog. You might have known me before you came into our house. Oh and these are my friends.

Cliff: Hi. I'm Cliff the Felix Cat.

Geo: I'm Geo. I'm a Roborovski Hamster.

Walt: I'm Walt. I'm a Canary.

Hops: I'm Hops. I'm a frog.

Izzy: I'm Izzy. I'm a Gecko kind of lizard.

Bitey: I'm Bitey. I'm a rat.

El Diablo: (Hissing) El Diablo the snake.

Gary: I'm Gary the Rabbit.

Fangs: I'm Fangs the Bat.

Duncan: And I'm Duncan the Opossum.

Duckling: Quack quack. (Plays with Squirt's bushy tail)

Squirt: Who's this little guy?

Charles: Well that's Duckling. Adopted by Lana.

Larry: No way. We've been adopted by Lana Loud Temporarily before she had an idea.

Willy: We were planning on building a clubhouse in your backyard of the Loud House. Wanna join and help us?

Cliff: What do you think, guys?

Duncan: I think it will be a splendid idea.

Charles: Gee... I sure hope our owners would not be worried about the blackout house while we're gone.

[Many of the Loud kids murmur in confusion about the power outage.]

Lori: "All right! All right! Everybody just calm down!"

Leni: "Guys! I can't see anything! I think I've gone blind!"

Lori: "No, you didn't go blind. What the heck happened?"

Lincoln: "Hey! Have you girls seen Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt?" "I was just plugging in the old TV for Lucy and it must've made the lights go out."

Lori: "Of course it was your fault, Lincoln."

[All the other sisters complain about what their brother did.]

Lincoln: "What? All I did was plug in some dumb old TV!"

Luan: "Hey! I know why the lights went out! Cause they liked each other! [laughs as her siblings sigh] "Get it? Get it?"

Lisa: "That one was so good, it deserves a cookie." [hands her one]

Luan: "Oh, thanks." [eats it] "So anyway, what did one light bulb say to the other?" [suddenly starts glowing]

[The rest of the siblings gasp.]

Lincoln: "You're glowing."

Luan: "Oh. I already told you that one?"

Luna: "No, dude. You are glowing."

Luan: [notices she is] "Hey, wow!"

Lori: "Everyone back away from Luan. [the siblings step back] Lisa, Mom and Dad said you're not allowed to use your siblings as experimental guinea pigs anymore!"

Leni: "Yeah! Not after what you did to me!"

[Cut to flashback of Leni and Lisa with Leni experiencing side effects from Lisa's experiment. Her face is extremely swollen and covered in blemish like substances.]

Leni: "My face feels funny."

[End flashback]

Lisa: "Classic. All I did was infuse the bioluminescent DNA of the Aequorea Victoria jellyfish into a cookie. I call them Gloweos. Besides, now we can see."

Lori: "Okay. Everyone huddle around Luan."

[They do as Lori says.]

Luan: "I always knew I was the light of your life." [giggles as the rest of her siblings sigh.]

Lincoln: "Okay. So, how about we get that power back on?" "And in case you haven't noticed, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt and the rest of the pets are missing!"

Lynn: Charles!! Here boy!!

Leni: Geo?

Lola: Where are you, Walt?!

Lucy: Fangs?

Luan: Gary?

Lisa: Cliff!!

Lana: El Diablo! Duncan! Izzy! Bitey! Hops!

Lori: "Hey, when Mom and Dad are out, I'm in charge. So first, we need to get a head count to make sure we're all here."

Lincoln: "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and me, that's 11. Yep, that's all of us. We are all here and accounted for."

Lucy: "You forgot me."

[Lincoln screams and falls to the ground after getting startled by Lucy.]

Lincoln: "Can I go flip the circuit breaker and get the lights back on before Lucy gives me a heart attack?"

Lori: "Again, in charge. I'll do it. Where's this circuit breaker thingy?"

Lincoln: "In the basem*nt. Take Luan with you. She glows in the dark. While we go find our pets."

Lori: "Okay. Come on, Luan." (Luan does so while Lincoln and the other sisters go find their pets)

Luan: "That's the brightest idea you've had all day!" [giggles. Lori pulls her from their siblings. After doing so, Luan's glow goes away. The rest of the siblings gasp.] "Oooh. I thought I was staying in tonight, but I guess I'm going out!" [Luan giggles as the rest of her siblings sigh.]

[Cut back to Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling now along with Willy, Larry and Squirt finding their way out of the Royal Woods Jungle.]

Charles: So... what you were saying is... there's a lot of wild animals in this here Royal Woods Jungle?

Willy: Yep. Just the three of us. Me, Larry and Squirt.

Hops: Sounds like us animals have to stick and look out for each other.

Larry: Mind if we step into your home sometimes right here in your backyard?

Cliff: Sure you can drop by. But the jungle is so big we can even see the way out. (Takes out Lincoln's walkie talkie) That's why we brought in some backup.

Geo: He means his cat friends; Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti.

Cliff: Come in, Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti. We're in the royal woods jungle along with Willy, Larry and Squirt.

Cleopawtra: (She and Nepurrtiti popped out from nowhere) Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti, reporting for duty.

Charles: We're lost in the jungle. And we can't find our way back home. Can't you help us out?

Nepurrtiti: Of course we can help you. Helping out Loud Pets is what we do now.

Squirt: Lead the way cats that we never met before.

Cleopawtra: Follow us!

[And Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti leads Willy, Larry, Squirt, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling all the way out of the Royal Woods Jungle.]

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling: (Cheering happily by making such pet noises)

Willy: We made it out of the jungle.

Larry: And we got our materials from the jungle for building our new clubhouse.

Squirt: That's the sprint, Larry.

Walt: Okay. Now where is the Loud House?

Geo: Right next to Mr. Grouse's house.

Cliff: Let's go.

[Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling headed back to the Loud House where everything in this house is still dark. But suddenly somebody turned on the lights and the powers back on.]

Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling: Wow!!!

Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily: (Came out of the basem*nt and saw that the pets have made it back home) Pets!! (Picks up Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling and hugs them)

Willy, Larry and Squirt: (Make such pet noises)

Lana: Willy, Larry, Squirt! I'm so glad you three came to visit! We have a lot to catch up on you know.

Luna: Hey... What are Clyde's Cats doing in our house?

Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti: L-L-L-Luna?! (Meows and Purrs a lots and started purring and hugging Luna)

Charles: See what we mean?

Geo: Now we know where Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti gets it from. "Clyde McBride."

Charles: Oh and just in time to watch the first episode of ARGWAH!

[Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling hops on the couch as Charles turns on the Television but only to find out that their show is now over after all the Loud Pets been through in the Royal Woods Jungle.]

Rip Hardcore: "WOW! That was by far the best episode of ARGWAH! ever! I'd hate to be you if you missed it!"

[Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling goes crazy while making such pet noises after missing the show.]

Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling: [Shocked] "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! [lamenting] We can't believe we missed our show..."

Lincoln: "Aww... Pets. I know exactly how you all feel. I missed the season finale of ARGGH! when I was left in the dark with my sisters."

[The Loud Pets starts to break into tears and Lincoln and his sisters all see how miserable they are and feel pretty bad for them.]

Lori: [hands Charles, Cliff, Walt and Geo some popcorn] "Sorry you missed your show, pets."

Luan: "But you just lived it. Check it out." [plugs her camera into the TV and shows the Loud Pets what Lincoln filmed.]

[They watch and enjoy their little adventure on film and Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, Bitey, El Diablo, Gary, Duncan, Fangs and Duckling are happy to have actually lived the show instead of just watching it.]

Charles: [To the viewers] "You know, we may have missed our show. But sometimes, it's not about being there first. Sometimes, it's about being there together. All of us."

Cliff: [To the viewers] "I guess this is the beginning of our pet adventure."

Geo: [To the viewers] "I feel safe around all of the other pets instead of living in the clear exercise ball."

Walt: [To the viewers] "You know what they say... Pets and human owners watching television together."

Lucy: "You forgot me."

Siblings: [Gets startled by her appearance] "AAAHH!!!" [organ pipe plays]

Fangs: "That's my owner!" (Points to Lucy as we end the episode)

Episode 2

Episode Title: "The Loud Pets Clubhouse"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[The episode begins inside the Loud House. In the living room, The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling are sitting around in the couch.]

Charles: [To the viewers] Well, there's goes day one with us the Loud Pets. And so... We're ready for day two.

Cliff: [To the viewers] While the Louds are at school and Lori at college, We Loud Pets are about to go somewhere very special.

Geo: [To the viewers] To meet up with two very special friends while having a Thanksgiving Dinner Party at the Loud House.

Walt: [To the viewers] He's yellow and fury and looks like a big dog and the other one is a parrot and has red, orange and blue feathers.

Charles: [To the viewers] We'll tell you all about it. Right after we build our own clubhouse. It'll be just like Loud House only it's for pets and no humans allowed.

[Then Willy the penguin, Larry the llama and Squirt the flying squirrel arrive with more materials for the clubhouse.]

El Diablo: Hey, Willy. Hey, Larry. Hey, Squirt.

Izzy: What's with all the nails and screws?

Squirt: We're using it to build our clubhouse all the way outside the backyard. Seeing is how we animals are really smart and can speak in words.

Larry: So we're about to bring in some wood, nails, screws and a roof that way they can all hold together.

Gary: Finally, the real builders around here!

Duckling: Quack quack.

Fangs: The Duckling's gotta point. We shall head toward the place called GLC.

Bitey: GLC stands for Great Lakes City.

Duncan: Well what are we all standing in the middle of the house for?

Hops: Let's go down to GLC.

Charles: To Great Lakes City we go! Come on, everyone!

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling headed outside before they were getting called by Rita.]

Rita: (offscreen) Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary, Duckling! Where are you pets!?! We need your help! Come and take out the trash!

Cliff: Not now, Rita! We're going to Great Lake City!

Geo: Can we take it out later?

Rita: (offscreen) No. Not later. Now. We'll give you all baths after that!

Walt: But we'll get our furs and feathers dirty!

Lynn Sr.: (offscreen) Pets! Listen to your owners!

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling: (Sighs as they go back to help out Rita and Lynn Sr. by taking out the trash)

[Cut to the scene as Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling are all giving baths with Rita and Lynn Sr. while we can't see their faces shown.]

Rita: There ya go. Now all of you pets be careful out there. It's very dangerous outside. Somebody must see you without your collars or licenses.

Lynn Sr.: Or... The Dog Catcher might even catch you in the net and put you in Green Mile Pet Sanctuary.

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling: (Making such pet noises)

Rita: Oh I wish I could understand you pets. But we grown ups can't hear what you were saying.

Lynn Sr.: In the meantime, Rita and I... will make dinner when the kids get home from school.

[Cut to the outside world of Royal Woods as Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling resume their walk all the way toward Great Lakes City.]

Duncan: That was a very long chore I could help out with our owners.

Gary: I can even touch the garbage bag from my paws.

El Diablo: How long are we going to get there?

Bitey: Not too far away I think.

Charles: Guys. We're here.

[Zooms out to the place called Great Lakes City with many places to live in.]

Cliff: I wonder where we should go first.

[Bruno appears pushing his hot dog stand in front of the Loud Pets.]

Bruno: Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't even see you. Could I get you guys something?

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling: (Making such pet noises)

Bruno: I... cannot understand you.

Sergio: (Squawks) Allow me, pets. These Loud Pets needs 12 orders of Hot Dogs.

Charles: Actually we said... 12 Hot Dogs with mustard.

Sergio: 12 Hot Dogs with mustard! On the double.

Bruno: Okay. Coming right up. (Makes 12 Hot Dogs with mustard for Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling and hands it to them)

[Cut to Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling eating their hot dogs with mustard as Sergio flies over to them.]

Sergio: So you can talk? Very impressive.

Walt: Thanks. We learned it from you.

Sergio: I'm Sergio. Sergio Casagrande. (Winks)

Charles: Hi. I'm Charles pitbull dog Loud.

Cliff: I'm Cliff Felix Cat Loud.

Geo: I'm Geo Hamster Loud.

Walt: I'm Walt Canary Bird Loud.

Hops: I'm Hops.

Duncan: I'm Duncan.

Fangs: I am Fangs.

Bitey: I'm Bitey.

Izzy: I'm Izzy.

El Diablo: And I'm El Diablo. And this is Duckling.

Duckling: Quack quack. (Eats the hotdog)

Sergio: Wow. I've never seen a hotdog eating duckling before.

Geo: Is that a problem?

Sergio: No. It isn't. That's the way of using my Street Smarts. Come. Let me introduce you to my bird friends in the Great Lakes City Zoo.

[Sergio leads Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling all the way to where his bird friends; Sancho, City Pigeons, Priscilla, Gil, Yoon and Kwan and their mother.]

Sergio: Hey, birds! Check it out! This is Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling; The Loud Pets.

Sancho: Coo... Coo coo coo.

Gil: Hi there.

Yoon and Kwan: Louds louds! Louds louds!

Sergio: All you birds get to know them when they are about to announce this here's announcement.

Cliff: You birds are all invited to the grand opening of the Loud Pets Clubhouse.

Charles: Don't be late. This could be you're fine feathered dreams.

Yoon and Kwan: Clubhouse! Clubhouse! Clubhouse! Clubhouse!

Priscilla: (Squawks)

Sergio: I promise you, Priscilla. This clubhouse is going to be a great big party. Just for animals and pets.

Geo: Then what are you all standing here around in your habitats?

Walt: Let's go. Wally, Larry and Squirt are building the clubhouse right now and they need help.

Charles: Follow us to Royal Woods.

[And Sergio, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling now along with Sancho, City Pigeons, Priscilla, Gil, Yoon and Kwan and their mother headed back to Royal Woods as the scene fades to black.]

[Scene fades back to the Loud Pets along with Sergio and his bird friends; Sancho, City Pigeons, Priscilla, Gil, Yoon and Kwan and their mother as they are back in Royal Woods. They're at the backyard of the Loud House as they saw Willy, Larry and Squirt building the clubhouse now by using their materials they brought.]

Willy: Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, you're back. So soon.

Larry: We could use your help holding these here wooden planks to build this here clubhouse. You in?

Charles: Sure.

Sergio: (Squawks) Leave it to the pet professionals.

Cliff: Come on, Loud Pets! Let's make ourselves a clubhouse!

[Sergio, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling cheered as they all help Willy, Larry and Squirt help make the clubhouse by building it and holding it together with screws and nails by using the screwdriver and hammer. Rita and Lynn Sr. sees all the pets building a clubhouse as their faces are completely cut off.]

Rita: Aw... would you look at that? Our pets are building their own clubhouse to live in.

Lynn Sr.: Wait a second. Aren't those birds from the zoo?

[The kids; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily came back home from school and college. At their angle, the kids' faces are completely cut off. (except Lily's).]

Lincoln: Hey where are our pets?

Lori: It's almost dinnertime and they never miss dinner.

Rita: Oh, kids. Your pets and those birds are building the clubhouse of their own so they have their own place to live.

Leni: That's funny. We don't remember having a clubhouse for pets.

Lynn Sr.: Take a peak from outside the backyard while I get dinner ready. (The kids do so while their dad gets dinner ready in the kitchen)

Lynn: Well what do you know? The pets can build their clubhouse.

Lana: They certainly have some building skills.

Lincoln: Wait. Are you saying that our pets can build?

Lynn: Of course not, Stinkin'. They're barely even people.

[Cut back to the Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary and Duckling painting the clubhouse to make it all pretty. Sergio then puts up a sign that says "Welcome to the Loud Pet Clubhouse" on top of the front door. Sancho, City Pigeons, Priscilla, Gil, Yoon and Kwan and their mother put the finishing touches on the clubhouse with flowers on em.]


[We now see the Loud Pet Clubhouse now all finished decorated with flowers and pink aroma.]

Charles: Guys, a job well done.

Cliff: Can't wait to see what's on the inside.

Geo: (Kisses) I love our place.

Walt: Flowers make me happy.

Sergio: What do you say we get this party started in your new clubhouse?

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Bitey, Fangs, Duncan, Gary, Duckling, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Sancho, City Pigeons, Priscilla, Gil, Yoon and Kwan and their mother cheered for Sergio's idea. So they all got inside the new Loud Pet clubhouse and started to party by dancing.]

Charles: [To the viewers] Like I said. We just made ourselves a brand new clubhouse. And we even made a new friend; Sergio.

Cliff: [To the viewers] We just love our brand new clubhouse.

Geo: [To the viewers] We like to dance with our new friends.

Walt: [To the viewers] That's the power of friendship.

[The pets and birds kept on dancing as we end the episode by blinking to black.]

Episode 3

Episode Title: "Along Came a Skunk"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[The episode begins at the Loud House in the morning.]

Rita: Okay, kids! Breakfast is ready! Come and get it!

[The kids; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily came all the way down the stairs and into the kitchen to get breakfast. At their angle, the kids and their parents' faces are completely cut off except for Lily's. The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary and the Duckling arrived in the scene as they arrived in the kitchen.]

Charles: (To the viewers) It's another beautiful day with us Loud Pets.

Cliff: (To the viewers) Our owners do the same thing here in the Loud House. To see who will get to the table first.

Geo: (To the viewers) As for us Loud Pets we are completely obedient to our owners; Rita and Lynn Sr. Always feeding us pet treats.

Walt: (To the viewers) It's called being good pets.

Rita: Oh. There you are, pets. How's about giving you all treats on the way outside.

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary and Duckling: (Making such pet noises happily as Rita feeds them.)

Lynn Sr.: Better get ready kids. Into Vanzilla. We're going be late for school and college.

Rita: And I will be late for work if I am not in time. Let's go, kids.

[Rita leads the kids; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily all the way to Vanzilla.]

Lynn Sr.: You pets stay out of trouble while we're out. I'm going to be hanging out with my band the Do-Dads. (Leaves the house by going to Vanzilla as he drives the kids to school and college and Rita to work)

Charles: [To the viewers] In the family with our human owners... They always have in common.

Mr. Grouse: (offscreen) Somebody... please help me! There's a Skunk in my house!

Bitey: Sounds like Mr. Grouse next door.

El Diablo: We should help.

Fangs: Yes. We pets need to be prepared.

Cliff: Let's go next door.

[Cut to the scene where the Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary and Duckling went into Mr. Grouse's yard to find a skunk.]

Gary: You know we're not suppose to be in Mr. Grouse's yard.

Hops: But... there's gotta be a skunk around here somewhere around here.

Geo: There she is!

[A female skunk named Ann came out of Mr. Grouse's house and hides behind the bushes.]

Mr. Grouse: (came out of the house as his face is cut off too) Alright... Where is that skunk?

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary and Duckling: (Making such pet noises)

Ann: (Pops out of the bushes and joins Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary and Duckling and whimpers)

Mr. Grouse: You want her? You can keep her. Just keep that skunk away from my house! (Walks back inside his house and closes the door)

Ann: Whew. Thanks for saving me from that angry old man.

Walt: That's Mr. Grouse. We don't want to bother him. He's doesn't even like pets in his yard.

Geo: All he wants is peace and quiet.

Ann: Hey... You're the Loud Pets aren't you?

Charles: That's right.

Cliff: The one and only.

Ann: Omigosh! I can't believe I'm meeting 12 pets at the same time! Ahem... I'm Antoinette. Ann for short. And I'm a skunk.

Charles: Hi. I'm Charles.

Cliff: Hi. I'm Cliff.

Geo: I'm Geo.

Walt: I'm Watt.

Hops: I'm Hops.

Duncan: I'm Duncan.

El Diablo: (Hisses) El Diablo.

Izzy: I'm Izzy.

Bitey: I'm Bitey.

Fangs: I am Fangs.

Gary: And I'm Gary.

Duckling: Quack quack quack quack.

Charles: He's Duckling. He's was adopted by Lana.

Ann: Pleasure to meet you. Mr. Grouse doesn't really like pets in his house does he?

Cliff: If you like. Maybe you can come live with us.

Ann: Where do you pets live?

Charles: In the Loud House.

Ann: I'm from Tall Timbers Park.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary and Duckling now along with Ann headed back to the Loud House in the backyard. As they head inside the Loud Pets Clubhouse by going inside.]

Cliff: And this is the Loud Pets Clubhouse. We made it together. Just the twelve of us pets along with Sergio and his bird friends.

Bitey: This is where we use the coolest stuff we use to have. From our past lives.

El Diablo: I've been collecting these many gems for their stuff from other houses while having a yard sale.

Fangs: I've collect mortal souls from the grave.

Hops: I catch flies with my tongue.

Duncan: And I've got the cake. To welcome any animal to the clubhouse.

Ann: Cake! Mmm. You know this will go great if I had some... delicious coconut milk.

Charles: Alright. But if we want to keep you, You have got to stay hidden without any humans seeing you. Except for Lola. You always see Lola when you bond with her.

Ann: I... Antoinette shall promise not to be seen around humans while you get coconut milk for me to drink up.

Geo: Good.

Walt: We need some pet to watch you.

Cliff: I think I know just the two cats for the job. (Takes out Lincoln's Walkie Talkie and talks to Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti) Come in, Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti. We have a female skunk for you two to watch over.

Cleopawtra: We read you loud and clear, Cliff. Nepurrtiti and I are coming over to watch over this skunk friend of yours.

Nepurrtiti: We'll be right over.

Charles: Alright. Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Duckling, Bitey, Fangs and Gary, you stay here and watch over Ann. Cliff, Geo, Walt and I will find coconut milk for her to drink.

Duckling: Quack quack.

Bitey, Izzy and El Diablo: Aye!

Gary: We're gonna keep an eye on Ann. You can count on us other pets.

Charles: Let's roll. (He, Cliff, Geo and Walt went back inside the Loud House while going to the kitchen to find coconut milk for Ann)

Walt: How are we going to find coconut milk for Ann?

Geo: Perhaps in the fridge.

Charles: Okay, pets. Statue formation.

[Geo, Charles and Cliff get on top of each other and Walt flies up to open the fridge. Cliff eyes on the coconut and meows with admiration and hearts over his head. Then he reaches for the coconut milk with his paws.]

Cliff: Got it.

Charles: Time to get this coconut milk to Ann.

Geo: Back to the Loud Pet clubhouse with the coconut milk in paw. (He rolls his exercise ball with Charles and Cliff on board while Walt follows them as we cut back to the Loud Pet Clubhouse as Cliff gives Ann the fresh coconut milk from the fridge)

Cliff: Here you go.

Ann: Mmm... Coconut milk. (Opens the bottle of coconut milk and drinks it whole)

Izzy: Do skunks always drink like this?

Cleopawtra: Of course they do. We've seen skunks do all kinds of stuff in our animal social studies book. (Takes out a animal social studies book and opens it finding a page about skunks at the letter "S")

Nepurrtiti: Says here that skunks are very wild and live in the woods and they spray bad stink all over with their tails and butts whenever they get scared. They dislike loud noises and stressed out when they spray. They like beauty and coconut milk. They can even carry pink perfume so they can smell very good and very nice.

Ann: I like beauty! I like pink perfumes too!

Bitey: No way. Skunks like you like beauty and dislike being scared and spray bad stink all over?

Hops: Wow. It's like your a mini-version of Lola Loud.

Ann: I am. That's when Lola and I first bonded.

[Suddenly from offscreen, Vanzilla arrived back at the Loud House.]

Charles: Sounds like Lynn Sr. is back from dropping off his wife and kids.

Ann: Can I come with you to your Loud House?

Cliff: Alright. But keep a low profile. Don't want to get in trouble spraying the bad stink now would ya?

Ann: Thanks.

[And Ann, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Duckling went out of the Pet Clubhouse and back inside the Loud House as they head into the living room as the scene fades to black.]

[Fade back to Ann, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Duckling inside the Loud House while in the living room.]

Charles: So this is the TV. Where we can watch our favorite shows.

Cliff: And this is the kitchen.

Geo: That's the dining room.

Walt: And up here is the hallway. Where there are many bedrooms.

[Ann, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Duckling headed upstairs too look around.]

Duncan: So... this is Lori and Leni's room. This is where Lori talks to his boyfriend Bobby. And this is where Leni is choosing what to wear for her dress.

Ann: I never know Leni was in fashion. I love fashion.

Gary: This is Luna and Luan's room. Luna loves to rock and roll. Luan loves to tell jokes and comedy all the time. 'Cause I'm her assistant.

Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti: (Sighs) Luna!

Charles: I forgot to tell you, Ann. Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti have a crush on Luna. Don't mention it.

Ann: I wonder how they got it from.

Fangs: And this is Lynn and Lucy's room. Lynn here is a fan of sports. Her favorite sports are; Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey and Soccer. And Lucy my owner has her way of things all spooky in the cemetery.

Ann: Sounds scary. I'd never want to go in there.

El Diablo: And over here that's Lola and Lana's room.

Izzy: So... Lola is a fan of being a world's famous fashion model and passion.

Bitey: And there is where our owner Lana first adopted us.

Duncan: She also likes mud and mechanics.

Ann: Ahh... this brings back memories when I first met Lola and Lana.

Hops: That's Lisa and Lily's room. Lisa is a master of science and social studies and inventions. As for Lily... well let's say she's the toddler.

Ann: Science experiments. Wow! Are those chemicals? (Reaches for the chemicals)

Geo: Don't touch those. They're very dangerous. And no pet. Not even I could drink that much chemicals. Besides, one drink of that stuff and it will turn us all into monsters.

Ann: Whew. Thanks for reminding me.

Bitey: I don't like getting experimented on... I have nightmares thinking about it.

Duckling: Quack.

Charles: And this is Lincoln's room.

Cliff: You see... Lincoln is the man with a plan. We even took his advice.

Walt: I even watched him like a hawk.

Geo: So what do you think, Ann?

Ann: I think... I'm going to live in here with all of you pets!

Charles: That's the spirit, Ann.

Lynn Sr.: (offscreen) Pets! Come and get your pet treats.

Charles: That's Lynn Sr. calling. Let's go get treats!

[Ann, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Duckling headed back down the stairs and to the kitchen to get treats from Lynn Sr. as he feeds it to them.]

Ann: Mmm.

Ann, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Duckling: (Make such happy pet noises)

Lynn Sr: I'm glad you pets see it my way. Gotta take care of my furry little babies. (laughs as Ann, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Duckling walk off all the way toward the living room to watch some television. Then Lynn Sr. stopped laughing and saw Ann.) Wait a second is that a skunk?

[Cut to the living room as Ann, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Duckling are now watching some television.]

Cleopawtra: Things go really great when we pets come together.

Nepurrtiti: Perhaps we should come up with the combine name just like Clincoln McCloud.

Duckling: Quack quack.

Ann: Oh that's right. Now what are we going to combine the name to be?

Gary: Well we're Loud Pets.

El Diablo: And these two cats are McBrides.

Charles: So how about we pets name ourselves... Clincoln McCloud 2!

[The pets and Ann are not amused to that name to what Charles said.]

Charles: Uhh... how about... "Loud McBride Pets!?"

Cleopawtra: Loud McBride Pets? I... like it!

Nepurrtiti: Like it. We love it!

Ann, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Duckling: (Cheers by making such happy pet noises)

[Then the school bus returned with Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily getting off and returned to the Loud House and saw Ann, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Duckling watching television.]

Lola: Is that Antoinette?

Ann: Lola! (Runs to Lola and Hugs her and Lola hugs her back)

Lynn: Okay why is there a skunk in our house?

Lucy: And more importantly why is Lola hugging it?

Lisa: It seems to be Lola bonded with the female skunk just like when Lana bond with her other pets.

Lincoln: Wait. You're saying that this skunk is a member of our family?

Lana: Of course not, Ding-Dong. I am an expert on skunks.

Leni: OM Gosh guys! The pets are watching our favorite television show. The Dream Boat!

Lily: (Giggles)

Luan: How very lovely. What a complete couple the pets are getting along. (laughs) get it?

Luna: What do you say we join the pets, dudes?

Lori: I was literally going to say that. Except for the "dudes" part.

[The Louds attend to watch the Dream Boat along with the Loud Pets, Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti.]

Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti: L-L-L-Luna?! Meow! (Purrs and hugs Luna)

Luna: Aww... how cute. Looks like Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti are hugging me cause they like me.

Lincoln: And now I know where these two cats got it from. My best friend Clyde whenever he sees Lori.

Lola: Shall we... Antoinette?

Ann: Yes. Let's shall, Lola. (She and Lola joins the other louds and their pets as we end the episode by blinking to black.)

Episode 4

Episode Title: "No Pets, No Glory"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[The episode begins in the Loud House as the Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling are in the living room.]

Charles: (Sighs) Friday nights. The most important night of the day. We get to party in the Loud Pets Clubhouse. By welcoming Ann the Skunk an honorary member of the Louds Family.

Ann: (Hugs Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt) You guys are the best pets I have ever met. Especially Lana's pets.

Bitey: Aww, thanks. We learn from the best.

[The Loud Kids; Lincoln, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily arrived doing their annoying things in the Loud House even Lori is taking to Bobby on her cellphone. At their angle, the kids' faces are completely cut off. (except for Lily's)]

Lori: Ohhh... Bobby. You say the most amazing things.

Cliff: Oh no. We forgot that Friday is the day to go nuts inside the Loud House.

Walt: We're good pets. There's no way we should let somebody in charge.

Rita: (offscreen as her face is cut off) Okay, kids. Remember Lori is in charge. So you better listen to her. Lynn and I will be back home soon. Love you. (She left along with Lynn Sr. as they went inside Vanzilla by driving off somewhere)

Geo: Is she serious?

Lori: (Then blows her whistle) Alright, fall in, Louds. (The kids do what Lori tells them) You too, pets. (The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling do so as they all get in line) Mom and Dad left me in charge again. That means you have to do what I say. And what you do what I say goes.

Lincoln: What's this about now?

Lori: The rules are simple. And you'll have to follow the exact one. Even if you pets are all fury and cute, you follow my orders too. And the rules are... No video games, No science experiments, No loud noise music, No comedy relief, No playing sports in the house, No ghost summoning, No tea parties, No mud in the house, And... No bringing animals in the house. Have I made myself absolutely clear?

Leni: I like totally get you, Lori. We understand.

Lincoln: Seriously? No video games again?

Luna: Bogus.

Lynn: No fair.

Lucy: I can live without summoning the undead.

Lisa: Forgive me science. Lori has got the point. She's in charge.

Lana: Dang it.

Lily: (Blows raspberry)

Ann: No animals?

Duncan: How come Lori's in charge anyway?

Bitey: Because... She's the oldest.

Duckling: Quack.

Lori: I heard that.

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling: Sorry.

Lori: Now back to your rooms, and the most important rule of all; No destroying the house!

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling headed outside all the way toward the Loud Pet Clubhouse to think of a plan.]

Charles: I've called this here meeting that the only problem we have here is... The oldest human in the family is in charge of the Loud House telling kids and pets what to do. How's about we pets be in charge instead of the humans?

Izzy: How, Charles? The humans are unstoppable.

El Diablo: The oldest human said no destroying the house.

Charles: True. Only one oldest human stopping us.

Gary: Who's that?

Charles: Lori. She gets to do whatever she wants whenever she's in charge. Behold... (He puts on the slide projector showing a picture of a Hydrant. Charles hides it) Heh heh. Excuse me. (Changes the picture from the slide projector as we see the picture of Lori Loud. The pets throws empty food cans, bones and pet toys at the picture of Lori) Yes, my friends. Lori is a no good human leader. And that is our target. So what do you say we get rid of her and let us pets be in charge for a change.

All the pets: (Agreed to Charles' idea)

Charles: Alright. Paws and wings in everyone.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling put their paws wings and a ball in as they team up to get rid of Lori. Cut to the scene as the Loud Pets are back inside the Loud House as Cliff whistles to get Lori's attention. Lori came to the pets by walking out of the room.]

Lori: What do you want pets?

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling: (Stares at Lori angrily)

Lori: What are you pets looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong?

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling: Get her!!! (Attacks Lori and ties her up with a rope and into a chair)

Lori: What is the meaning of this!?! Untie me this instant!

Cliff: We heard exactly what you said about being in charge.

El Diablo: So... (hisses) We're getting rid of you.

Fangs: And putting us pets on top.

Geo: That means we're gonna be in charge of the Loud House.

Walt: Just us pets. Not humans.

Lori: You pets? In charge? Don't make me laugh. (Laughs)

Charles: (Took Lori's whistle from around her neck and blows it) We're in charge of the Loud House now. I'd say... Let their be animals everywhere.

Lori: Ha. Good luck. You won't be able to last being in charge. (Laughs insanely)

Cliff: (Closes the door leaving Lori inside her room all tied up to a rope while on the chair) Now to call in the animals. (Takes out Lincoln's walkie talkie and speaks to Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti) Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti.

Cleopawtra: Cleopawtra here.

Nepurrtiti: And Nepurrtiti. What are your orders?

Cliff: Call in all the animals of the Royal Woods. We're having a party.

Cleopawtra: Roger that, Cliff. Calling all animals. Headed to your location now.

[And just like that, Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti calls in all the animals from Royal Woods; Ajax the dalmatian dog, Bitey's prospective girlfriend, Brown rabbit, Cinnamon the mutant rat, Crikey the kangaroo, Fangs' friends, Hog, Horse, Kenny the Dolphin, The Kitty, Crow, Mr. Squirrel, Nacho the Raccoon, Pam's dog, Kenny's twin Dolphin Porpoise, Rocket the Bobcat, Roy the Bull, Raccoons, Sir the Skunk, The Bear, Trio of Dogs, Ursula the cow, Victorie, Watterson, White Rabbits, Dove, The Eagle, Family of Ducks, Miss Humming Bird, Petey the co*ckatoo, Ricky the Rooster, Walt's girlfriend, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Dowl, and the Wolverines as they all head into the Loud House to party headed to where Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling's location are.]

Charles: Who's ready to party!?!

All the animals: (Make such animals noises exactly)

Walt: (Turns on the music from Luna's radio) Let's party!!

[And Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling and their animal friends; Ajax the dalmatian dog, Bitey's prospective girlfriend, Brown rabbit, Cinnamon the mutant rat, Crikey the kangaroo, Fangs' friends, Hog, Horse, Kenny the Dolphin, The Kitty, Crow, Mr. Squirrel, Nacho the Raccoon, Pam's dog, Kenny's twin Dolphin Porpoise, Rocket the Bobcat, Roy the Bull, Raccoons, Sir the Skunk, The Bear, Trio of Dogs, Ursula the cow, Victorie, Watterson, White Rabbits, Dove, The Eagle, Family of Ducks, Miss Humming Bird, Petey the co*ckatoo, Ricky the Rooster, Walt's girlfriend, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Dowl, and the Wolverines started to dance like party animals. Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti came in the Loud House and started dancing along with the animals too.]

Geo: Woohoo!! Now this is a party!!

[From next door, Mr. Grouse can barely hear himself think and saw the animals partying at the Loud House.]

Mr. Grouse: Hey, Louds! Could you keep it down! I can barely hear myself think with all this racket!

[Lincoln, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily saw there's a party going on down there and gasps]

Lucy: Gasp.

[Fade to black.]

[Fade back to where Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann, Duckling, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and their animal friends; Ajax the dalmatian dog, Bitey's prospective girlfriend, Brown rabbit, Cinnamon the mutant rat, Crikey the kangaroo, Fangs' friends, Hog, Horse, Kenny the Dolphin, The Kitty, Crow, Mr. Squirrel, Nacho the Raccoon, Pam's dog, Kenny's twin Dolphin Porpoise, Rocket the Bobcat, Roy the Bull, Raccoons, Sir the Skunk, The Bear, Trio of Dogs, Ursula the cow, Victorie, Watterson, White Rabbits, Dove, The Eagle, Family of Ducks, Miss Humming Bird, Petey the co*ckatoo, Ricky the Rooster, Walt's girlfriend, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Dowl, and the Wolverines are partying right inside the loud house and Lincoln, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily are shocked to see this.]

Leni: What is going on down there!?!

Luna: Looks like there music is jamming!

Luan: It's really loud in here isn't it?

Lynn: I know it's loud in the loud house but not this loud filled with animals!

Lana: Mom and Dad are gonna be home real soon. We won't want them to go through this do you?

Lola: We need Lori.

Lincoln: Lori. That's it. Lola, you are a genius. But where is Lori?

Lisa: It appears that the elderly sibling is tied up somewhere in her room on the chair.

Lincoln: Got it. (Went inside Lori and Leni's room and saw Lori tied up and on the chair)

[We cut back to the party animals as Sergio flies in.]

Sergio: Hey a party. Why wasn't I invited? Oh wait. I guess I am. (Squawks as he joins in by dancing with the party animals)

Charles: Hey, Sergio. Glad you could make it.

Sergio: Thanks. I invited myself.

Walt's girlfriend: (quacks) Cool party, Walt. I could dance all day.

Walt: Gee thanks. Me too.

Cliff: This party's gotta great beat.

Cleopawtra: We're cruising with the cats.

Nepurrtiti: No wonder humans don't want animals in here.

Rocket the Bobcat: Gotta any tuna in the fridge?

[Cut to Lincoln who went into Lori and Leni's room and saw Lori tied to a rope and on her chair.]

Lincoln: Lori? What happened?

Lori: It's our pets. Somehow they invited animals in our house which I told them not too.

Lincoln: That make sense. (Unties the rope setting Lori free) We need you to be in charge of the whole house. The Loud Pets are partying along with the other animals.

Lori: We'll just see about that.

[The Loud kids; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily went all the way down the stairs and saw all the animals still dancing and having a party.]

Lori: My whistle. (Picks up the whistle up from the floor and blows into it as the music stops)

Sergio: The humans are back.

Charles: Alright guys. Party's over. Everyone go back to your national habitats!

[Sergio, Ajax the dalmatian dog, Bitey's prospective girlfriend, Brown rabbit, Cinnamon the mutant rat, Crikey the kangaroo, Fangs' friends, Hog, Horse, Kenny the Dolphin, The Kitty, Crow, Mr. Squirrel, Nacho the Raccoon, Pam's dog, Kenny's twin Dolphin Porpoise, Rocket the Bobcat, Roy the Bull, Raccoons, Sir the Skunk, The Bear, Trio of Dogs, Ursula the cow, Victorie, Watterson, White Rabbits, Dove, The Eagle, Family of Ducks, Miss Humming Bird, Petey the co*ckatoo, Ricky the Rooster, Walt's girlfriend, Willy, Larry, Squirt, Dowl, and the Wolverines go back to their national habitats.]

Cliff: Why do humans always have to ruin the fun?

Geo: It was the best party we ever had.

Walt: That dance party was just getting started.

Ann: Eww. What a mess.

Lori: Let's get this place cleaned up. You got to help too pets. Since you caused all this mess.

Charles: Yeah. We're really sorry we didn't listen to your advice. But we're gonna make it up to you now.

[And Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling helps clean up the mess along with the Loud Kids; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily.]


[We see the house all cleaned up and spotless.]

Duncan: Whew. Cleaning is a lot of work.

Bitey: You said it.

Duckling: Quack quack.

Geo: Guys, from now on let's listen to Lori's advice while she's in charge of the house.

Walt: And no more inviting all the animals except for Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti.

Charles: These two cats are our friends.

Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti: Awww. (Hugs Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt)

Ann: And that's the truth.

[The Loud Kids; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa, Lily sat down on the couch while the Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling along with Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti all sat on the floor beside the Loud Kids when Rita and Lynn Sr. came back home.]

Rita: Aw... Would you look at that? Our kids are finally getting along with the pets.

Lynn Sr.: And not a speck of smudge around the house anywhere.

Rita: You kids did so well keeping the house clean.

Lincoln: Thanks, Mom.

Lori: I'd probably took care of everything with my whistle.

Rita: That's great, honey.

[Rita and Lynn Sr. went into their bedroom when Lynn Sr. was shocked to see golf clubs ruined.]

Lynn Sr.: (Screams) Who'd ruined my golf clubs!?!?!

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Fangs, Gary, Ann and Duckling are shocked as they looked at each other as we end the episode by blinking to black.]

Episode 5

Episode Title: "The Pets' Sweet Spot"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[Night time in the Loud house, Lincoln is getting ready and is packing up for tomorrow's road trip.]

[Meanwhile down the stairs, The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling are packing their things for the trip too.]

Charles: [To the viewers] Ah, road trips. That beloved tradition of families everywhere. Tomorrow, the Loud family is going on a trip of our own. Sounds fun, right? Not with thirteen of us packed into the family wagon. Or as we affectionately call it: 'Vanzilla'.

Cliff: [To the viewers] Every seat in Vanzilla offers one kind of torture or another. [pulls up his mattress to reveal the above view of the van; circles the third seat from the front row] Last night, the Loud Kids was fighting to see who will get the sweet spot first.

Geo: [To the viewers] We tell you in the flashback and it did not go very well.

[Flashback to the episode "The Sweet Spot" as The girls all glare at Lincoln, demanding him to hand over the Sweet Spot.]

Lola: "Get him!"

[Lincoln ducks down, rolls up the window, and locks the door, before they can attack and thinks he's safe. His sisters angrily yell at him, as he stares at them and laughs in triumph, but to Lincoln's shock, Luan opens a door and is peeved.]

Lincoln: [laments] "Dang it. I forgot about the broken lock."

[Luan pounces and tackles Lincoln and he tries to get out, but she pulls him back. Luna tackles him as well, followed by everyone else joining in.]

Lincoln: "Let go of me!"

[They all start fighting over the Sweet Spot at an intense level that causes everyone in the neighborhood to wake up over the commotion. The doors then close. A light goes on from upstairs; Rita is there.]

Rita: [from Lori and Leni's room] "THAT IS ENOUGH!"

[The kids stop fighting and look up to Rita.]

Rita: "Everyone, BACK to their rooms this minute! I don't want to see ANYONE in that car until 7:00 AM!" [rolls window down and turns off light; the girls exit Vanzilla back into the house.]

Lori: "Good luck getting the Sweet Spot now."

[The girls laugh at him and Lincoln growls at the situation in anger and punches the car only to wince in pain from it. He covers his mouth to silence himself then runs back in his room. Then we flash forward to the Loud Pets.]

Walt: [To the viewers] Even their parents are upset that their road trip is cancelled all because of the Loud Kids especially Lori started fighting over to get the sweet spot first.

[Flashback to the episode "The Sweet Spot" again as Lincoln and his sisters all rush for the door to get to the Sweet Spot first; the others shove Lincoln and Luna off the stairs and burst out the door; Luan gets knocked into the yard from behind by Lana; Lori opens the door, but Lynn pulls her back; Lincoln dives in, but Luan pounces him; Leni attacks them and Lisa gets on the roof of the car and wails like a maniac; Lana beans her with beets and Lola tackles her; the fight gets so out of hand and brutal that the onslaught wrecks Vanzilla down to scraps, as the dust bubble expanded.]

Lynn Sr.: "ENOUGH!!!"

[Vanzilla is completely destroyed and the fight is over; all the children freeze in their positions.]

Lynn Sr.: [weeping] "That was my first car! And my dad's first car! And his dad's first car!" [continues to sob]


Kids (except Lily): [Groaning in ascending tone of voice] "Awww!"

[Then we flash forward to the Loud Pets again.]

Charles: [To the viewers] "But no more. The Loud Pets - That's us... are getting that sweet spot before the humans get to it. And that sweet spot is... [Circles the front seat] The front seat. We're getting that front seat and there's nothing no humans are going to do to stop us pets or tell us what to do."

Cliff: [To the viewers] "And once we get our front seats, Lincoln will have the sweet spot in no time."

Geo: [To the viewers] "We can't ask any human who was a family member of the Loud House."

Walt: [To the viewers] "Those humans cannot be trusted."

Hops: Uh... when you say humans you mean... Lincoln's sisters. Correct?

Charles: That is correct, Hops.

Ann: But we pets all trust each other. Nothing can change that.

Duncan: Let's get that sweet spot inside Vanzilla. Before the humans notices we're not there.

Fangs: I can feel the sweet spot right now near the front seat.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling took their things as they walked outside headed toward Vanzilla.]

Gary: While these humans are asleep, we must save the sweet spot for Lincoln to enjoy. Got any name tags?

Duckling: (Took out the name tags) Quack, quack.

Charles: Yes. That'll do, Duckling. (Takes the name tags and put on each seat except for the second seat in a second row for Lincoln)

Bitey: Those girls don't know what's coming to them.

El Diablo: Even if it means helping out on one human boy.

Izzy: I love the sweet spot in the front seat we're in.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling all yawned as they all fall asleep in their front seat. While Lincoln goes out the house and into the car. Then Lincoln sees the name tags and saw his name on the sweet spot in the second row.]

Lincoln: Sweet.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling woke up. They saw Lincoln who got the sweet spot in the second row of the seat.]

Charles: Hey, Lincoln. We saved you a sweet spot. Just for you to sit on. Also known as. The second row.

Lincoln: Gee, thanks! Wait... Charles, you can talk?

Cliff: He's not the only one.

Geo: We can speak human. Just like you.

Walt: You're the only human boy we can trust you with. But not your sisters.

Charles: We hid name tags all over Vanzilla just for your sisters.

Lincoln: Oh...?

Cliff: And I got your walkie talkie. (Speaks into the walkie talkie) Come in, Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti can you read me?

Clyde: I read you loud and clear... Wait a minute who is this?

Cliff: Uh... Meow?

Lincoln: Yo Cliff, give me that! (Takes the Walkie Talkie out of Cliff's paws then speaks into it) Come in, Nose Bleeder. This is Road Tripper.

Clyde: Sorry, Road Tripper. I have to keep the line clear for my friend Lincoln.

Lincoln: This is Lincoln.

Clyde: Oh. Hi, Lincoln!

Lincoln: Operation Sweet Spot is a success. I've secured the seat.

Clyde: Great job. [pause] So, who did you get to sit next to you?

Charles: I am. (Sits next to Lincoln) I always sit next to Lincoln.

Cliff: I'll sit next to Charles. (Does so)

Geo: And I'll sit next to you, Charles and Cliff. (Does so)

Walt: And I'll sit on Lincoln's head. (Does so)

Lincoln: Clyde, there's something I wanted to tell you. Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt can talk like humans.

Clyde: No way! How were they talking?

Lincoln: I guess they can speak my language sort of speak.

[Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling then joins Lincoln, Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt.]

Charles: I'm sorry, you guys had to see that.

Cliff: Having Lincoln by our side could totally wreck our sweet spot.

Duncan: Hey, that means with Lincoln by our side, we can actually have a strategy of our own.

Fangs: I thought all humans cannot be trusted. Why is he with us?

Ann: 'Cause he's the man with a plan. We had to pick him. He's the key to our pet success.

Lincoln: You know I can hear you, pets.

Bitey: You understand our own words, Lincoln.

Izzy: How gratefully thoughtful of you to notice.

El Diablo: I like you. You crazy.

Hops: So... which sister are you going to sit next too?

Lincoln: Okay, it definitely can't be Luan. And it can't be Lola. And it can't be Lynn. And it can't be Luna. And it can't be Lucy. And it can't be Lily. And it especially cannot be Lori. Hmm... I got it! Lisa. She's the smart one.

Geo: Lisa? Why sit next to her?

Lincoln: Always experience with science. Never argue with science.

Charles: Then let's call her. (Presses the button on the walkie talkie and calls Lisa as Lincoln speaks into it)

Lincoln: Ahem. Hello, Lisa?

Lisa: (Speaks through the walkie talkie) Yes, I can barely hear you, brother. How were you up so early at night?

Lincoln: Oh, good. You're awake. I have a big favor to ask. Listen. Will you sit next to me in the car tomorrow?

Lisa: Uh, sure. Science will prevail. Hey. If this is another trick of you getting the sweet spot, I will destroy you.

Lincoln: No trick this time. The Loud Pets are with me. Say hi, guys.

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling: (Make such pet noises by saying hi to Lisa)

Lisa: I'll be right there. And our pets too. (Walks out of her room as she goes outside and toward Vanzilla.)

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling: (Yawns as they fall asleep again)

[Fade to black.]

[Fade back to the Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling along with Lincoln as Lisa comes inside Vanzilla.]

Lincoln: You finally made it.

Lisa: As expected, dear brother. It appears that your head is inside your brain thus that you can understand animal critters.

Lincoln: I know. It's like I can understand their language.

Lisa: Animals that can understand human language. Fascinating.

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling: (Woke up and make such pet noises)

Lisa: It seems that no pet can understand my experience of science.

Lincoln: No Loud sister but me can understand pet. That would explain when you approach them.

Lisa: By the way, who's going to sit behind you, Lincoln?

Lincoln: Oh no. I forgot. Now let's see.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling answers Lincoln's question but Lisa interrupts.]

Lisa: Now pets, before you answer that question, might I suggest that Lincoln should think about what sibling should sit behind him.

Lincoln: Well, let's see here. Definitely not Lana. Definitely not Lori. She spends the whole ride texting with Bobby. Which means...

Lisa: Lori gets carsick. I know. I heard all about it through my eardrum.

Lincoln: Who can sit behind me? I got it! Leni!

Lisa: Then allow me to call her for you. (Takes Lincoln's walkie talkie and speaks through to Leni) Lisa Loud to Leni Loud, come in. Please respond.

Leni: (Speaks through to Lisa with her walkie talkie) Yes. What is it? Is it early in the morning?

Lisa: We need you to sit behind Lincoln and our pets are already here along with him and me.

Leni: This isn't another trick to see who will get to the sweet spot first is it?

Lisa: Negatory. No trick can ever come between us.

Leni: Then I'll be right down. (She sneaked out of her room, went down the stairs and went outside toward Vanzilla)

Duckling: Quack, quack.

Geo: Lisa?

Lisa: Gah! Geo, did you say my name?

Geo: Yes I did. I'm not quite getting into that what you just said.

Ann: What if something bad happened?

Lisa: You must've understood my human species. Street name; you're talking.

Walt: We are talking. Are you going to get rid of our human boy Lincoln, sister?

Lisa: Why would I do that? I love my dear brother. I always get through to him using my genius.

Leni: [knocks on Vanzilla door] Lincoln, Lisa. May I come in?

Lincoln: Sure.

Lisa: Affirmative.

[Leni comes in Vanzilla as she sit behind Lincoln.]

Cliff: Welcome aboard, Leni. You just set foot on the S.S. The Pets' Sweet Spot.

Leni: O-M-Gosh! Cliff is talking!

Charles: Cliff's not the only one. We can too. We're the Loud Pets.

Lincoln: Okay. We need to keep this a secret from our parents. No adult can understand pets and animals except us kids.

Lisa: I most certainly agree.

Leni: Totally.

[There was a knock on Vanzilla door.]

Lynn: Hey, Lincoln.

[It was Lynn along with Lori, Luna, Luan, Lucy, Lola, Lana and Lily.]

Lincoln: Yes. What is it?

Lucy: Why are those name tags on every seat we sit on? And what is the Pet's Sweet Spot?

Fangs: They're onto us.

Lola: [Annoyed] What are you up to, Lincoln?

Lincoln: Me? I'm not up to anything. Ask our pets.

Charles: You humans can't find out we plan all this just to get our boy Lincoln to his sweet spot.

Lori: [livid] "Oh yeah? Then what's... THIS?!"

[They slap the mattress with Cliff's seating chart onto his window, having found out about the Loud Pets' operation.]

Cliff: [infuriated] That's suppose to be a secret.

Lori: That's not the hot issue right now!

Lana: What's The Pets' Sweet Spot? And why are MY PETS in it?

Hops: Oops.

El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy and Bitey: Uh-oh.

Luan: "Uh-oh" is right.

Lincoln: Oh, it's,'s the worst seat in the whole car! I put myself in it so none of you would have to suffer.

Leni: Now don't start that again, girls!

Lisa: [calculating on the trunk door] According to my calculations, the Sweet Spot is actually the best seat in the car for various reasons including air circulation, proximity to parental units, and the lack of chewable adhesive on the cushion.

Walt: That's a lot of cushions.

Geo: Nothing to chew on.

Cliff: We work too hard on getting the pets' sweet spot.

Lincoln: [outraged] "It took me eight months to figure that out!" [He facepalms in frustration, as his sisters glare angrily at him.]

Lisa: Shocker.

Lori: "Well, if that's the best seat, then I should get it. [looks down at her siblings] I'm the oldest."

Luna: "You'd just barf all over it, dude! I should have it!"

Lola: "Beauty before age!"

Lana: [retorts] "Yeah! So I should get it!"

Luna: "That seat belongs to me!"

Leni: "No! I want it!"

Lincoln: You can yell all you want, but I'm already in the seat, and possession is nine tenths of the law.

Charles: Tell them, Lincoln!

Lynn: [threatening] "You're gonna possess a bruise in a minute!"

[The girls all glare at Lincoln, demanding him to hand over the Sweet Spot.]

Lola: "Get him!"

[Lincoln ducks down, rolls up the window, and locks the door, before they can attack and thinks he's safe. His sisters angrily yell at him, as he stares at them and laughs in triumph, but to Lincoln's shock, Luan opens a door and is peeved.]

Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt: [laments] "Dang it. We forgot about the broken lock."

Lincoln: Hey! That is my line!

[Luan pounces and tackles Lincoln and he tries to get out, but she pulls him back. Luna tackles him, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling as well, followed by everyone else joining in.]

Lincoln: "Let go of me!"

[They all start fighting over the Sweet Spot at an intense level that causes everyone in the neighborhood to wake up over the commotion. The doors then close. A light goes on from upstairs; Rita is there.]

Ann: [Enraged] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! [Starts spraying the stink all over the inside Vanzilla out of her butt thus ruining and breaking Vanzilla again.]

Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa, Lily, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling: [Got covered in skunk spray and runs around screaming loudly]

Lynn Sr.: "ENOUGH!!!" [he and Rita came into the scene and saw Vanzilla destroyed]

[Vanzilla is completely destroyed and the fight is over; all the children and pets freeze in their positions.]

Lynn Sr.: [weeping] "That was my first car! And my dad's first car! And his dad's first car!" [continues to sob]


All (except Lily): [Groaning in ascending tone of voice] Awww!

[A defeated Lincoln walks back in his room and furiously puts his duffle bag on his dresser.]

[A stinky defeated Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling unpacked all of their things very sadly.]

Charles: [To the viewers] We're sorry you had to see that.

Cliff: [To the viewers] Well, Operation: The Pets' Sweet Spot went sour.

Geo: [To the viewers] I guess I should have known that in a family this big, you just can't control every little thing.

Walt: [To the viewers] I can't believe Rita and Lynn Sr. are very mad at us for what we pets did.

Ann: Guys. I'm so sorry I'd sprayed you. And Vanzilla. I got all enraged just like Lola.

Charles: It's alright, Ann. Even Loud Pets make mistakes.

Gary: Hey, guys. Who wants a tomato bath to get all this skunk smell off?

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, El Diablo, Duncan, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Fangs, Ann and Duckling: (Excited) Yeah. (They all went into the bathroom to take a bath filled with tomato sauce and got in)

Lincoln: [offscreen] Pets? What about me? Do I get a tomato bath too?

[We end the episode by blinking to black.]

Episode 6

Episode Title: "Project Loud Pets"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[It is an early weekday morning at the Loud House, and The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Bitey, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Gary, Fangs, Ann and the Duckling putting the finishing touches on something.]

Charles: [to the viewers] Ever wonder what it's like to grow up in a big family? Well, so does Lincoln's teacher. Our class assignment is to do a report on our families. With ten sisters, I can sum up mine in one word: "Chaos"!" [Reveals a diorama of Lincoln's daily chaos in a replica of the show's first promotional poster.]

Cliff: [to the viewers] It took 3 weeks, 4 boxes of pasta, 2 tubes of glue, and 27 popsicle sticks, but the centerpiece of our project is finally finished.

Geo: [to the viewers] Pretty accurate representation of the Loud Family, I'd say. But making this thing was the easy part.

Walt: [to the viewers] The real challenge is getting it to the clubhouse on time and in one piece to give our report. Sounds easy, right? Not in our house.

Charles: [to the viewers] If you want to get all ten of your sisters out the door on time, you have to get up pretty early, and you have to have a plan. Which is why we have the man with the plan himself; Lincoln.

[Lincoln comes by on the screen.]

Lincoln: "Thanks, pets. I'll take from here." [To the viewers] "Now you know why my pets gets it from. Me." "Talking to you viewers is my kind of thing too."

[Thudding sounds are heard. A commotion starts to take place and the water from Lincoln's glass starts to shake, indicating only one thing.]

Lincoln: "The ten-headed beast has awoken. Wish me luck. Ah!" [He takes the diorama and steps out the door but quickly busts out an umbrella to avoid a pail of water pouring onto him and his diorama.]

[The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Bitey, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Gary, Fangs, Ann and the Duckling protect Lincoln and the diorama.]

Gary: We'll cover you, Lincoln.

Lincoln: "Not today, Luan."

Luan: "Oh, we'll see about that. Pailure is not an option!" [laughs] "Get it?"

Lincoln: "I'll just take this to the car later. But first..." [Calls] "Luna. A little "Man with the plan" music?"

Luna: [Holding her guitar and tossing her pick.] "You got it, man!" [Starts playing while Luan prepares to strike again.]

[The twins are fighting over a dollar.]

Lola: "It's my dollar!"

Lana: "No, it's mine!"

Lola: "Let go!"

Lana: "No, you let go!"

Lincoln: [To the viewers pointing at the twins.] "Right on cue."

Lola: "You let go!"

Lana: "Stop it!"

[Geo takes the dollar.]

Twins: "Hey!"

Geo: [Takes out the scissors and snips the dollar in half and gives them exact change] You twins get the exact change. Half for Lola and half for Lana.

Twins: "Thanks, Geo!"

Lucy: [right behind her brother] "Good morning, Lincoln."

Lincoln: [startled] "Yah! Good morning, Lucy."

Lucy: "For my new poem, I need a word that rhymes with "choose"."

[Lily starts walking around the room.]

Lincoln: " about "lose"?"

Lucy: "That works." [writes it down]

Ann: "I've got this." [holding Lily's baby clothes] "Time to get dressed, Lily!"

Lynn: [with a football] "Hey, Lincoln! Think fast!" [tosses it]

[Ann tosses Lily in the air and Lincoln catches Lily and Cliff catches the football.]

Lynn: [chuckles] "Nice catch, Cliff."

Cliff: You're not so bad yourself.

Lincoln: "Nice throw, Lynn." [took the football from Cliff and gives it back to Lynn. He catches Lily and starts to dress her.]

Lori: [on her phone with Bobby] "OMG, Bobby. I literally had to call you right away. I am just so excited about the homecoming dance."

[Lincoln notices that Luan has placed another bucket right above Lori and Leni's door and quickly opens his umbrella to save Lori before she gets drenched by a pail of water.]

Lori: "I know, right? You're so sweet!" [giggles]

[Lincoln makes the "I'm watching you" gesture to Luan.]

Luan: [determined] "I'll get the drop on you yet." [laughs] "Get it?"

Lori: [to Lincoln] "What do you want?"

Lincoln: "Lori, could you maybe hang up the phone and get ready for school?"

Lori: "Cool it, twerp. I'm quite capable of doing two things at once."

[Leni comes by with a bubble from her gum and trips.]

Bitey: "Leni, twelve o' clock!"

[Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt catches Leni by wings and paws.]

Leni: "Note to self: never walk and chew gum at the same time."

Lincoln: "Time's running out!" [rushes back to his room.]

Lynn: [with a Soccer ball] "Lincoln! Think fast!" [kicks it]

[Lincoln dives and catches the ball into another room offscreen; Lola and Lana walk out of their room; Lincoln tosses the ball back, heads into his room and picks up his project. And Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Bitey, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Gary, Fangs, Ann and the Duckling keeps on protecting Lincoln's project.]

Lincoln: "Okay, let's get you downstairs."

[Lisa comes out of her room with a steaming flask.]

Lisa: "Scatter! She's gonna blow!"

Lincoln: [U-turns] "Or not." [puts his project back in his room.] "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" [adds an extra chemical to the flask and stops it from exploding.] "Phew. Lisa, you're always forgetting the dinitrotoluene."

Lisa: "Silly me. Much appreciated." [it explodes anyway] "I'M STILL ALIVE!"

Lynn: [dressed as Lunatic Lynn] "AYYYEEE!!! LUCHA LIBRE!" [lunges and screams as she falls down the stairs.] "Todo bien..."

Ann: [sees Lily walking along the hallway behind her.] "Lily! Pants!" [slips baby pants on Lily.]

[Lola and Lana are arguing over who gets to use the bathroom first.]

Lola: "I was here first!"

Lana: "No, I was!"

Lola: "Nuh-uh, I was!"

Lana: "No way! I was!"

Lola: "You always say that!"

Lana: "You do!"

[Duncan, Hops, and El Diablo puts on a pair of roller skates and goes into the bathroom.]

Lola and Lana: "Hey! No cutting!"

[Duncan gives them their toothbrushes and liberally applies toothpaste to them.]

Lola and Lana: "Thanks, Duncan!"

[El Diablo tosses the toothpaste tube back where it belongs and he, Duncan and Hops skates down the hall.]

Leni: "Has anyone seen my zit cream?"

[Lincoln hands it to her.]

Lori: "I literally found the cutest dress to wear!"

[Lincoln looks annoyed at her lack of punctuality.]

Lucy: "A word that rhymes with "stuck"."

Fangs: ""Luck"."

Luan: "How do you stop a rhino from charging?"

Gary: "You take away his credit card!"

[Luan laughs.]

Lincoln: [leaping over Lisa who's writing a mathematical formula on the wall.] "Mom said no solving for X on the walls!" [passes by Lucy who's about to ask him for another rhyme for another word in her poem.] "Same! Blame! Game! Fame!"

Lynn: "Where the heck are my roller skates? I've got field hockey today!"

Lincoln: [takes them off and returns them] "Wait. There's no roller skates in field hockey."

Lynn: "The way I play, there is!" [grabs them and goes to put them on.]

[Lily comes toddling by.]

Lincoln: [grabs her] "Gotcha!" [to the viewers] "Phase one of Operation Get Ready For School and Into the Car on Time is complete. Now comes phase two: breakfast." [Carries Lily down the stairs.]

Luna: [finishes her number] "THANK YOU!!!"

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Bitey, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Gary, Fangs, Ann and the Duckling: Whew.

[Fade to black.]

[Fade back to where Breakfast is being made; an egg falls onto the skillet and it's shown that Lincoln is in charge of cooking today.]

Lincoln: [to the viewers] "Cooking is usually Dad's territory, but I gave him the day off 'cause I have to kick things into high gear." [begins serving certain eggs to certain sisters.] "Egg whites for Leni, sunny-side up for Luna, funny-side up for Luan..."

Luan: "Great yolk!" [laughs]

Lincoln: "...scrambled for Lynn, fried for Lisa, deviled eggs for the twins, and..."

Lori: [still on the phone with Bobby] "Oh, and I picked out the perfect tux for you to wear, Bobby."

Lincoln: [growing more irritated] "...hard boiled for Lori." [serves some runny eggs on Lily's high chair.] "Extra goo goo gooey for Lily." [serving some rather burned eggs to Lucy.] "And for Lucy, extra well done."

Lucy: "If I had a heart, it would be swelling right now."

Lincoln: "And for the pets, a very special pet treat for protecting me and the special project." [Feeds the pets treats to Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Bitey, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Gary, Fangs, Ann and the Duckling.]

Gary: Yum.

Duncan: Thanks for the pet treat, Lincoln.

El Diablo: Yes. (Hisses) Thank you very much.

Hops: Delicious flies.

Bitey: I like cheese.

[Everyone has finished breakfast and is heading for the door.]

Lincoln: "All righty, then, we are dressed and fed, and now we have our backpacks and lunches prepared to dietary needs. We're just waiting on Lori."

[Enter Lori with the keys to the van.]

Lori: "No, not puke, Bobby. Puce. It's-- like a reddish brownish."

Lincoln: [--Groans] "Everyone, wait here while I grab my project!" [He runs up the stairs. The pig, the monkey and the fox run out of his room before he picks it up.] "Time for phase three: getting you out the door and in one piece."

[Geo rolls his hamster ball right under Lincoln's foot, causing him to step on it and slip.]

Lincoln: "Whoa, whoa!" Watch it, Geo.

Geo: Sorry. I can't help myself inside of this clear pet hamster ball. [rolls down the stairs and stops right in front of the door before impact.]

Lincoln: [Follows Geo while Charles, Cliff, Walt, Hops, Bitey, Izzy, El Diablo, Duncan, Gary, Fangs, Ann and the Duckling protect the project.] "Phew. Okay then, we're all ready to go? Time for phase four, out the door!" [to the viewers] "Like I said, if you want to get all your sisters out the door on time, you have to have a plan."

[Right before they can get out the door...]

Lori: [angry at Bobby] "Fine! If you don't wanna wear the tux, then I don't wanna go to the dance! In fact...I DON'T EVEN WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!" [screams in frustration]

Lincoln: "So close..." [puts his project down] "Wait!" [The other sisters chat over each other and are about to walk back to their rooms, but he cuts in front of them and stops them.] "No no no no no. Everyone, stay right where you are." [heads upstairs] "Lori, wait! You're the only one who can drive us!"

Lori: [Angrily] "GET MOM TO DRIVE YOU!" [shuts herself in her room.]

Lincoln: "But she already left!"

Leni: [suddenly with a light green skin pigmentation.] "AAAHH!!! I'M GREEN!!! MY SKIN'S TURNED GREEN!!!"

Lisa: "Technically, it's a shallow shade of cerulean, but why split hairs?"

Lincoln: "Lisa, what did you do?"

Lisa: "I secretly switched Leni's blemish cream for an experimental skin pigmentation ointment I've been working on."

[Leni starts shaking with worry.]

Lincoln: [Shocked] "Why would you do that?!"

[Leni tries to contain herself.]

Lisa: "Because she wouldn't let me try it on her if I had asked."

Lincoln: [Bossily] "You go upstairs right now and get something to fix it!"

Lisa: "Fine. Hairless apes: one, science: zero." [heads upstairs]

Lincoln: [Starting to lose his temper and clenches his fists.] "Can't something go my way for once?"

Charles: Alright, calm down, Lincoln. Let us not forget who's plan this is. The Loud Pets and our project to get to the clubhouse before it get ruined.

Cliff: He's right. Pets have a lot of smarts when you don't pay attention to what you are doing.

Lynn: "You can't always get what you want, bro." [Lincoln flops]

Lucy: [right behind him again] "Lincoln, I've finished my poem. It's called "Failure"."

Lincoln: [too down to be startled by her lurking.] "Lucy, I really don't have time for-"

Lucy: "Failure. [Lincoln flops further] It is not an option, yet it's something you choose.-- The man with the plan is destined to lose."

Fangs: Not if we pets have anything to say about that.

[--Lily comes walking by naked. Lincoln notices and becomes shocked]

Ann: I've got this, Lincoln. (Takes out a clean diaper) Put on your diaper, Lily!

Lily: "I go poo-poo!" [laughs and walks behind the sofa]

[Ann puts a clean diaper on Lily.]

Ann: Phew. Got the clean diaper on Lily. Not so going as planned.

Lucy: [still reading] "Failure. You know there is no one else to blame. For the choices you make are always the same."

Lincoln: [banging on Lori's door in desperation] "Come on, Lori! Please? I have my report this morning!"

Lori: [angrily refuses to come out] "GO... AWAY!"

[Lincoln hears arguing between the twins again.]

Lola: "The peanut butter sandwich is mine!"

Lana: "No, the jelly sandwich is yours!"

Lola: "No!"

[Lincoln groans in frustration.]

Lola: "You like the peanut butter and I like the jelly!"

Lana: "You like peanut butter and I like jelly!"

Lola: "No, I like jelly and you-"

[Bitey takes their sandwiches.]

Lola and Lana: "Hey!"

[Bitey swaps two of the sandwich toppings around. Now both sandwiches have peanut butter and jelly.]

Bitey: [Bossily] "Now, you each have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Now, get to the car." Lincoln's orders!

Lola and Lana: "Thanks, Bitey!" [heads to the car]

Lisa: [with a first aid ointment] "Here's the antidote."

Lincoln: "Thank you!" [suspicious] "Wait a second..." [tests it on Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Ann, El Diablo, Duncan, Gary, Hops, Bitey, Izzy, Fangs and the Duckling who suddenly blows up like blimps and finds out that Lisa was about to trick him.]

Blimp Walt: "Oh no... Not again!"

Lincoln: "The real antidote?"

Lisa: "Fine. Hairless apes: two, science: zero." [hands him the actual antidote and goes to the car.]

Lincoln: [hands it to Leni] "Here."

[Leni sighs with relief and goes to use it.]

Lucy: [still reading] "Failure. It's all your fault, this streak of bad luck. No escape from this cycle in which you are stuck."

Lincoln: "Stop! I've got a poem for you now. It's called "Lucy". Dark as night, hair like tar. Take your spooky self to the car."

Lucy: "Sigh. Once again, your poetic brilliance has put me to shame." [heads to the car]

Lynn: "Think fast!" [comes charging through the hall with her roller skates and crashes into Lincoln, knocking him and stripping him down to his underwear.]

Lincoln: "Ow..."

Lynn: "Where is my field hockey stick? I have roller derby today!"

Lincoln: "There's no field hockey sticks in roller derby!" [spins her around and launches her outside to the van.]

Lynn: "The way I play, there iiiis!" [She rolls and crashes inside Vanzilla. The skates come off and the van door closes.] "Ow!"

Leni: "Finally. I look perfect and beautiful again." [Sees the 13 pets who are huge like blimps inside their bodies.] "Whoa!! Pets!! What happened to you!?!"

Blimp Charles, Blimp Cliff, Blimp Geo, Blimp Walt, Blimp Hops, Blimp Bitey, Blimp Izzy, Blimp El Diablo, Blimp Duncan, Blimp Gary, Blimp Fangs, Blimp Ann and Blimp Duckling: "Please don't ask."

Leni: "Don't tell me. Lisa experimented on you 13 pets."

[Just as she's about to get in, Lincoln shields her with the umbrella from another bucket of water because Luan was at it again, leading him to glare at her angrily.]

Luan: [also fed up at Lincoln] "Oh, come on! I thought we were pails!" [laughs] "Get it? Get it?"

[Leni gets in, while Lincoln starts thinking to himself.]

Lincoln: "How am I gonna deal with Lori?" [gets an idea] "Got it!" [calls her using the family phone.]

Lori: "Hello?"

Lincoln: [deep voice] "Hey, babe. It's your boyfriend, Bobby. I just wanted to say that I'm...I'm sorry and that I will wear any tux you want."

Lori: [gasps and squeals with delight, having fallen for it.] "Oh, Bobby!" [laughs with joy and comes out of her room as Lincoln hangs up and is now in a good mood.] "Would you hurry up, Lincoln? It's always such a hassle getting you out of the door in the morning." [picks Lily up and heads to the car.]

[Lincoln smiles knowing everything's back on track, grabs his project and closes the door; however, he sees Luna is getting some help putting her amps into the van.]

Lincoln: "What's all this?"

Luna: "It's my gear, dude. I have rehearsal."

Lincoln: "And who's that?"

Luna: "This is my roadie, Chunk."

[Chunk tips his hat to Lincoln.]

Lincoln: [Bossily] "No no no. He was not part of the plan. You, out! I'll take care of this."

[Chunk walks away upset.]

Luna: "Thanks, bro!" [gets in the car]

[Lincoln gets Luna's gear into the trunk and heads to the shotgun seat, but the camera pans to his diorama, which is right on the driveway about to be squashed.]

Lincoln: "Operation complete! And with ten minutes to spare! A Loud House first, I might add. Let's roll!"

[As Lori starts up the car, Luan can be heard laughing in the background. Lori changes the setting to Reverse mode, and starts rolling out, but realization hits Lincoln.]

Lincoln: "STOOOOP!"

[Lori stops the car with the tires screeching to a halt. Lincoln rushes out in a panic; thankfully, his project is safe.]

Lincoln: [picks it up] "Phew. That was close." [slips on one of Lynn's skates and trips...] "Argh!" [...falling on his back. The project lets go of his hands as it flies in the air; in slow-motion.] "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

[Too late; his project hits the ground and is broken. He watches the broken pieces fly down to the ground. He falls to his knees and picks up some of the pieces.]

Lincoln: [lamenting] "All of this work for could I be so stupid?! How? How? How?"

[All 13 blimp pets came rolling toward Lincoln and comforted him.]

Blimp Charles: Don't blame yourself, Lincoln. It's not your fault. It's ours. We should've protect our project.

Blimp Cliff: But now look at us. We're all bloated like blimps.

Blimp Geo: For a second I was too small. And now look at me. I'm as bigger than a tall building. I feel like as big as a house now!

Blimp Walt: Tell me about it. I don't wanna be a blimp.

Lori: "If you're done with your pity party, [Camera zooms out, revealing that the Loud sisters are willing to help him.] maybe we could help."

Lynn: "Yeah. 11 heads are better than 1."

Luan: "Try not to lose yours." [laughs]

Luna: "Yeah. Every little thing is gonna be alright."

Lincoln: [hopeful] "Really? You'll help?"

Lola and Lana: "It's what families do."

Lincoln: "But... I'm supposed to give this report in ten minutes and this thing is destroyed. What can you guys do?"

[Although Lincoln has lost all hope, his sisters smile confidently with an idea.]

[Mrs. Johnson's Class; Lincoln is giving his report with 13 blimp pets and 12 sisters.]

Lincoln: "In conclusion, in my family, every day is a challenge. But you can be sure that when I need them, my sisters will always be there for me. All of them."

[It is revealed that his sisters are in his classroom and are all standing perfectly still and replicating his project.]

Lincoln: "And sure, life in the Loud House can be summed up in one word: chaos. But I love that chaos. And I wouldn't trade it for the world."

Mrs. Johnson: [applauding Lincoln's performance] "That was a fantastic report, Lincoln. I'm giving you an A." [gets drenched by a pail of water.] "Aaahh!"

[Lincoln gasps and the bucket falls on her head.]

Mrs. Johnson: "Make that an A-minus."

[Everyone except Luan is speechless to see Mrs. Johnson's expense.]

Luan: [triumphant] "Pailed it!" [laughs]

Blimp Ann: Very funny, Luan. Can we leave now? I feel like a walking balloon!

[All 13 blimp pets laughed.]

Episode 7

Episode Title: "Calling All Farm Animals"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[The episode begins at the Loud House as a boy named Liam Hunnicutt is walking toward the door.]

Liam: [sighs] Okay... just knock on the door, Liam. There's nothing to be afraid of in this house. Simple. (Knocked on the door three times)

[Inside, The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling and Ann walked toward the door and Walt flew in and opened the doorknob with his bird feet.]

Liam: Well, pluck my tail feathers and call me a meerkat. It's the Loud Pets.

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling and Ann: (Making a lot of pet noises)

Liam: Well at least it's not one of the loud sisters. Especially Lola... who'd tried to give me makeovers. Ahem... Greetings, Loud Pets. My name is...

Lincoln: Liam!! (Came to the scene)

Liam: Lincoln!!

(Lincoln and Liam shake their hands)

Lincoln: We're so glad you came over. What do you need?

Liam: I need your help back at the farm. The animals of the farm need some assistance. If your pets are up for it.

Charles: Don't worry, Liam. We will help you at the farm.

Cliff: Does a farm include chickens?

Geo: And maybe even pigs, goats, sheep and cows?

Walt: Even baby little chicks?

Liam: Whoah. My my my... Did they just speak my language?

Lincoln: Ah heh heh heh heh. What are you talking about, Liam. Of course they can't speak like us humans. (To Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt) You guys, you should never speak in front of other humans. Including one of my best friends.

Liam: It's alright, Lincoln. I know what it's like to understand animals. I had a bump on the noggin and I can understand farm animals. It's like we're living in the animal farm.

Ann: Animal farm? We're in!

Charles: Guys, pack your things, we're going to the farm!

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling and Ann cheered by making a lot of pet noises.]

Lincoln: (Takes out his walkie talkie) Clyde, our friend; Liam is inviting our pets to the farm. Let's meet him there so that we can get to work.

Clyde: I'm one step ahead of you, Lincoln. Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti and I are on our way. That is I'm sure my Dads won't mind if we all go together.

Lana: (Came into the scene) Farm? I am so there. Well, let's get going shall we?

[And so, Liam leads Lincoln and Lana and the Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling and Ann all the way to the Royal Woods farm as we cut to that place as it is filled with farm animals run by Mimi Hunnicutt.]

Liam: Loud pets, I like you to meet my family. This here is my Mee-maw; Mimi Hunnicutt. And my pets; Carol Anne and her twins, Clarence turkey, Virginia pig, my many many many many many many chickens so on so on so on, Ellie Mae moose. Bessie cow, Daisy cow, My bull, My finest pigs, My prize piglet, My prize cows, my sheep, Roxanne, and of course Dolly the ghost donkey.

Charles: That's a lot of families.

Liam: And of course... you've already met Larry, Willy and Squirt.

Larry, Willy and Squirt: (Came into the scene) Hi.

Lana: Hey, guys. Long time no see.

Mimi: Aren't you pets the most adorable things I have ever seen?

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling and Ann: (Making a lot of pet noises)

Lincoln: Say, where's Clyde? He said he meet us here in your farm, Liam.

[Clyde, Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti arrived at the farm.]

Clyde: Here we are, Lincoln. Just like we promised.

Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti: Meow!

Liam: Okay so here's the deal helping out on our farm. Mee-maw and I will milk out the goats. Lincoln and Clyde will milk out Bessie and Daisy cow. Lana will feed the pigs along with Larry, Willy and Squirt and of course Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Ann will gather up all the eggs from the chickens at the chicken coop. That's the chore.

Cliff: Collect the eggs from the chickens. Check.

Liam: Let's get farming, y'all.

[We cut to the scene where Lincoln and Clyde are in the Cow territory with Bessie and Daisy Cow.]

Clyde: Whoa. I'd never knew these two cows are this huge.

Lincoln: Okay, according to Liam, we need to milk the cows from their udders by filling it into this here milk bottle.

Clyde: But there's no way we'll be able to milk them all in time, Lincoln.

Bessie Cow: MOO.

Daisy Cow: MOO.

Lincoln: Oh yes we can. All we need is a complete strategy. We have to carefully pull the udder with our hands filling the milk in the buckets.

Clyde: I dunno, Lincoln. What if we completely hurt ourselves if cows would've kicked us?

Lincoln: Trust me, Clyde. It's all part of the plan. Are you with me?

Clyde: Then what are we waiting for?

Lincoln and Clyde: Clincoln McCloud! (They high five at it and get right to work milking the cow by pulling the udders slowly as milk comes out of the utters filling the bucket up with milk.)

Bessie and Daisy: MOO.

Bessie Cow: You boys be very gentle of our udders. We wouldn't be pulling so hard if we were you.

Daisy Cow: Yeah, gently now.

Clyde: (Scared) Talking Cows! (Falling over)

Lincoln: You two cows just talked! Guess Liam's not kidding about the whole Animal Farm being taken over by farm animals who can talk.

[We cut to Lana and the pets; Larry Llama, Willy Penguin and Squirt the flying Squirrel in the pig pen as all the pigs squeals out for food when they get hungry.]

Lana: Okay, you guys. Let's get these piggies fed.

[Lana takes out the bag full of pig slop and pours it into the feed trough then all the pigs started to eat all the slop from the feed trough.]

Lana: Eat up you little piggies. If only my twin sister Lola would see this farm in the country.

Larry: (Eats a bag of chips from his hooves) If pigs gotta eat, I gotta eat too.

Willy: (Eats the fish) Me too. I haven't had fish for days.

Squirt: (Eats the acorn) Every animal gets hungry now and then.

Lana: Speaking of animals, I wonder what our pets are doing with the little chickens.

[We cut to the scene where Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Ann are inside the Chicken Coop who are about to gather up the eggs from their nest.]

Charles: Okay, according to Liam, we need to gather up all the eggs from his chickens. Let's spread out and search for them.

Cleopawtra: Nepurrtiti and I will go check on the right you pets go check on the left.

[And so Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Ann check every one of Liam's chickens to see if they laid an egg. Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti checks the eggs the chickens layed on the right and Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling and Ann checks the eggs the chickens layed on the left. The chickens makes clucking sounds. Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt found the eggs on the four of Liam's chickens and gathers them in the basket. Fangs found one egg on this chicken and put one in the basket. Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy and Duncan found the eggs on the five of Liam's chickens and gathers them in the basket. Gary found one egg on this chicken and put one in the basket. Duckling found one egg on that chicken and put one in the basket. And Ann found one egg on this chicken and put on in the basket. But for Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti they scare away the chickens with their yowling.]

Charles: We have gathered every single eggs in this here chicken coop.

Cleopawtra: Nepurrtiti and I didn't gather one single egg from a chicken.

Nepurrtiti: We can't help it! We're cats! We scare away birds like chickens.

Cliff: The chickens are not scared of me.

Geo: Just look how huge the chickens are bigger than me.

Walt: We need to bring these chicken eggs back to Liam.

Duckling: Quack quack quack.

Chicken 1: I'll carry all those eggs for you. (Picks up the basket full of eggs) That is until you get your cat friends to stop scaring us chickens.

Ann: Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti are our best friends. They never scare you.

Fangs: I like to scare.

Chicken 1: You pets are not the only ones who can speak human too. Farm animals like us can speak their human language.

Duncan: You just got yourself a deal, chicken.

[And Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Ann along with Chicken 1 carries a basket full of chicken eggs all the way back to Liam's house. Until they bump into Virginia the pig.]

Virginia: Carrying all those eggs to Liam our owner to the Hunnicutt family aren't we, Loud Pets? (Squeals)

Chicken 1: Virginia, the reason why we carrying all these eggs is that Liam gave these pets a chore to begin with.

Hops: You should be helping out too instead of waddling in the mud having fun.

Virginia: Then follow me back to where Liam and his Me-Maw is.

[So Virginia leads Chicken 1, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Ann all the way back inside Liam's house while carrying the basket full of chicken eggs. When they got inside, they saw Liam and his Mee-Maw; Mimi Hunnicutt milking the goats; Carol Anne and her children.]

Mimi: Well well, Loud Pets. You gathered all the eggs from the chicken coop. How do you do it?

Charles: Let's just say it wasn't easy.

El Diablo: It's (hissing) Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti here scaring away the chickens that's the problem.

Bitey: But we gathered the eggs together to put in the fridge to have ourselves are egg and cheese omelet.

Izzy: Now we need to wait for Lincoln and Clyde with all the bottles of milk they gathered from the cows.

Ann: And Lana and her animal friends; Willy, Larry and Squirt to see if they gather bacon from the pigs. Uhh, no offense, Virginia.

Virginia: None taking.

[Lincoln and Clyde returned with the bottles full of milk they gathered from cows and Lana, Willy, Larry and Squirt returned with a whole lot of bacon they gathered from pigs.]

Lincoln: We're back.

Clyde: And it didn't take too long to gather lots of milk.

Lana: Check it out! Willy, Larry, Squirt and I gathered bacon from those piglets. That's why they're eating too much slop.

Liam: We're very proud of you for what you did. My Mee-maw and I wanted to thank you all for doing your part to this farm chore. And for that, We wanted to make you something for your hard work.

Lincoln: Ooh... I hope it's one of those Ace Savvy comics we were searching for.

Mimi: Let me make y'all something for all your hard work of farming.

[Mimi started cooking with her frying pan by cooking up the eggs and cheese gathered together to form up one food which is "Egg and Cheese Omelet" really fast.]

Clyde: Wow that was fast.

Mimi: Presenting... (She shows everyone the Egg and Cheese Omelet) The Egg and Cheese Omelet! Enjoy!

Lana: Ooh. My favorite! Don't mind if I do. (Takes one egg and cheese omelet on the plate)

Bitey: I knew it!

Gary: How are we going to eat all that?

Virginia: Carol Anne and I got this.

Carol Anne: Just leave this to us.

[Carol Anne and Virginia looked out the window toward to where the farm animals are and Carol Anne rings the triangle.]

Virginia: Calling all farm animals! Come and get it!

[The farm animals; Daisy, Bessie, piglets, Liam's bull, Liam's sheep, Clarence the turkey, Roxanne, and all the chickens came inside Liam's house and grabbed one egg and cheese omelet each to enjoy and eat one. And Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Ann each grabbed one egg and cheese omelet to enjoy and eat it as well.]

Lincoln: Uh, what just happened?

Clyde: I thought Liam's going to give us a Ace Savvy comics as a reward but that works too. I love egg and cheese omelets.

Lincoln: Well, can't hurt to try one.

[And Lincoln and Clyde each take one egg and cheese omelet and ate one and they liked it.]

Charles: It turned out to be the best farm day we have ever had.

Cliff: You said it. And the egg and cheese omelet taste good too.

Walt: So this is what humans try to eat huh?

Geo: And it was great.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Fangs, Hops, El Diablo, Bitey, Izzy, Duncan, Gary, Duckling, Cleopawtra, Nepurrtiti and Ann laughed together as the episode ends by blinking to black.]

Episode 8

Episode Title: "Pet or Swim"

(Open credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[The episode begins at The Loud House in the backyard outside. Rita and Lynn Sr. whose faces are cutting off from their angle, brings out the entire pool. Then Lynn Sr. fills the pool up with water by a hose.]

Rita: Okay, kids! Come on down outside and come see the new pool we just got! (The kids; Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn Jr., Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily came down the stairs and went outside the backyard and saw the new pool and at their angle, the kids and their parents' faces are completely cut off except for Lily's.) You too, pets! (The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann went outside the backyard too and saw the new pool too)

Lynn Sr.: Your mother and I went to Auth Ruth's today to get ourselves the new pool ourselves that way you kids can go swimming.

Rita: So we're filling this pool up with water by using a hose. And we all know Aunt Ruth's Cats hate to get wet in water.

Lincoln: Seriously? We're all going to go swimming after all the trouble we'd tried to get in the swimming pool at the Royal Woods Community Pool?

Lynn Sr.: Yes siree. This pool costed a lot of money and work. Only 11 kids like yourselves can enjoy this pool.

Rita: So put on your swim suits and trunks and get ready to go swimming in the new pool.

All Loud Kids: YEAH!!! (They went back inside the house to go change into their swimming suits.)

Charles: (Barks)

Cliff: (Meows)

Walt: (Chirps)

Geo: (Squeaks)

Rita: Ohh... sorry pets. You know the rules. No pets allowed in the pool. Only our kids. But don't worry we found the kiddie pool just for you guys and Lily to enjoy.

[The pets are peeved. Then the scene cuts to Lynn Sr. blowing the inflatable kiddie pool only for pets then filling it up with water by using a hose.]

Lynn Sr.: Well, here you are, pets. You and Lily will enjoy swimming inside the kiddie pool. Well get in. The water's fine... compare to the wet pets you are. (chuckles) Get it?

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann got in the kiddie pool feeling very impressed.]

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann: (Sighs sadly)

Lincoln: CANNONBALL! (Dives into the pool with his swim trunks on) Alright! I'm the first one to be in the pool!

Lynn: Make way for Lynn Jr for a high dive!! WOO!! (Dives into the pool with her swimsuit on) Beat that high dive, Stinkin.

Lola: Make way for beauty of the swimming pool! (Dives into the pool with her swimsuit on)

Lana: Wait for me, Loews! (Dives into the pool with her swimsuit on)

Lucy: Sigh. Let's get this pool over with. (Jumps into the pool with her swimsuit on)

Lisa: I know I am not suppose to dive into the pool but it's against the rules. So I'll go for a jump. (Jumps into the pool with her swimsuit on)

Luna: Get ready for a high dive dudes! Yowl! (Dives into the pool with her swimsuit on)

Luan: Woo-hoo! (Dives into the pool with her swimsuit on) I give a "high ten" for that dive! (laughs)

Lori: Oh please. You and your high dives and jumps. Leni and I do things a grown up way to get in the pool. (She and Leni gets in the pool with their swimsuits on)

Leni: O.M. gosh! We're in the pool! Let's do some high strokes!

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann saw the loud kids swimming and stroking and having a good time except for them.]

Charles: It's just not fair.

Cliff: Yeah. Why do our humans always get to have fun in the pool?

Walt: We wanted to go swimming in the pool too.

Geo: You know we pets can't swim, Walt. We know the rules of the Loud House.

Hops: Ohh. I could go for a dip you know.

Fangs: And I could get my wings wet while swimming in the pool.

Gary: Tell me about it. We're pets. Fur or feather or scales. We can go swimming wherever we want.

Izzy: Gecko lizards like me can go swimming too you know.

El Diablo: (Hissing) What should we do?

Duncan: We can't stay in the kiddie pool forever. I want to smell like wet possum!

Duckling: Quack quack.

Ann: We're going to need a plan to get into the new pool. But how?

[Then Charles had an idea.]

Charles: I've got it. To the clubhouse!

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann got out of the kiddie pool before Lily entered the kiddie pool and splashed all around giggling and having a good time. Scene cuts to the pet clubhouse as Charles comes up with an idea he had earlier on Lisa's slide projector.]

Charles: So you probably wondering while were inside the clubhouse. I've come up with the plan of how to get into the pool without our humans noticing we're in the new pool.

Cliff: What plan are we talking about, Charles?

Charles: The answers are simple, Cliff. (Presses a button on the slide projector and shows a picture of a French female poodle) Ohh... Ignore that. (Changes it to the plan he came up with) Ahem. As you recall, the loud kids are swimming in the new pool in the daytime. But in the nighttime we pets have a way to get to the new swimming pool. What we need is a fish big enough that could swim in the backyard without waking our humans. So we decided to get to the place called Camp Mastodon. That's where Lynn Sr.'s dad lives. So who's in?

Walt: I want to go find that fish.

Geo: Me too. I want to see what fish is in that lake.

Bitey: Count me in!

El Diablo: I've be delighted to see that fish.

[All the pets agreed to see what fish lives in Camp Mastodon.]

Charles: It's decided. We'll just meet here tonight at 12:00 a.m. at midnight, grabbed the fish we're looking for, then that swimming pool will be ours. We're getting into that swimming pool and no human is ever going to stop us pets. Especially that Lori girl.

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann: YEAH! (They all high five at it)

[Scene cuts to the Loud family inside the Loud House at nighttime sleeping in their beds in the bedroom at 12:00 a.m. midnight while The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann sneak out from outside and got inside Vanzilla.]

Cliff: Alright, we're in the Vanzilla. Strap in pets. Camp Mastodon here we come!

Geo: Gary, push the pedal to the medal. (Gary does so) El Diablo, start the van. (El Diablo does so started the van) Hops, put it in drive. (Hops does so by using his twisted tongue) Floor it!

[The Vanzilla that Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann are in took off all the way toward Camp Mastodon as we fade to black. Fade back to where the Vanzilla that the Loud Pets are in finally arrives at Camp Mastodon. Then Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann quickly got out of Vanzilla.]

Charles: Here we are.

Duckling: Quack.

Cliff: Wow. So this is Camp Mastodon where the Louds family has been.

Fangs: Nighttime is a way to travel all around the camp.

Gary: So uhh, where is the big fish Charles has mentioned?

Izzy: Over there in the lake. Why? (Points to the lake)

Duncan: Oh my. That is one big lake. But it's worth it.

Geo: According to the lake of Camp Mastodon, this fish should be popping up at any moment.

Fangs: Paws and wings together everyone. (They all held paws and wings together) Oh fish of the lake we summon the! Arise from your slumber! Let us see your fishy face to see what you look like underwater!

[Then it happened. The Giant Fish arises from the lake underwater which is the Giant Ray Sturgeon.]

Giant Ray Sturgeon: (Belches)

Ann: How do fishes like you belch like that?

Giant Ray Sturgeon: It's my way of nature of filter feed. Hi. I'm Giant Ray Sturgeon all the way from the lake of Camp Mastodon.

Charles: I'm Charles.

Cliff: I'm Cliff.

Walt: I'm Walt.

Geo: I'm Geo.

Hops: I'm Hops.

Fangs: I'm Fangs.

El Diablo: (Hissing) El Diablo.

Duncan: Name's Duncan.

Bitey: Hi, I'm Bitey.

Gary: I'm Gary.

Izzy: I'm Izzy.

Ann: And I'm Ann.

Duckling: Quack quack.

Ann: And this is Duckling.

Charles: We are here to adopted you as a pet fish of the Loud House ever since their pet goldfish Goldy died.

Giant Ray Sturgeon: Really? Wow. Goldy died. I'm very sorry to hear that.

Cliff: Psst, Charles. You said we planned to grabbed the fish take it to the pool the Louds ordered so that the pool could be ours. Remember?

Charles: That's right. Walt and Geo, we need a giant fishbowl.

[And so Walt and Geo presses the button and out pops up the giant glass fishbowl from Vanzilla. So it scooped up the water with Giant Ray Sturgeon in it.]

Giant Ray Sturgeon: Hey. Nice fishbowl. It's roomy in here.

Walt: We got him, Charles.

Charles: Great. Now let's head back to Royal Woods.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann now along with Giant Ray Sturgeon in the giant glass fishbowl gets back on Vanzilla and drives away all the way back to Royal Woods which will be the Loud House on the road as we cut to that scene where Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann took Giant Ray Sturgeon all the way to the pool in the backyard and Giant Ray Sturgeon jumps from glass fishbowl to pool and splash.]

Giant Ray Sturgeon: Oh look at this pool. It's big enough for me to swim in. Thanks for taking me in as your pet fish.

Ann: No problem. It's the Loud Pet way.

Duckling: Quack quack.

Giant Ray Sturgeon: Well, come on in. The pool is fine.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann cheered by making such pet noises and jumps into the pool and started swimming and stroking while swimming at night. Then the next day, Lincoln comes out with his swim trunks on.]

Lincoln: [to viewers] "Ah! On a hot summer day, there's nothing like a refreshing dip in the community pool." [He dashes towards the pool.] "CANNONBALL!"

[Lincoln finally jumps in, but at that moment, Giant Ray Sturgeon jumps up, eats him and dives back in the water.]

Lincoln: (Inside the Giant Ray Sturgeon) Hey! Let me out of here! I can't breathe!

Giant Ray Sturgeon: (Belches out Lincoln)

Lincoln: What the heck?!

Charles: Sorry, Lincoln. This pool belongs to us pets now.

Cliff: Way a go, Giant Ray Sturgeon.

Giant Ray Sturgeon: You're not so bad yourself, Cliff.

[Then the sisters; Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily saw that the pets are in the pool instead of them they are so surprised when they got outside in their swimsuits on.]

Lucy: Gasp.

Geo: This pool belongs to the loud pets now. Have fun in the kiddie pool with Lily.

Walt: Yeah have fun.

[We cut to Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily in the kiddie pool not having fun except for Lily.]

Lily: (Giggles and splashes around with her hands)

Lincoln: How did this happened? Mom and Dad will know there are pets in the new pool.

Lynn: I swear I've seen this big fish before.

Lana: My pets and Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt took our pool that we are about to have fun in.

Luna: Way harsh, dude.

Lola: I'm telling Mom!

Lincoln: Wait guys! We can let Mom and Dad see our pets in the pool.

Lori: Lincoln's right. What we need is to get them out of the pool before they leave poop in there.

Lisa: And we all know what happens if we leaves pets in the pool leaving poop. They have to clean it out.

Leni: Why? Our pets and that giant fish are having a good time.

Luan: Well... Water we waiting for, guys? (Laughs)

Lucy: Luan, this is no time for a joke. We need a plan to get the pets out of the pool.

Lincoln: Leave it to me.

[Cut to the scene as Lincoln comes up with a plan to get their pets out of the pool with the help of his sisters.]

Lincoln: (blows the whistle) Attention, Loud Pets! And...some giant fish we haven't met.

[The Giant Ray Sturgeon, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann looked at Lincoln and her sisters by attention.]

Lincoln: I'll give you guys pet treats if you don't get out of the pool! Leaving something in it will have Mom and Dad clean the pool up!

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann: Pet treats!!! (Gets out of the pool except Giant Ray Sturgeon who lives in the pool in the water)

Lincoln: There's plenty of pet treats for everyone. (Feeds Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann 13 pet treats each) Now, Lynn!

Lynn: I've got an eye on a bate! (Jumps into the pool to catch Giant Ray Sturgeon riding on it like a rodeo bull) Yee-haw! I got be a whopper!

Giant Ray Sturgeon: (Shakes off Lynn and tail slaps her off of his back) Hi-yah!!

Lynn: (Crashes into the wall of the back of the Loud House. Stands up for a rematch) Rematch! You and me fish face!

Leni: Hold on a minute! (She stops Lynn from getting back at Giant Ray Sturgeon) We've seen this fish before right after Lynn caught it in the lake. After we entered Camp Mastodon with gramps.

Lisa: Leni is correct. Before we entered the destination Camp Mastodon, this fish here is as big and strong as a bull. Thus giving it 50.7 feet his giant size.

Lana: We haven't even thought about that. 'Till now.

Giant Ray Sturgeon: You can call me "Ray" for short.

Lily: Fishy!

[Giant Ray Sturgeon jumps from the pool to the kiddie pool with some of the water.]

Lucy: It's all clear in the pool now.

Lincoln: Well, in that case... CANNONBALL! (Dives into the pool) Come on, guys!

[Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily dives into the pool with their swimsuits on by joining Lincoln as they all do a swimming stroke.]

Charles: Um, what just happened?

Cliff: Those pet treats Lincoln gave us pets really hit the spot.

Geo: Yes. But they did get the pool back.

Walt: That's okay. It was fun shorted when it lasted.

Hops: How are we going to keep cool in the water now?

Fangs: Perhaps some of the watery grave for ourselves to enjoy.

Charles: No worries, guys. We've got just the thing.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann are cramped inside Paradise for One, making it paradise for a dozen. And Giant Ray Sturgeon is in the kiddie pool with the water.]

Charles: [To the viewers] So it turns out that the pool, and basically everything that's awesome in life, is more fun when everyone gets to be a part of it.

Cliff: [To the viewers] In another case, at least we pets get to cool down in this nice Paradise for One pool Lincoln just brought.

Walt: [To the viewers] And the louds are enjoying their new pool they got from Aunt Ruth.

Geo: [To the viewers] That's the way we pets can enjoy the water.

[Lincoln blows the whistle.]

Lincoln: Fecal incident!

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann: Loud Pets Out! (They all got out of the Paradise for One pool as they all left poop in there. The episode ends)

Episode 9

Episode Title: "The Pets That Bonded"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[It appears to be a nice quiet Saturday morning. A butterfly perches on Lincoln's window. Just then, a sudden blast blows the butterfly away. The usual Loud House chaos unfolds in the hallways. Luna is rocking, Lucy is reading her poetry on the attic steps, Lola and Lana are racing with their car and pogo stick, some commotion is coming from Lisa and Lily's room, Lily is finger painting on the hall walls, and Luan is practicing with her dummy Mr. Coconuts.]

Mr. Coconuts: "How do you make an egg roll?"

Luan: "I don't know. How do you make an egg roll?"

Mr. Coconuts: "You push it!"

Luan: "Good one, Mr. Coconuts, but your delivery was a little wooden." [laughs]

[Mr. Coconuts just turns at her and stares at her vividly. Luan reacts surprised and turns to the viewers awkwardly. Leni comes out of her room wearing one of Lori's tank tops.]

Lori: [angrily] "Is that my shirt? Take it off!"

Leni: "I can't! [Referring to Mr. Coconuts] There are boys here!"

[Mr. Coconuts raises his eyebrows in an aroused motion and Luan covers his eyes.]

Mr. Coconuts: "Ah, coconuts."

[Lynn is leaping off the walls in the manners of parkour. Lincoln is trying to copy it, but falls on his face. Lynn bounces off Luna's speakers and leaps over Lola's car and Lana's pogo stick. Lincoln tries it but Lola runs him over and Lana bounces off him. He tries to catch up with Lynn.]

Lynn: "See, Linc, the key to parkour is momentum. Never stop moving." [leaps onto and springs off the bathroom door.] "Door jump!" [flips back]

Lincoln: "Door jump!" [drop kick opens the door and falls in.] "Whoa!"

[The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann comes walking out of the bathroom with a piece of toilet paper on their paws, wings and webbed feet. The hind one.]

Lincoln: [on the bathroom floor; pained] "I'm okay. Just gonna lie here a sec on the nice, soft floor."

Charles: [To the viewers] "Welcome to a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House."

Cliff: [To the viewers] "Sure it's crazy, but that's the way we like it. All eleven of the kids and 13 of us pets."

Walt: [To the viewers] "Anyway we all bonded. So we pets all became a one big happy family."

Geo: [To the viewers] "Now we can spend the rest of the times together."

[At that moment, their mom's voice comes through the vent.]

Rita: "Thirteen is way too many. I can't take it anymore."

Lynn Sr.: "But we can't get rid of them. I'm too attached."

[The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann gasps and gets closer to hear better.]

Rita: "I know you are, honey, but they're just so obnoxious and loud."

Cliff: "Are they talking about us?"

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann looks out into the hallway to see the chaos that they love possibly being the cause of this issue with Lori trying to get her shirt back from Leni who's running from her while Lori holds on, Luna's loud music, Luan's annoying jokes, Lynn's parkour skills, Lucy getting in the way, the twins' dangerous vehicles, Lisa's science disasters, and Lily's excessive crying.]

Lori: "Stop! You're stretching my shirt!"

Rita: "I'm sorry, but my mind is made up. I want all of them out of the house and on the curb in time for trash pickup tomorrow."

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Duncan, Bitey, El Diablo, Izzy, Fangs, Gary, Duckling and Ann: [terrified] "Trash pickup?" [runs off to to tell the Loud kids]

[Down the vent the scene goes to their parents' room to reveal what they're actually talking about, which appears to be about their father's neckties.]

Lynn Sr.: "But I love my tie collection! Cool neckwear is my thing."

Rita: "Honey, they're an embarrassment."

Lynn Sr.: [holds up his disco tie] "Not this one." [presses a button that makes it light up and play music.] "It's like a dance party around your neck." [starts dancing which makes his wife feel embarrassed.]

[Lincoln and the girls heard what their pets are saying through the vent and don't believe them and at their angle, the kids faces are completely cut off except for Lily's.]

Lori: "That is literally the dumbest thing you have ever said."

Lynn: "Yeah. Why would they want to get rid of us and you pets of course?"

[Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt shows them the damage, nay, the destruction they have caused in the hallway and a coyote trying to make off with Mr. Coconuts. The coyote notices the kids, drops Mr. Coconuts, and leaves.]

Girls: "Oh."

Lori: [still disbelieving] "Whatever, Mr. Paranoid. This is a waste of valuable texting time."

Charles: "Lori, wait! I'm serious! Come listen for yourself."

[Lori is listening to the conversation, worried.]

Lynn Sr.: "But I thought you loved them."

Rita: "Frankly, dear, I didn't like the first one." [Her words send Lori into a state of panicking desperation.] "And the next thing I know, we've got thirteen."

Lori: [to her other sisters] "IT'S TRUE! MOM AND DAD ARE GETTING RID OF US!"

[The others start panicking.]

Lola: [furious] "I'm gonna go down there and give them a piece of my mind!"

Lincoln: "Guys. Shh. Quiet down."

Lola: "I'm gonna lose my princess bed!" [Threateningly] "Don't you tell me to quiet down!"

Lincoln: "This is what got us in trouble in the first place. The yelling, and the fighting, and the loudness."

Lori: "Lincoln's right. We have to be quiet, and perfectly well behaved."

Lincoln: "If we all work together, maybe we can convince Mom and Dad not to get rid of us. Now who's with me?"

Sisters: [yelling] "WE ARE!" [realize their noise and tone down.] "We are."

Charles: "We're in too. On the count of...we loud pets are here by your side."

[The kids and their pets put their operation to work. Lynn glues the vase back together and Lisa creates a chemical that makes a bouquet for the vase. Luna is banning her favorite axe in a suitcase.]

Luna: [sorrowfully] "Sorry, love. Time to go acoustic." [puts away her axe and starts playing a zither.]

Luan: [banning Mr. Coconuts] "So sorry, Mr. Coconuts."

Mr. Coconuts: "Without me, you're just a hand!" [Luan closes the trunk on him. Muffled] "Hey! I bring the funny! You're always-"

[Luan zips her lip and is now a mime as a penalty for her parents deciding to send one of her siblings or her away. Lisa is mopping on the ceiling thanks to her anti-gravity shoes. Lucy sighs deeply on the mirror and wipes it. Luan is miming like she's cleaning with a broom and Lori sternly gives her a real broom to sweep up. Luan looks upset at this. Leni is returning Lori her shirt and wearing a pink sweater.]

Leni: "Here's your shirt back."

Lori: "Thanks." [takes her shirt back and sees what Leni's wearing; becoming angry.] "Wait! That's my sweater!"

Lincoln: [reminding Lori] "Remember the plan."

Lori: [feigning] "And it looks so much cuter on you!" [grins widely]

[Lily is crying, worried about getting kicked out and Luan performs the classic trapped-in-a-box routine and cheers Lily up. Leni walks in.]

Leni: "Oh my gosh! Luan, are you okay? HELP, GUYS! I THINK LUAN'S TRAPPED!"

[The twins are feigning giving each other turns to use the bathroom first.]

Lana: "Ladies first!"

Lola: "No, dear twin, after you!"

Lana: "You're too kind, dear Lola, but I must insist you go first."

Lola: "I shan't hear of it!"

Lana: "And I would never forgive myself if-- I went before you!"

Lola: "Oh, please! Age before beauty! You are two minutes older!"

[Ann is standing right behind them whimpering in desperation to pee, jumping up and down and panting.]

Lola: "After you, Antoinette."

Ann: "Thanks!" [rushes in and uses the toilet]

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Bitey, Duncan, Izzy and Duckling are also in desperation to pee, jumping up and down and panting.]

Lana: "Go on in, guys!"

Pets: "Thank you!" [rushes in and uses the toilet and is greeted with an update on their parents' conversation from the vent.]

Lynn Sr.: "Honey, please! Won't you reconsider?"

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Bitey, Duncan, Izzy, Duckling and Ann holds it and goes to tell Lincoln and his sisters.]

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Bitey, Duncan, Izzy, Duckling and Ann: "Guys, your Mom and Dad are in the vent again."

[Lincoln and the girls went into the vent to listen.]

Rita: "Okay, maybe I judged them unfairly. Forget what I said about getting rid of all of them."

[The kids are relieved.]

Lori: "It worked!"

Twins: "We did it! We get to stay!"

Lucy: "Oh joy. What a relief."

Lincoln: [still straining from not being able to go at such an inconvenient time.] "Speaking of relief, everyone out, please."

[The girls and the pets all leave the bathroom happy that they're not gonna have to leave as Luan pretends to pull on a rope.]

Leni: [intrigued by Luan's rope trick] "Ooh! Invisible rope!" [follows it]

[Lincoln shuts the bathroom door so he can pee as his parents talk more.]

Lynn Sr.: "You mean it? I can keep them all?"

Rita: "I didn't say that. But I will let you keep your favorite."

Lincoln: [shocked] "His favorite?" [gets closer]

Lynn Sr.: "But they're all equally great. How can I pick just one?"

Rita: "Come on. There must be one that stands out above the rest."

Lincoln: "I've got some serious standing out to do." [straining] "Right after I pee." [rushes offscreen to take care of that]

[Fade to black.]

[Fade back to where Lincoln is now making a nice breakfast for his father with pancakes in the shape of his face and coffee, using the "TOP POP" coffee mug. As soon as it's ready, he sneaks over to his parents' room, but Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Bitey, Duncan, Izzy, Duckling and Ann catches him.]

Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt: "Pancakes?"

Ann: [suspicious] "Lincoln, where are you going with those pancakes?"

Lincoln: "Uh..."

Ann: [examines the breakfast] "And why did you spell out "World's Best Dad" with chocolate chips?"

[It's true. Lincoln did do that on the whipped cream for his dad's coffee.]

Lincoln: "You can read?"

Ann: [Threatening] "I am more than just a skunk that likes perfumes, Lincoln!-- Now, you're up to something, and I'm gonna find out what it is!" [pulls Lincoln by his ear]

Lincoln: "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

[The pets followed Ann and Lincoln back to his siblings.]

[Lincoln tells the news to the others who are now glaring at him and having dropped the breakfast.]

Lincoln: "But on the upside, we're not all getting kicked out. One of us gets to stay."

Lynn: "And you thought it'd be you?" [viciously bites into a Lincoln pancake.]

Lola: "What happened to 'we all work together'?"

Lincoln: "I'm sorry. I just kind of panicked."

Luna: "Dudes, Mom and Dad are talking again."

[They rush over to the vent.]

Lynn Sr.: "I don't know. Maybe I'll keep the musical one."

[Luna smiles triumphantly]

Rita: "Are you kidding? That one makes my ears bleed."

Luna: [heartbroken] "Way harsh, Mom..."

[Her siblings console her. Luan and Lincoln pat her shoulders as them, along with Luna's other sisters secretly smile at each other.]

Lynn Sr.: "Well, I definitely don't need the dark one. So dreary. Good for a funeral, but what else, really? Right?"

[Lucy gasps, thinking that Dad meant he doesn't want her and Lynn laughs at her.]

Lynn Sr.: "How about the one with the hockey sticks?"

Rita: "Eh, never been a fan." [Now Lynn gasps] "Same with the filthy one." [Lana scoffs]

Lynn Sr.: "How about the funny one?"

[Luan puts a smile on her face, thinking she'll be the one.]

Rita: "Never made me laugh."

[Luan replaces her smile with a frown and puts a teardrop on her cheek.]

Lynn Sr.: "Ugh. Now the pink one I can definitely do without."

Lola: [to the vent, enraged] "You will PAY FOR THIS!"

Rita: "And the littlest one is just crying to be thrown out."

[Lily is flabbergasted. She puts her pacifier in her mouth and goes into a fetal position.]

Rita: "Then we've got the dumb one."

[The other kids look at Leni.]

Leni: [oblivious] "What?"

Lynn Sr.: "You know, I'd also feel a little guilty about tossing out the gifted one."

[Lisa seems calm about that comment presumably reflect on her.]

Rita: "Oh, who's gonna know?" [Lisa's expression changes] "So where does that leave us?"

[The girls and the pets realize there's only one left and it's the only boy.]

Lisa: "I believe it leaves you with Lincoln. But what do I know? I'm just the gifted one."

[The girls (minus Leni since she's confused) are all furious at this decision which Lincoln can't help with. At that moment, he imagines what it would be like if he had the house all to himself. He is dressed in a more prestigious and high-class ensemble.]

Lynn Sr.: "Well, son, now that we've cleared out the clutter, we've got a lot of extra space in the house! And it's all yours."

Rita: "Have fun with it."

[Lynn Sr. throws out everything that reminds him of his former daughters, even the picture all eleven kids took for their parents' anniversary and replaces it with a gilded photo of their golden son. What was once Lucy and Lynn's room is now a video arcade, what used to be Lori and Leni's room is now a multiplex theater, and Lisa and Lily's former room is now a go-kart tracking. Lincoln and Clyde are racing together and come to a complete stop.]

Clyde: [holds up a membership plaque and gives it to Lincoln.] "Welcome to the Only Child Club."

[Back to reality]

Lincoln: [happily] "Wow...I've always wondered what it would be like to be an only child."

Lola: "YOU WHAT?!"

Lincoln: [snaps out of it] "Uh...I mean..." [feigning sympathy] "...being an only child is gonna be terrible. What am I gonna do without you guys?"

Lori: "Well, I guess we better go pack."

[The girls and the pets leave the bathroom forlornly.]

Leni: "I'm still trying to figure out who the dumb one is."

[As they leave, Lincoln cheerfully closes the door and measures the size of the bathroom.]

Lincoln: "I wonder if I could fit a water slide in here?"

[As he measures, the conversation between his parents continues.]

Lynn Sr.: "I'm sorry, honey, but I just can't pick a favorite. It's too hard."

Rita: "Fine. Can we at least just get rid of one? Just one? I'm begging you."

Lynn Sr.: "Okay, we'll get rid of, uh...the one with the white hair." [His words worry Lincoln since he's the one with the white hair.] "You know, I'm not even sure if it's mine."

[Those words are the final nail in the coffin that makes Lincoln believe he's the one they're gonna force to leave. He leaves the bathroom in an extremely despondent frame of mind with a superimposed image of his walk over the scene. It turns out the folks were talking about the tie with a creepy looking Easter bunny.]

Rita: "You mean your Easter tie? Honey, no one calls it a "hare". It's a bunny rabbit. But I agree. It's hideous."

[Lincoln has packed up his things in a bindle and called his sisters and the pets into what will soon no longer be his room.]

Lincoln: "You may be wondering why I assembled you all here."

Lori: [Annoyed] "Uh, yeah. You've got five minutes. I literally have an entire wardrobe to pack."

Lincoln: "Don't bother." [sighs] "I overheard another conversation between Mom and Dad."

[The girls chatter angrily for eavesdropping even further.]

Siblings: "What? You were snooping again?!"

Lincoln: "Wait. Mom and Dad aren't choosing a favorite kid to keep. They're just getting rid of one: me."

[The girls gasp in shock.]

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Bitey, Duncan, Izzy, Duckling and Ann gasps simultaneously.]

Lincoln: "So, I wanted to give you guys my treasured possessions before I, you know, have to leave." [gives Lily his stuffed rabbit] "Lily, this is Bun-Bun. He needs two hugs a day, and... try to keep his ears clean."

[Lily nonchalantly just blinks and puts Bun-Bun in her mouth.]

Lincoln: "Luan, these are my rarest comics." [Luan turns them down] "But they're limited editions."

Lori: [Angrily] "She's not taking them because you're not leaving. There's no way we're letting Mom and Dad kick you out."

Leni, Luna, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, and Lisa: "YEAH! YOU'RE STAYING!"

Lincoln: "Really? Even though I was going to turn your rooms into my own personal theme park?"

[The girls look at him upset and seem to have changed their minds.]

Lola: "It was nice knowin' ya." "[takes Lincoln's piggy bank]

[Lana takes Bun-Bun and the piggy bank back from Lily and Lola and returns them to Lincoln.]

Lana: "Of course we won't let you go. You're our only brother."

Lori: [Bossily] "Come on. We're gonna march right down there and tell Mom and Dad you're staying!"

Charles: "No, Lori. We'll do it."

Cliff: "We'll talk to your parents for you."

Geo: "Who's gonna get rid of you in our watch?"

Walt: "Not us pets!" "We'll take Lincoln to his parents to convince him to stay!"

All pets: "YEAH!!" (They took Lincoln)

Leni: "They're serious. Right?"

[Mom and Dad's room. Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Bitey, Duncan, Izzy, Duckling and Ann barge in. The pets start demanding their folks to let Lincoln stay.]

Parents: "What the-"

[The pets trip and land in a pile, but continue their clamoring.]

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Bitey, Duncan, Izzy, Duckling and Ann make pet noises to Rita and Lynn Sr.]

Lynn Sr.: "White hare? You pets like my Easter tie?"

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Bitey, Duncan, Izzy, Duckling and Ann: [clearly confused] "Easter tie?"

[The Easter tie makes a high-pitched laugh.]

Lynn Sr.: "Yeah. It's great, right? You know what? They all are!" [looks at his collection which shows themes similar to his daughters.] "Honey, I'm not getting rid of any of these ties!"

Lincoln: "Ties? You guys have been talking about ties?"

Rita: "Of course. What did you think we were talking about?"

Lincoln: "Uh, nothing."

Duncan: "Getting rid of ties?"

El Diablo: (Hissing) "Seriously?"

Ann: [pleadingly horrified] "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA GET RID OF US!"

Lynn Sr: "What did they say?"

Rita: "Oh my gosh. The pets understood what we just said."

Gary: "Yeah. Like you said about the Easter tie?"

Fangs: "Or the one which is gloomy and dark."

Izzy: "Or muddy and gross."

Hops: "Or the funny one and the musical one."

Cliff: "Or the one with the hockey sticks."

Walt: "And the pink one don't forget."

Geo: "Let us not forget about the dumb one."

Bitey: "Or the one made entirely out of cheese and crackers."

Duckling: "Quack."

Charles: "So you see, you can't get rid of the loud kids that easily."

[Their parents laugh at such a thought.]

Rita: "Oh, we would never do that. You're the best ten things that ever happened to us."

Lynn Sr.: "There thirteen, honey."

Rita: "Make that thirteen pets and eleven of you kids." Yep. Right."

[The pets are relieved that it was all just a misunderstanding. Lincoln looks at his Dad's Easter tie which laughs again.]

Lincoln: [crept out] "Whoof! Dad really should get rid of that one."


[The usual Loud House chaos continues with Lynn trying to teach Lincoln parkour, Luna jamming, Lily finger painting, Lucy reading her poetry, Lola and Lana playing with their car and pogo stick, Luan practicing with Mr. Coconuts...]

Luan: "Good one, Mr. Coconuts!"

[...and Lori and Leni fighting over one of Lori's sweaters which Lincoln gets covered in, resulting in him landing in the bathroom again. This time, Geo gets a trail of toilet paper stuck to his hamster ball.]

Lincoln: "Ah..." [to the viewers] "Looks like everything's back to normal at the Loud House. And my eavesdropping days are over."

Geo: [came back to the scene and to the viewers] "So remember, kids, never overhear what your misunderstood parents are saying." "Unless there's a conversation."

[He says as another conversation between his parents comes from the vent.]


Lincoln: [gasps in alarm] "YOU GUYS!" [runs off to tell his sisters]

Lynn Sr.: "You know I'm gluten free!"

Episode 10

Episode Title: "Truth or Consequences"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[Charles, Cliff, Walt and Geo are dressed up in a costume next up to a poster of one of their favorite heroes; "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Charles is wearing a blue ninja mask. Cliff is wearing a purple ninja mask. Walt is wearing a red ninja mask. And Geo is wearing a orange ninja mask.]

Charles: [stoically to the viewers] I'm Charles, leader of the ninja pets.

Cliff: [stoically to the viewers] I'm Cliff, the smartest one of the ninja pets and an inventor of machines.

Walt: [stoically to the viewers] I'm Walt, I'm cool but crud.

Geo: [stoically to the viewers] And I'm Geo, and I'm ready to party.

Charles: [to the viewers] Together, we are the world's savviest crime fighters; Teenage Loud Ninja Pets! A dog with few words, and even fewer emotions. Except for today.

Charles, Cliff, Walt and Geo: [dancing with excitement] Because it's the day of the big Teenage Loud Ninja Pets comic book convention! YEEEEAH!

Cliff: [stoically again] And now to call our trusty sidekicks. [breaks out walkie talkie] Ninja pets to Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti.

Cleopawtra: [dressed in her costume] This is Cleopawtra...I'm going as Kitty jones. See the mask I made it myself.

Nepurrtiti: [dressed in her costume] And I'm putting on the finishing touches on her costume. And when it's ready, we'll be keeping one eye out for crime as a reporter. That's me. I'm the news reporter. [Holds out a microphone and cellphone]

Cliff: Roger that. We'll meet you at 4 o'clock when...

Charles, Cliff, Walt and Geo: [bursts out of room] It's ninja time! [pulls out the ninja stars that drop all over the floor] Dang it.

[Lincoln and his sisters notices their costumes and said "aww, how cute!" at them.]

Lynn: "Get a load of this!"

Lori: "That is literally the funniest thing I have ever seen!"

Lola: "You aren't going out in public like that, are you?"

Lisa: "I might point out that you are well past the recommended age that this behavior is deemed acceptable."

[They petted their pets in ninja costumes.]

Charles: [To the viewers] See what I mean?

Cliff: [To the viewers] Harsh, right?

Geo: [To the viewers] But you know what? It doesn't even bother me. With ten opinionated sisters, you gotta have a thick skin.

Walt: [To the loud sisters] Your insults are like the wind beneath my mask; they only lift me higher! Now if you'll excuse us, we have some guy-liner to apply.

[more cute things they said from Lincoln and his sisters; as Charles, Cliff, Walt and Geo went to the attic to find their pet friends; Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann.]

Charles: Who's ready to go to the grand opening of the Teenage Loud Ninja Pets comic book convention!?!

Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: WE ARE!!

Duncan: I can't wait to go to the grand opening convention!

Bitey: Me too! Just us pets and no humans allowed!

Duckling: Quack quack.

[Suddenly from offscreen, the sound of the bathtub gushes out.]

Gary: Hopping louds!

[Charles, Cliff, Walt and Geo gasps and they and their pet friends; Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann went to check on the bathroom to see that somebody clogged the bathtub. Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann gasps simultaneously.]

Lori: "Gross! Pets! You clogged the bathtub again?!"

[Lincoln and his sisters all glare angrily at the pets.]

Lola: "I'm telling Dad!" [goes to do so]

Charles: What makes you humans think we did it?

Luan: "Maybe because you made more clogs than a Dutch shoe factory!" [laughs during rimshot]

[Flashback to Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann scraping their gross dinner into the bathtub. Then the bathtub gushes out washing the pets out of the bathroom.]

Lola: "I'm telling Dad!"

[Second flashback to Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann pooping in the bathtub. Then the bathtub gushes out washing the pets out of the bathroom.]

Lola: "I'm telling Dad!"

[Third flashback to Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann pouring a bunch of CDs into the bathtub.]

Lynn Sr.: [off-screen] "Has anyone seen my CDs? I gotta practice for karaoke tonight! ♫ La la la la la la la la la, la la la... ♫"

[Then the bathtub gushes out once more washing the pets out of the bathroom.]

Lola: "I'm telling Dad!"

[Back to the present.]

Cliff: All true. But this time, it was not us.

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: We swear!

[Lola brings Lynn Sr. up and is holding a plunger.]

Lynn Sr.: "Well, there goes my Saturday."

Lana: "Forget that pitiful plunger, Dad." [moves Lola aside and busts out an even heavier plunger] "This is a class 5 clog. You're gonna need Big Bertha!"

Lynn Sr.: "Well, 12 plus 1 equal 13 pets who clogged my CDs in the bathtub, I assume this was you're doing?"

Charles: No, Lynn Sr! For real! It was not us!

Lynn Sr: "Well, somebody did it! Toilets don't just clog themselves! Until one of you fesses up, everyone's grounded!"

[The sisters complain about this unjust decision.]

Lincoln: "But, Dad, I can't be grounded! The convention's in a few hours and I gotta get my Ace Savvy comic signed!"

Lynn Sr.: "Until I know who did the crime, you're all doing the time!"

[Everyone starts complaining again]

Lincoln: [Despairing] "Noooo!" [Grunts]

Lana: [entering the bathroom with her father and Big Bertha.] "Big Bertha coming through!"

Charles: [Determined] Well, we're not doing the time for this crime. We're going to find who the real clogger is...Teenage Loud Ninja Pets Style! Who's with me!?

Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: We are! [And just like that, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann dressed up as ninja by wearing their ninja masks that are yellow while Ann's ninja mask is pink.]

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: It's ninja time!! [pulls out their ninja stars and drops them again.] Dang it.

[In the pet clubhouse, Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann put drawings of Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily.]

Charles: One of these louds is the perp... [Stoically] But which one?

Lucy: [comes out of nowhere] "Hey, pets." [Scares the pets except Fangs]

Fangs: That's my owner!

Lucy: "I might have a tip for you."

Walt: "Really?" [suspicious] "Wait. Why do you wanna help?"

Lucy: "I don't care about being grounded. My life is just an endless mental prison, anyway. But it's not fair that you have to miss your thing."

Fangs: "Thank you. So, what have you got?"

Lucy: "Lynn has eaten spicy meatball subs for ten straight days. You know what that does to your digestive system?"

Ann: "That's disgusting, but also a lead! I like your instincts, kid. You wanna team up?"

Lucy: "Sure. I've got nothing else to do. Besides bear the weight of the world on my shoulders."

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: [awkward beat] "Riiiiiiiight..."

[Fade to black.]

[Fade back to the kitchen where Lynn is indeed eating a meatball sub; suddenly, Lucy shines a flashlight in her face.]

Lynn: "Hey! What's with the light?"

Cliff: [Frowning and pointing at her face] "Why don't you admit it, Lynn? You jammed the john!"

Lynn: [Bitterly] "I think those tights are cutting off oxygen to your brain."

Charles: "Oh yeah? Then explain this!" [dumps discarded sub wrappers on the table.] "Nobody can eat this many subs and not wreak havoc on the plumbing!"

Lynn: "Nice try, genius, but my favorite roller derby team is playing tonight and I never bomb the bowl before a big game. It's bad luck! If I go number 2, we won't be number 1!"

Lucy: "Gross."

Lynn: "If you wanna know who plugged the porcelain, why don't you ask Lisa? She keeps a log of all our bathroom habits. Pun intended."

Geo: "Of course! Lisa's weird poop study!" [Stoically] "Let's go see this joker!" [holds up two ninja stars]

Lucy: "Those are ninja stars."

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: [Angrily] "UGH!"

[Lisa and Lily's room]

Walt: [Annoyed] "We need the file from last night from 1 to 4 AM."

Lisa: [looks for the requested file] "1 to 4 AM...Hmm. It seems to be missing."

Lucy: "Missing? How convenient! Clearly, you did it! Case closed!"

Lisa: "Oh, please! I haven't used the family lavatory in years! It takes too much time away from my studies. I prefer to use Lily's training potty."

Geo: "Well, it looks like your story's clean...but your training potty's not."

Lucy: "What about Lily? She's always throwing her dirty diapers in the toilet."

Charles: "Aha!" [slides right into and knocks over Lily's diaper genie and reveals a plethora of pooped padding. He pinches his nose and squeezes his eyes shut in disgust.] "Nope! I'd say they're all here! That clears these two." [Back away]

Lucy: "What about Lincoln and Lori?"

Cliff: [Stops and realizes] "Of course! Lori was so quick to point the finger at Lincoln, and you know what they say, "She who dodged it, lodged it!"

[Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann goes to interrogate Lincoln and Lori but all they saw was a shadow of a beast.]

Lincoln and Lori: (Screams and saw the shadow of a beast)

Cliff: "Sorry."

Charles: "Lincoln and Lori didn't do it!"

[The bathroom; Lana, Lynn Sr., and Big Bertha are searching for the bowl's barricade.]

Lynn Sr.: "Oh! Big Bertha's got something!"

Lana: "I wanna see! Is it something really grody?" [Dad hands her the object] "Paper? It's gotta be something bigger than that!" [tosses paper out the window] "Move over, rookie! Some jobs require you to get your hands dirty!" [takes over]

[The paper floats daintily as Clyde rides his bike towards the Loud House with Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti.]

Clyde: "♫ One-Eyed Jack, One-Eyed Jack. Villains better watch their back. ♫" [gets his glasses struck by the paper Lana discarded. He flails his arms, letting go of the handlebars] "GAH! MY CRIME EYE! WAH!" [The bike crashes into the van. He gets catapulted into the tree in the front yard.]

[Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling, Ann and Lucy walk out of a room and back into the hallway.]

Charles: [Determined] "Better put a pot of cocoa on. We've only got 2 more hours until the convention, and 5 more suspects to go."

[Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling, Ann and Lucy are in Luna and Luan's room, suspecting Luan by glaring at her while the latter shines the torch.]

Luan: "It wasn't me! I was asleep the whole time and I can prove it! I film myself sleeping in case I say something funny I can use for my act."

[Video footage shows such an event.]

Luan: [sleep-joking] "What do you call a sleeping bull? A bulldozer!" [laughs during rimshot]

[They cross off Luan's card and move onto Leni.]

Leni: [gasps] "Ooh! You wanna do an interview? Okay! My favorite color is zebra and the secret to a great smile is..."

[They cross off Leni who proves to be too dumb to pull off such an act and move onto Lana.]

Lana: [Sighs] "Wish I could take the credit. I've been trying to dam up the dumper for years."

[They cross of Lana and move onto Lola.]

Lola: "I would never get up in the middle of the night. It disrupts my beauty sleep."

[They cross off Lola and move onto their final suspect, Luna.]

Luna: "I was at a rock concert, dudes."

Lucy: "Prove it..."

[Luna turns on the TV to a news report of last night's concert where she is shown chasing Mick Swagger on stage.]


[Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling, Ann and Lucy are just speechless at Luna's alibi.]

Lucy: "Okay, that proves it."

Charles: [Stressed] "GAH! We're running out of time and we've got nothing!"

Lana: "WE'VE GOT SOMETHING!" [finds the source of the clog.] "Here's the culprit!" [Hands it to Charles]

Charles: "Aha! A break in the case!" [sees that it's a book, entitled Princess Pony: The Touching True Story Of A Delightful Pony Who Changes The World With Her Horse Sense] Princess Pony: The Touching Story Of A Delightful Pony Who Changes The World With Her Horse Sense.

Lucy: "There's only one person who would read this: Lola!"

Duncan: [Annoyed] "That lying scoundrel!"

Lana: "You guys do remember that was just down the bathtub, right?"

[Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling, Ann and Lucy revile in disgust and go back to Lola; Charles, Cliff, Walt and Geo kicks the door open only for it to close on their faces. Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann enters normally.]

Bitey: [Frowning] "We know you did it, Lola! We found your book in the toilet!" [shows evidence]

Lola: "Barf! That is not mine! I may be girly and pink, but I do have standards!"

Ann: [convinced] "I think she's telling the truth."

Lola: "See, even Antionette believes in Mwa. That's French for me."

[Then suddenly from out of nowhere a Bobcat appeared from out of nowhere. He was none other than Rocket and landed on the table to where Lola is.]

Rocket: [doubtful] "I don't! She's sweating more than a vampire in the sun! Let me take a run at her!" [kicks down Lola's tea party table, messing up Lola's hair and causing her eyelids to go black.] "You know you did it! ADMIT IT! CONFESS! If you don't tell the truth...YOUR HEART WILL NEVER BE SET FREE!"

Lucy: "Gasp. Did that Bobcat just talked and said my lines?"

Cliff: [holding back an enraged Rocket] "Whoa! Take it easy there, Bobcat!"

Lola: [unfazed from Rocket's outburst] "You're cleaning that up."

[The doorbell rings and Lincoln answers the door. Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann listened in.]

Lincoln: "One-Eyed Jack?"

Clyde: "Sorry I'm late, Ace. I would have been here sooner, but I was thwarted by this dastardly piece of paper that flew from your bathroom window."

Lincoln: [looks at paper and sees something familiar.] "This looks like a page from Princess Pony. "If you don't tell the truth, your heart will never be set free." Where have I heard that before?"

Fangs: "That's what we wanted to know too."

[A flashback plays of Rocket the Bobcat kicking Lola's tea party table and shouting]

Rocket: "If you don't tell the truth...YOUR HEART WILL NEVER BE SET FREE!"

[The words echo. Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann suddenly realizes those are the exact same words that Rocket told Lola and finds out who the culprit truly is.]

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: "ROCKET!"

Charles: "You solved the case, One-Eyed Jack! Thanks to you, the city can flush without fear!" "Come on, guys!"

[Clyde does some victory poses and Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann runs up the stairs to go find Rocket.]

Lincoln and Clyde: "Come on!" [Follows the pets and so does Cleopawtra and Nepurrtiti.]

[Lucy and Lynn's room]

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: [kicks the door open] "IT WAS YOU!"

Lynn Sr.: [off-screen] "PETS! STOP KICKING DOWN THE DOORS!"

Walt: [To Rocket] "You're the Princess Pony lover!"

Rocket: "That's absurd!"

Fangs: [Stoically while pointing at Rocket's face] "Then you won't mind if I search the premises." [searches but fails to find any evidence. He pants in exhaustion.]

Rocket: "Are you done?"

Fangs: "I'll be done when I'm-" [notices something on the floor] "That's an odd shadow." [looks up to the ceiling lamp and finds a clue.] "Aha! Lisa's missing bathroom files!"

Rocket: "Lynn and Lucy must have put that there! You've got nothing on me!" [just then, his gloomy macabre poster peels off and reveals a Princess Pony poster from behind.] "Dang it..."

Hops: "You've been messing up and clogging the bathtub all along before we got here."

El Diablo: "The only question is... (hissing) Why?"

Rocket: [readjusts macabre poster] "I couldn't let Mr. Bolhofner know I read Princess Pony. You know how he is. He make fun of me for the rest of my life."

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: Mr. Bolhofner?

Charles: "So then, why do you read it?"

Rocket: "Even I need a break from being so tough now and then."

Cliff: "So how'd it end up in the bathtub?"

Rocket: "The bathroom is the only place I can safely read it." [flashes back to last night] "I was reading it last night. And when I heard someone coming, I panicked."

[Through his panicking, Rocket tossed the book into the bathtub and hid in the toilet when a groggy Lincoln came by to use the toilet and flushed it; as soon as he left, it gave Rocket the chance to escape and save his secret. The water from the bathtub gushes; end flashback.]

Charles: "Rocket, you have to go to the Louds to admit and tell them. They still think we did it."

Rocket: "But they'll tease me even worse than they tease you! Maybe you can handle that, but I can't!"

Geo: [Angrily] "We'll about to miss the convention! Either you tell them, or we will!"

Rocket: [admitting defeat] "[Sighs]...I'll tell them..."

[Downstairs, Lori and Leni are texting each other, Lola's fixing her hair, Lana's arranging her tools, Lynn's doing push-ups, Lisa's reading, and Luan and Luna are fighting over the TV remote. Even Lucy and Lincoln reading a poem together.]

Luan: "Give it back!"

Luna: "It's mine!"

[Enter Rocket, ready to confess]

Rocket: "Excuse me...I have something to say..." [gets their attention and reveals the book.] "This is what totaled the bathtub."

Lisa: "Princess Pony?!"

[the sisters laugh]

Lynn: "Which one of you lame-o's does that belong to?"

Lisa: "Certainly not me! It's so sickeningly sweet I get a toothache just looking at it!"

Leni: [terrified at Lisa's exaggeration] "Can that really happen?"

Luan: "Whoever that belongs to is gonna be the laughing stock of this house!"

Lori: "Yeah! They are literally worse than Lincoln! And he wears his underwear on the outside!"

[The other sisters laugh some more and Lucy knows she has to face the music; Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling, Ann and Lincoln notices Rocket's pain and feels bad for his.]

Rocket: "Actually...the book belongs to-"

Lucy: "Me!"

Lincoln, Luan, Leni, Lynn, Lana, Lola, Lisa, Lori, and Luna: [flabbergasted] "YOU?!"

Lucy: "I know exactly how Rocket feels. We both love Princess Pony as much as I love hiding in the shadows in the darkness. As for Rocket he likes guarding doors and being tough." "I didn't want to tell you guys because I knew you'd make fun of me."

Lori: [sounding sympathetic] "Aw, Lucy..." [now condescending] "...of course, we're gonna make fun of you! But only for the rest of your life!" [as Luna, and Lola look at her smugly.]

Lucy: [undeterred] "I'm looking forward to it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go tell-"



[Lincoln and the other sisters cheer and celebrate their freedom except Lucy.]

Fangs: "Why did you do that?"

Lucy: "Because you were right. I can handle the teasing. I'm quite comfortable with who I am. Obviously! But don't worry. Someday, you'll be, too. Until then, your owner's got your back." "Thanks, pets."

Charles: "As leader of the Teenage Loud Ninja Pets would say...It's no big deal!" [screws up the ninja stars again] "Dang it."

[Later that night in Lincoln's room.]

Charles, Cliff, Walt and Geo: [perfects the ninja stars trick] "We did it!"

[Enter Lucy with something in her hands.]

Lucy: "Hey, pets. [scares Charles, Cliff, Walt and Geo again, causing them to drop their ninja stars.] "Sorry you missed your convention. Here. I made you something. [hands it over to him to reveal it's a horror comic book she made.] "It's no signed Teenage Loud Ninja Pets comic, but I hope you like it."

Cliff: [gratefully disturbed] "Thank you, Lucy. I see your break from the darkness is over."

[Outside Lincoln's room]

Lynn: [ecstatic] "WOO-HOO! MY TEAM DID IT! WE'RE NUMBER 1!" [feels intestinal distress] "Ooh...time for Number 2..." [hurries to the bathroom]


Episode 11

Episode Title: "Monster Pets"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[The scene opens up on an exterior shot of the Loud House on a sunny day; Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann are in the kitchen watching Lynn Sr. cooking up something for dinner which is "Hot Peppers and Chill Beef Casseroles". At the angle we can't see Lynn Sr. or Rita's faces.]

Lynn Sr: Pets, I'm making the kids favorite dinner for tonight, Hot Peppers and Chill Beef Casseroles. You can have some too once the kids get home for school and or collage.

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: (Making such pet noises happily)

Lynn Sr.: Oh, pets. Alright. But just one piece. Just for the each of you.

[And Lynn Sr. gave Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann one piece of Hot Peppers and Chill Beef Casserole for the each of them on their plates.]

Lynn Sr: Maybe then later I'll make Lasagna for tomorrow nights dinner.

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: Mmmm. (They tied their napkins around their necks and ate their Hot Peppers and Chill Beef Casserole piece from their plates and gulps em down in their bellies. Suddenly, their food they ate started to burn inside their pet bodies and they breathe fire from their mouths and ears and they scream loudly they all ran out of the kitchen holding their mouths as smoke is coming out of them)

Lynn Sr: I guess they didn't know that I put hot sauce in that Hot Peppers and Chill Beef Casserole.

[Lisa and Lily's room.]

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! (Breathing fire out of their mouths and ears) WATER! WATER!! WATER!!! WATER!!!!!! [They saw Lisa's serums in her desk thinking that it is "water". They each took one and started drinking it all cooling down the fire from their pet bodies. They all calm down.] Ahhh. [They feel their fat bellies happily. Suddenly, Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann who drank all of Lisa's serum started to grow and turn themselves into huge monsters only 9000 pounds their weight and 90 feet tall.]

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!!!

Monster Charles: What's happening to us!?!

Monster Cliff: We've all been turned into monsters!!

Monster Walt: Just like Dr. Jekyll and us Pets as monsters!!

Monster Geo: Hmmm. Hey... We're all monsters!! Wait until the family see us all now!!

Monster Hops: (Croaks) They say we pets are small. But now we are huge!!

Monster Fangs: This is the greatest thing that ever happened to me!!

Monster Gary: We're all going to eat all the food from each and every apartment, house by house.

Monster El Diablo: Those people are going to be so scared by us!

Monster Izzy: Now I look like a 90 feet dinosaur!

Monster Duck: (ROARS)

Monster Ann: What are we waiting for? Let us go grab some food from those humans!!

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: YEAH!!! (They all high paw and wings and started stomping around the whole house trying to look for food to eat starting in the kitchen where Lynn Sr. is cooking the sweetest meatballs)

Lynn Sr.: Oh hey, pets. Did you like my... (Turned around and saw 13 Monster pets)

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!

Lynn Sr.: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! (Accidentally dropped all the meatballs onto the kitchen floor. He shakes in fear and ducks down)

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: (Eats all the meatballs on the floor)

[The Loud Kids; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily returned home from school and college and saw something's a mess.]

Lincoln: We're home! Are we having dinner tonight, Dad? 'Cause we are not having your Hot Pepper Chill and Beef Casserole.

[Then they all saw 13 Monster pets eating in the kitchen on the kitchen floor having meatballs. And saw the Loud Kids.]

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!!!

Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! (They all ran all around the house except for Lucy)

Lucy: Whoah.

Leni: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! (Crashes into the wall) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! (Crashes into the wall) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! (Crashes into the wall)

Rita: I heard screaming! What is going on in here? (She saw 13 Monster pets)

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!!!

Rita: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! (Hides along with Lynn Sr. on the floor) Honey, what are those bigger monsters doing in our house!?!?!

Lynn Sr.: Don't ask me!!! They were eating our food in the middle of the kitchen!!!

Leni: I'm never setting foot in this kitchen ever again!!!

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: (Roars and opens up their fridge and ate everything and stomps everywhere around looking for some more food to eat.)

Lucy: Cool!!!

Lynn: What are those things?

Lori: They're monster pets! And they're here to dine on our entire food!

Lisa: [offscreen] GAH!!! Everybody come up stairs now!!!

[Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana and Lily came upstairs toward Lisa and Lily's room and saw that Lisa's life work on the serum is gone.]

Lincoln: What is it, Lisa?

Lisa: All my life's work on the serum! They're completely gone! Who've could've drank all of it!?!

Lynn: Don't look at me. I didn't drink all of it.

Lola: Lola Loud doesn't drink serum.

Lana: I didn't touch your serum I swear!

Luan: It wasn't me! I was coming home for doing my comedy act with Mr. Coconuts here.

Mr. Coconuts: And you can't blame me for a science experiment dog!

Lisa: Dog? Wait a minute.

[Flashback to what Geo said earlier in the episode "Along Came a Skunk."]

Geo: Don't touch those. They're very dangerous. And no pet. Not even I could drink that much chemicals. Besides, one drink of that stuff and it will turn us all into monsters.

[Back to the present.]

Lisa: Of course. I know who drank all the serum. It was our pets! Remember when Geo drank the serum from inside his hamster ball and it breaks turning him into a monster wrecking my room?

Lori: Yes, Lisa. I was there. Before I went to college.

Luna: And now they're going to eat every single food from their entire houses.

Lincoln: We have to stop them! But how?


Lynn: That'd sounded like Mr. Grouse!

Lincoln: Let's roll!

[The Loud Kids; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily went outside to see Mr. Grouse to see if he's okay.]

Lincoln: What is it, Mr. Grouse?

Mr. Grouse: Louds! You're not going to believe what I saw! 13 90 feet monsters that look a lot like your pets. They ate every single bit of my food in the entire refrigerator!

Lola: No kidding! Our food is gone from our refrigerator too!

Mr. Grouse: I'm so scared I don't know what to do!

Mr. Coconuts: Aww, don't be such a worry worth, Mr. Grouse. We'll find those pets and make them stop for all I care!

Luan: Mr. Coconuts. That is very rude. But you're right. We have to find those pets.

Lori: Let's take Vanzilla. I'll drive!

[And the louds went inside Vanzilla to go drive on the road and find their pets who are monsters.]

Mr. Grouse: I'd better call a news reporter!

[Fade to black.]

[Fade back to the news as Katherine Mulligan is reporting the story live on the scene in front of the camera recording it and the cameraman holding it.]

Katherine: Good afternoon, Royal Woods. I'm Katherine Mulligan reporting live on the scene. As 13 monster pets appears on the scene eating every single food from every home and our town and even the school cafeteria and the mansion. Wait. I'm getting a special report. There's been something scary inside Flip's Food and Fuel.

Flip: (Comes to the scene next to Katherine Mulligan) It was horrifying I tell you! I saw 13 monsters who look like they're loud pets!

Katherine: You've heard it here folks. We are all doomed to this here monster trouble. Who's gonna save us all?

[We cut to the Loud Kids as they saw 13 Monster Pets headed toward the Royal Woods Middle School. And every Royal Woods Middle School Staff is running for their lives out of school even the students.]

Meryl: You kids better get out of here quick! There 13 monsters on the loose!

Lincoln: We are not leaving without our pets, Meryl.

[The Loud Kids went inside the Royal Woods Middle School toward the cafeteria where they run into one of Lincoln's friends; Clyde, Zach, Liam, Rusty and Stella.]

Stella: Lincoln, it's you.

Liam: You're not going to believe what I saw. There I was feeding my critters when all of a sudden. Some pets who look a lot like monsters scared away all my farm animals. They're roaring was so fearsome the farm animals went on the frenzy running and screaming for their lives!

Zach: I can't even tell if they're monsters or not.

Rusty: No offense but they look like your pets.

Lincoln: That's because they are our pets.

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!!! (Stomping around the whole school looking for more food to eat)

Clyde: Lincoln, what are we going to do?

Lincoln: There's only one thing to do. We have to go out there and calm our pets down.

[And so Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Rusty, Zach and Stella went out there to go talk to Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann.]

Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily: Careful, Lincoln!

Lincoln: Please, stop, pets! You're scaring people in Royal Woods with your huge monster selves! All you did was take people's food and ate them all even the whole restaurants on the streets!

Clyde: And the grocery stores. Don't forget that.

Lisa: (Steps in) What Lincoln is trying to say is... Did you pets drink all that serum back in my room with all my life's work?

Monster Charles: Serum? Ohhh. So that's it? That's what is happening to us pets all along!

Monster Cliff: We're getting very hungry back then so we decided to eat up all the food from their entire homes.

Monster Walt: Yes we did drink all the serum. That's what turns all of us cute little pets into huge scary monsters.

Monster Geo: We're sorry, Lisa. Especially you loud family for scaring you.

Lucy: Scaring us? I was never scared. You transforming into huge scary monsters was the greatest day ever in my life!

Lincoln: Let's try calming down, pets. By shrinking back to your cute selves.

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: Okay, Lincoln. [Calms down and started to shrink back to their cute and lovable pet they are and by losing a few pounds]

Ann: Hey. I'm not a monster anymore.

Bitey: Nether am I.

Duncan: And nether am I.

[Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann all cheered making such pet noises as they are all back to normal.]

Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily: Phew.

Lucy: Sigh. It was too good while it lasted.

Wilbur Huggins: (Came into the scene) Where are they? Where are the monsters?

Lincoln: There no monsters here, Principal Huggins. Only our pets. By the way this is Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey and Duckling.

Lana: And you already met Ann.

Wilbur Huggins: (Smells Ann) Ugh. You?

Ann: Mwa?

Wilbur Huggins: Looks like you better do something about that skunk smell of yours. Otherwise it's animal control for you.

Charles: Let's go back to the Loud House shall we?

[The scene cuts back to the Loud House as Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann saw what happened to all of Lisa's serum and felt bad for what they have done by talking to her.]

Cliff: So you see, Lisa. We was eating one of Lynn Sr's Hot Peppers and Chill Beef Casseroles and it got all spicy from our bodies so we drank the serum to stop the burning but it turn out that the serum we drank was one of your life's work.

Walt: So go ahead and disown us. We deserved it.

[Lisa smiles and hugs Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann.]

Geo: We're so confused. You're not mad?

Lisa: Mad? I'm ecstatic! You proved my hypothesis! Your recklessness was the one variable my rigidly-controlled experiment sorely needed!

Charles: We're still confused.

Lisa: I'm saying thank you for being my test subjects for drinking all of that serum that will turn you all into hideous giant monsters. And thanks for admitting what you did.

Gary: Okay...

El Diablo: But we didn't have a choice back then.

Izzy: We didn't want you to work at a gas station, or Lynn and Lola to turn to a life of crime, or Lana to live in a bubble, or...or...or...

Lisa: Fascinating. Exposure to my chemicals seems to have damaged his cerebral cortex. [walks away]

Lincoln: [sighs; speaks to the viewers] Boy, am I glad that nightmare's over.

Charles: A nightmare? Now that we pets can turn into monsters, we can eat our food as much as we want. What do you say guys, should we say our trigger word?

Charles, Cliff, Walt, Geo, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Duncan, Bitey, Duckling and Ann: MONSTER UP!!! [turn themselves back into huge monsters only 9000 pounds their weight and 90 feet tall]

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Walt, Monster Geo, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Izzy, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!!!

Lincoln: (Screams in horror as the episode ends)

Episode 12

Episode Title: "The Trash Monster"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[The episode begins at the Loud House. A Trash Monster named Trashy was seen headed toward the backyard and the Giant Ray Sturgeon saw Trashy and got scared and swims away. Then Trashy dumps and leaves every single mess in the backyard and roars. Meanwhile inside the Loud House, The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann are cleaning up the whole entire house while doing their own chore.]

Charles: [To the viewers] Ah yes. Chore day at the Loud House. And sweeping up the whole place is our job. And in the family as big as Lincoln's, chores can be pretty intense. But we get through 'em because we all do our fair share.

Cliff: [To the viewers] The Louds are going to be so proud once we do our share.

Walt: [To the viewers] The reason why we're telling you all this is just because you have to clean your home doesn't mean you have to do it forever.

Geo: [To the viewers] Question. Why are we sweeping up the home you asked? Well, the louds do their own thing by doing their chores. Lincoln is taking out the trash. Lori is doing the laundry. Lynn and Lucy cleans up the bathroom. Leni is cleaning the kitchen floor by mopping. Luna and Luan are doing the dishes. Lisa is doing the organization files. The twins; Lola and Lana are folding up the clothes. And Lily,... well let's just say she's potty training.

Trashy: (Roars off-screen)

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann stopped cleaned and heard the roaring of the trash monster; Trashy coming from outside bursting through the wall.]

Trashy: (Roars)

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann: (Saw Trashy and screamed and runs away from it)

[Trashy creates a very huge mess by leaving messes everywhere around the house. The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann hide inside Lincoln's room feeling very scared.]

Ann: [Scared] Guys? What is that we just saw?

Charles: A Trash Monster. And it's not friendly looking. He trashes everything around the house and never ever leaves.

Cliff: And it's hungry for trash.

Geo: We're too small to handle a monster.

Walt: We need help.

[Lincoln came back into his room as Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann warned him about the trash monster; Trashy.]

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann: Lincoln!!!

Lincoln: AH!! Oh. It's you pets. I thought you were Lucy. What is it?

Charles: There's a mad trash monster on the loose.

Cliff: And we pets are afraid of monsters!

Geo: You've gotta help us!

Walt: We demand who created this monster made of trash!

Lincoln: Why not ask Lisa. She the one who created him for his purpose and life.

Bitey: Lisa? Of course.

Fangs: And they called me the scariest one in the pet group.

[We pan across the scene in Lisa and Lily's room where Lincoln, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann asked Lisa of how she created Trashy in the first place.]

Lisa: Look, I appreciate you convinced me of how I created Trashy in the first place. But I'm about to organize one of these files to my fellow co-leads back in the lab.

Geo: Now do you see what I mean?

Lincoln: (Picking up the trash and put it in the trash bag) Lisa, the trash is everywhere around the house. And taking out the trash is my chore.

Lisa: (Brings out the chalkboard) According to my ratings, The chemicals made entirely out of serum is accidentally spilled into the pile of trash thus created him an horrifying terrible monster.

Gary: Then you knew the chemicals created this monster all along.

Lisa: I need to study this trash monster carefully on my own. In the meantime, you need to ask somebody to be it's trash buddy.

Izzy: What are we going to do? We can't handle the trash monster on our own.

Hops: We need an animal to be it's trash buddy.

Ann: I know. Let's ask Nacho. He's an expert on trash.

Charles: Nacho? But he's a raccoon and Flip's favorite pet and a food thief.

Ann: But let's try him.

Cliff: Okay. But I am not sure we trust this fella.

[And Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann went out of the Loud House and on the road toward the place called Flip's food and fuel to where Nacho and Flip are as we cut to that scene.]

Flip: So let me get this straight. You pets just saw a trash monster messing up the house?

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann: (Making such pet noises)

Nacho: (Making such raccoon noises)

Flip: I ain't seeing nothing like that. Sounded like a Loud problem. I'll have Nacho here help you all take care of your trash problem. And to get rid of the trash you call a monster of a problem. (Drinks his flippy drink from a cup)

Nacho: (Chatters as he leads Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann outside for fresh air) Okay, what's this all about?

Charles: It's weird talking to other people. But they can't understand what we are saying.

Cliff: Except for the Louds. But we'll explain all that later. We need your help.

Geo: A Trash Monster named Trashy is trashing up our house.

Walt: And we pets are afraid of monsters.

Nacho: Say no more. I love trash. I'll take care of your problem no sweat.

Duncan: Really? Oh. I knew you were the right animal for the job.

Charles: Back to the Loud House.

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann now along with Nacho heads back to the Loud House as we fade to black. We now fade back to where the pets along with Nacho are now back inside the Loud House filled with filthy trash made by Trashy.]

Nacho: Look at all of that trash.

El Diablo: This (Hissing) has Trashy written all over it.

Gary: And it's starting to reek in here. How embarrassing.

Duckling: Quack.

Trashy: (Roars loudly leaving mess all around the house)

Duncan: There he is.

Nacho: That is one big pile of trash.

Trashy: (Turned around and saw Nacho, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann and roars)

Nacho, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann: (Screamed and runs away from the trash monster headed upstairs and all the way toward Lisa and Lily's room)

Charles: Lisa, please tell us how you created Trashy in the first place!

Lisa: I think I remember. It doesn't want you pets. It wants Lily. Lily is scared of bigger monsters just like in her nightmares even the Squid's tentacle.

Cliff: Oh no. Not Lily.

Geo: We need a serum.

[Then the squid's tentacle is holding a serum inside a beaker and hands it to Nacho.]

Nacho: (Sniffs the serum which he thinks is "cheese") Is this serum made of cheese? (Drinks the whole serum) Mmmm. (slurps) Tasty. (Suddenly, the serum Nacho drank to change him turning him into a monster only he is about 5000 pounds of weight and 90 feet tall. He has become "Monster Nacho")


Lisa: GAH! Another monster! Siblings, we have a Nacho situation. Come to my room now!

[Monster Nacho then runs off by stomping all the way toward down the stairs while Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann follows him.]

Charles: Time to trigger our inner monster, guys.

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann: MONSTER UP!!! (They started to turn into monsters by growing 9000 pounds of weight and 90 feet tall)

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Geo, Monster Walt, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Izzy, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!!!

[The monster pets headed back to where the trash monster; Trashy is still trashing the place.]

Trashy: (Roars)

Monster Nacho: (Stomped toward to where Trashy is) ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!!!!

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Geo, Monster Walt, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Izzy, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: (Joined Monster Nacho at his side)

Trashy: (Growls angrily)

[We cut to the Loud Kids; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily in Lisa and Lily's room.]

Lisa: Thank you all for coming. As you know, Some raccoon drank all that serum I've been working on turned him into a hideous monster.

Lily: Nacho!

Lincoln: What?!

Lynn: No way. Did Lily just say, Nacho?

Lana: How did he get inside the house anyway?

Lola: This is getting very weird and scary right now!

Luna: Dudes, I just heard that our pets turned into monsters taking on that trash monster.

Lisa: Again. His name is Trashy. And if Mom and Dad finds out about all this. We'd be in trouble. Our gooses maybe cooked.

Leni: She ment we'll be grounded for the rest of our lives.

Lori: Everyone, we need to clean this place up right here and right now!

Lincoln: Let's get cleanin'!

[The Louds took out their cleaning supplies and started cleaning up the place Trashy left out starting with the hallway. Then we cut back to Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Geo, Monster Walt, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Izzy, Monster Duck and Monster Ann along with Monster Nacho growling and roaring right back at Trashy.]

Trashy: Baby! (He looked up and saw every Loud cleaning up the place in the hallway)

Lily: (Cleans up the whole mess by mopping)

Trashy: Baby! (He then goes upstairs)

Monster Gary: He's going after Lily!

Monster Hops: We've have got to stop him!

[Monster Nacho, Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Geo, Monster Walt, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Izzy, Monster Duck and Monster Ann headed up the stairs fast and saw the Louds.]

Monster Nacho, Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Geo, Monster Walt, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Izzy, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR!!!

Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lola, Lana and Lisa: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! (They all run around screaming and panicking and dropping their cleaning supplies.)

Leni: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! (Crashes into the wall) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! (Crashes into another wall) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! (Crashes into the third wall)

Lucy: Cool!

Lily: Nacho! Nacho!

Trashy: (Roars as he stepped up toward the Monster Pets)

[The Louds stopped running and panicking except for Leni who got really scared and hide in Lori and Leni's room.]

Lincoln: Wait, Nacho is the raccoon monster?

Lisa: Now I remember. Trashy wants Lily to keep her safe the whole time.

Trashy: Baby.

Lily: Trashy!

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Geo, Monster Walt, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Izzy, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: Awwww!

Monster Nacho: Trashy. There's a pile of every trash for you back in Flip's Food and Fuel. Come with me. And we can be trash buddies together.

Trashy: Ohh Boy!

Monster Nacho: (Breathes in and out then he goes back to his raccoon size self by losing a few pounds and takes Trashy all the way out of the Loud House and on the road to Flip's Food and Fuel)

Monster Charles, Monster Cliff, Monster Geo, Monster Walt, Monster Hops, Monster Fangs, Monster Gary, Monster El Diablo, Monster Duncan, Monster Bitey, Monster Izzy, Monster Duck and Monster Ann: (Breathes in and out then goes back to their cute pet selves by losing a few pounds)

Charles: It's all right everyone. It's just us pets. No monsters.

Cliff: The trash monster is gone.

Geo: So does Nacho.

Walt: Nacho and Trashy are trash buddies now.

Lincoln: Thank goodness.

Lola: I don't want our pets to be monsters.

Lucy: What are you talking about, Lola? This is the greatest day ever in my life seeing our pets turn into monsters. Even Fangs. Can't wait to tell my friends about our pets.

Lori: Still. We need to do something about Leni being scared of monster problems.

Leni: (offscreen) I'm never setting foot in the bathroom again!!

Lincoln: Come on, everyone let's keep on cleaning up the house before Mom and Dad get back. You can help too, pets since you turned into monsters... again.

Ann: Of course.

[And Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Duncan, Bitey, Izzy, Duckling and Ann helped the Louds cleaned up the whole house that Trashy has done and left for them to clean up. Then we cut back to Flip's Food and Fuel with Nacho explaining everything to his owner Flip.]

Nacho: (Raccoon noises to what has happening to him that day)

Flip: No way! You turned into a monster cause of Lisa's serum experiment?

Nacho: Uh-huh.

Flip: And you made friends with Trashy?

Nacho: Uh-huh.

Flip: That's the craziest thing I have ever heard.

Trashy: (Roars)

Nacho: (To Trashy) Perhaps we might as well show him my trigger word. Monster up!!! (He then turned into a monster by gaining 5000 pounds of weight and 90 feet tall)


Flip: Whoa! Now that's what I call a Raccoon Monster! Let's keep this one between us and the Louds.

Trashy: Agreed. (We now end the episode by blinking to black)

Episode 13

Episode Title: "Loud Pets and the Money"

(Opens credits appear on the title screen in the comics)

[Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt are looking around and sneaking about in the living room and leaps onto the sofa.]

Charles: [to the viewers] "Money. In the Loud House, there just isn't a lot of it to go around." [searches between the cushions and gets wads of chewed gum on his paws.] "Ew!" [shakes it off and pulls out a pair of dirty underwear and tosses it.] "Grody! Which is why, when you happen to find some, even the smallest gotta keep it to yourself." [finds a quarter coin] "Jackpot!" [kisses it]

Cliff: [to the viewers] "What is money, you'd asked?" "Money is a type of different coins and green paper we found somewhere and anywhere around the world you spy on." "You have to keep it in your bank account or a piggy bank."

Walt: [to the viewers] "You need to use the eagle eyes to spot any kind of coin that is on the floor." "Like Pennies, Nickels, Quarters and Dimes."

Geo: [to the viewers] "Or... even if your parents can give you extra money, ask them if you want to have your allowance."

[Just then, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann happen to come across them and the quarter Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt found. They hide the quarter behind their back and grins nervously.]

Ann: "We heard money! What did you find? A dime? No, a quarter!"

Charles: "That's impossible. Money doesn't make a sound."

Gary: "Haven't you ever heard the expression "Money talks" [laughs at rimshot]

Bitey: "And that quarter is saying, "Hand me over, bro!"

Hops: "It's MINE!"

Izzy: "Guys, let's just split it 40/40!"

Charles: "No! None of you are getting it! We've found it in the couch fair and square!"

Duncan: "Wait a second! If there was one quarter down there, then maybe there's more!"

Cliff, Geo and Walt: "More money!?!"

[After a brief pause, the pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann jumped on the couch and bounced on it by looking for more coins like pennies, nickels, quarters and dimes by making such pet noises. Their owners the Louds; Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily are watching the scene. At their angle, the kids and their parents' faces are cut off except for Lily's.]

Lincoln: [Shouting] "Why are they bouncing on the couch for?"

Lynn: [Shouting] "A nickel under the ottoman?"

Lisa: "Nope. A quarter down the sofa."

Rita: [shouting] "We better stop them before they start biting!"

[Charles bites Cliff by the tail.]

Cliff: "Ow! Charles!"

Lynn Sr.: "Too late!" [whistle calls. The pets stop bouncing on the couch and freeze. A tire hits Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt on the heads.] "ALL RIGHT, EVERYBODY, GET UPSTAIRS AND CLEAN THE ATTIC! That's punishment for fighting over money!"

[The pets all groan and acquiesce.]

Luan: "That punishment makes no cents." [laughs to rimshot]

Gary: "Not funny, Luan!"

Lynn Sr.: "Upstairs!" [to Rita] "But that was a good one."

[The attic.]


[The pets look on to see the horror that is the back corner.]

Fangs: "But the back corner was Lucy's secret dark place."

Ann: [angrily] It's Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt's fault we're up here, so they can do it."


Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt: [annoyed] "What loose floorboard?" [steps on it and gets hit in their faces by it, knocking them to the ground and giving them black eyes.] "Stupid loose floorboard..." [puts it back and notices an envelope.]

Charles: "Hey, what's this?" [opens it up and finds a letter. Then he reads it.] "Dear Future Residents of 1216 Franklin Avenue, my family always fought over money, so I decided to leave my fortune for you in the hope that you will share it. For a clue on where the money is hidden, reflect upon what I said here. Signed, Mrs. Sharon DeMonet, the original owner. [gasps; to the rest of the pets] "Hey, guys! Check it out! I found this letter from the original owner! She says she's hidden money in the house!"

El Diablo: [disbelieving] "Yeah, right, Charles. Quit stalling. You're not getting out of cleaning the attic."

Hops, Fangs, Izzy, Bitey, Gary, Duncan, Duckling and Ann: "YEAH!!!"

Charles: [annoyed] "Fine! Cliff, Geo, Walt and I will just do it by ourselves, and when we do, it'll be all ours." [he, Cliff, Geo and Walt walks away, but steps on and gets hit by the loose floorboard again, giving them black eyes. As soon as they get up, they noticed that they heard the Louds are about to find the money]

Cliff: "What was that?"

Ann: "The humans are about to find the money first."

Geo: "Why didn't you say so?" We pets better work together and find it before our owners do."

Walt: "Let's go, guys!"

[The Loud Pets; Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann got out of the attic. Lisa is using a metal detector in the hall. Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann climbs down the ladder from the attic and notices her.]

Charles: "Lisa? What are you doing?"

Lisa: "Uh... Just calibrating my dumb human detector." [uses it on Lincoln] "Calibrated." [awkwardly leaves]

Lincoln: "Come on! Why is it always me?"

Lynn: [holding Lucy inside the laundry chute.] "Lucy...see anything?"

Cliff: "Lynn, what are you doing?"

[Cliff's question causes Lynn to drop Lucy down the chute and scream and land with a thud.]

Lynn: [nervously] "Who? Me? No no. Just putting laundry down the chute."

Charles: [suspicious] "Laundry doesn't scream and go thud."

Lynn: [threateningly] "No, but nosy pets do."

Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt: [backing away scared] "Okay. Okay."

Lynn: [opens the chute] "SORRY, LUCE!"

Lucy: "That's okay! I found a new secret dark place!"

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann goes downstairs and sees Lola pacing about.]

Ann: [suspiciously] "Looking for something, Lola?"

Lola: "Uh... no. I'm just...practicing for the...uh..." [grabs a chimney sweep] "...Little Miss Chimney Sweep Pageant." [grins nervously]

[Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann shrugs their shoulders to the each other and leaves. Shortly afterwards, Lana pops out of the chimney covered in soot.]

Lana: "There's nothing up there."

Lola: [Angrily] "There's gotta be! Now-- keep looking!" [pushes Lana back up with the sweep. Meanwhile, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann heads to the room next to the basem*nt.]

Luan: [off-screen] "Hand me the flashlight."

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann overhears it and walks down the basem*nt. Luna and Luan are down in the basem*nt checking the furnace. The former notices Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann and panics.]

Luna: "Quick! Hide!" [Kicks Luan inside the furnace and closes the door.]

Luan: [inside] "Okay."

[Luna stands by whistling as Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann approaches.]

Geo: "What are you up to?"

Luna: "" [busts out some repair tools] "...practicing my drums?" [She bangs on the furnace with the tools, making loud metallic noises. Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann covers their ears and walks away. Luan bangs on the furnace door.]

Luan: [Opens the door and is bruised and dazed from Luna's racket] "Can someone answer the ringing in my head?" [groans and faints in the furnace.]

[The camera cuts to outside the house. Lori and Leni are off-screen.]

Lori: "Ugh. Gross! What is that?"

Leni: "Get off my pumps!"

Lori: "I'm gonna pump your face if you don't move faster!"

[Lori and Leni are revealed to crawling inside the crawlspace.]

Leni: "Let's just get this over with."

Lori: [Annoyed] "Ugh! Why didn't Mrs. DeMonet just tell us where the money is?"

Leni: "I don't know. Let's ask her." [shines the flashlight on a skeleton.]

[They scream in horror.]

Lori: [calmly] "Wait. That's just a leftover Halloween decoration."

[Enter Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann.]

Duncan: [angrily] "Hey! What are you two doing?"

Lori: "Uh...we're just dusting!"

[Lori dusts with Leni's arm while Leni dusts the skeleton.]

Leni: "Wait. I thought we were looking for the money."

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann: "WE KNEW IT!" "We are going to tell Lincoln!" [closes the crawlspace door.]

[In the living room, all the sisters are on the couch, while Lincoln, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann stands on a coffee table using it as a stage, and talks to them in fury.]

Lincoln: "Okay, admit it, you're all looking for the money, aren't you?"

[The sisters don’t even try to deny it anymore]

Leni: "Obviously!

Lynn: "Uh, duh!"

Luna: "Heck, yes, we are!"

Luan: "Where'd you find your first clue, Sherlock?"

Lincoln: "You guys didn't even believe the money existed! I'm the one who should get it!"

Charles: "Too bad, humans." We've found the note." We're getting the money."

Lori: [Annoyed] "Forget that! I'm finding it for myself!"

Leni: "Not if I find it first!"

Luna: [Sarcastic] "Yeah, dream on!"

Lana: "IT'S MINE!"

[They all start fighting again and pull Lincoln into the fray. Ann get scared and started spraying her skunk smell out of her butt and her tail spraying the louds with her foul stench. The Louds started coughing and stopped fighting. Enter Lynn Sr. who whistle calls to get them to stop once more.]

Lynn Sr.: "Obviously, you haven't learned your lesson." [Points to the attic] "Back to the attic!"

[The Loud kids and their pets went back up into the attic as we fade to black.]

[Cut to the kids and their pets who resume cleaning the attic and Charles secretly takes another look at the letter.]

Charles: "The answer must be in here somewhere. I know it. "Reflect upon what I said here." What could that mean?" [looks in the mirror to find another piece of paper in the rafter and facepalms for not realizing sooner.] "Reflect! Duh!" [casually walks over] "I'm just going to be over the, uh...the dirty thing..." [gets on a stack of boxes and grabs the paper.]

Lucy: [pops up] "What's that?!"

Charles: [startled] "Ah! Nothing!"

Lynn: [suspiciously grabs his arm.] "Charles, found another letter!"

[Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt jumps up to the rafters and Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann are ready to clobber them if they do not read it.]

Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann: "READ IT!"

Charles: "Okay, okay! Calm down!" [opens it and reads] "Well done. You've found the next clue. But beware. If you fight like my family did, you'll never get to the bottom of the matter." "You guys, maybe we should listen to her and stop fighting."

Lori: [suspiciously backing away] "Yeah...Charles's soon as we're done cleaning here, we should totally work together to find the money." [leaves]

Lola: "Hey! Lori's going after the money!"

[The girls all follow suit.]

Lincoln: "Wait!" [goes after them but steps on and gets whacked by the loose floorboard yet again, once getting him black eyes again. He gets up and climbs half way down the ladder. He sees the mayhem that his sisters are causing to one another, with random objects thrown across the hallway. And Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann follows.]

Charles: "Guys, the letter! Remember what Sharon DeMonet said!"

Lola: [threatingly] "Forget Sharon DeMonet! It's every man for himself!"

[The shouting continues. Lincoln looks at the viewers briefly, then jumps off the ladder and decides to join the battle. Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann looked at each other briefly, then jumps off the ladder and decides to join the battle.]

Lincoln, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann: [Warcry] "Yaaaah!"

[Cliff is being thrown across the room. Lana is waving a dollar in front of Paul the Cricket.]

Lana: "Smell the money, boy!" [Paul sniffs it] "Now go find more!" [Paul eats her dollar, making Lana angry.] "HEY, SPIT IT OUT, PAUL!! So help me, I will get that dollar back EVEN IF I HAVE TO WAIT FOR IT TO COME OUT THE OTHER END!!" [chases after the cricket]

Lucy: [performing a seance] "I summon you from the great beyond...Mrs. Sharon DeMonet! Tell me where your fortune is. Speak to me, oh, spirit." [losing patience] "Come on, lady! Just tell me where the dough is!"

Charles: "What did Sharon say?"

[Cut to Lynn, who is seen controlling a Tennis ball dispenser]


[She fires Tennis balls at Lincoln, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann. However, they ducked, causing Lucy to take the blow. They've dived to escape the room. In another room, Luna and Luan are dumping everything from their containers looking for money.]

Luan: "Hey, look!" [pulls out a half-eaten sandwich from her wastebasket.] "I found the bread!" [laughs, then dumps each segment of the sandwich after looking at it.] "And the cheddar, and the lettuce, and the clams? [Drops the sandwich] Ew! No wonder someone threw this out."

Lincoln: "Hey, what-"

[Luna busts out one of her amps, and her guitar.]

Luna: "STAY OUT! THIS IS OUR TURF!" [blasts Lincoln, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann with a killer wail, bashing themselves into a wall and knocking them out cold. They get up holding a finger in their ears and hears Lana.]

Lana: [still chasing Paul into her room.] "HEY! GET BACK HERE!! THAT'S MY DOLLAR!!"

Lincoln: "Have you found it?"

[A honking sound is heard. Lola enters in her princess car and rams Lincoln to the side. He gets up, escapes the room and closes the door behind him. Lola blocks the door with her car and angrily clenches her fist.]


Lincoln: "Duh. Why didn't I think of that?" [In his bedroom, he goes to the book shelf and dumps every book off of it. He leaps to the other side searching for every nook and cranny in his room to no avail.] "WHERE ARE YOU?!"

[His sisters and the pets angrily burst in ready to search his room.]

Lincoln: [fending them off like a lion tamer.] "BACK! BACK, YOU ANIMALS!"

Leni: [off-screen] "I FOUND IT!"

Sisters: [and Lincoln head for Lori and Leni's room] "YOU FOUND THE MONEY?!"

Leni: "No! My missing floral pump!"

Siblings: [Annoyed] "Aww!"

Lola: "The money's not up here! Maybe it's downstairs!" [They all rush downstairs and search the kitchen with no luck.] "The dining room!" [They search there and still can't find it.]

Luna: "The living room!"

[Once again, no sign of the money.]

Luan: "Lily's room!"

[Upon arriving there, they notice Lily is taking her nap. To avoid waking her up, they mute out the ruckus caused by their search. Everybody walks out of Lily's room, battered and bruised]

Lori: "We've literally searched the whole house, and nothing!"

Leni: "Hello? My floral pump is not nothing."

Luna: "Maybe we missed something in the letter!"

[The girls all glare at Lincoln, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann who knows where this is going. They all start fighting over the letter and tear it apart. They all blame them for ripping the letter.]

Lola: "Look what you DID!"

Lana: "You're the one who ripped it!"

Luna: "Dude, how are we gonna find the money now?"

Cliff: [he and the other pets gets up] "We're not."

Lana: "Why?"

Luan: "What are you talking about?"

Charles: "'Cause all we did was fight over it. And this is exactly what Sharon DeMonet warned us about."

Walt: "What we're we pets thinking?" Fighting over the money against all humans like you guys."

Geo: "I guess we all acted like a bunch of animals." "No offense."

Ann: "This is our fault." "Not Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt." "All of us pets."

Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann: [sadly] "We're sorry, Louds." [Their owners look at the pieces of the letter they just ripped off, and start to feel regretful for what they did. Lincoln stands up.]

Lincoln: "How about this? From now on, any time we find money, whether it's a hidden fortune or even this quarter..." [takes out the quarter] "...we all share it equally."

[Everyone clamours in agreement.]

Lisa: "Okay."

Luan: "Sure."

Lori: "Sounds good."

Luna: "Yeah, I kinda like that."

Lana: "I'll even share the dollar I got back from Paul." [shows them the dollar now covered in Paul' feces.]

Lincoln: [thoroughly disgusted] "Let's not..."

[The others clamour in disgust and agreement. Lily comes crawling out from her nap towards Lori.]

Lori: [picks Lily up] "Aw...we're sorry, Lily. Did your noisy sisters and brother wake you?" [makes cute faces to Lily.]

[A piece of paper is attached to Lily's bottom.]

Lynn: "Hey. What's that stuck on Lily's bottom?"

[Charles takes it and unfolds it.]

Charles: "It's...a map!" [reads it] "If you're reading this, it means you came together and got to the "bottom" of the matter! Congratulations! You're almost there!"

[The kids and the pets cheer over this discovery.]

Lincoln: [suspicious] "But wait. How could she have known the map would be on Lily's bottom?"

[The others think about that for a brief moment.]

Lola: [breaking the silence] "Who cares?! Let's find the money!"

[They shout over each other again as they all head down the stairs.]

[The scene changes to outside in the backyard. The kids come across a big X.]

Lincoln: "X marks the spot."

Lisa: [excited] "Ooh! I love solving for X!"

[Lincoln grabs a sandbox shovel and starts digging the X.]

Sisters and Pets: [chanting] "DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG!"

Lucy: [Walking in with a shovel from the other side] "I've got some experience digging holes." [joins Lincoln in digging]

Sisters and Pets: "DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG!"

Luan: [to the viewers] "Digging is fun for the hole family!" [laughs] "Get it?"

Sisters and Pets: "DIG! DIG! DIG! DIG!"

Lana: [Cutting in the middle.] "Okay, everyone. Stand back. Luna? A little digging music?"

Luna: "You got it, sis!" [starts strumming her acoustic guitar.]

[Lana digs like Charles and finds the briefcase. Her sisters gasp in amazement. Lincoln, Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann takes it but notices a padlock at the front of the case.]

Lincoln: "It's locked!"

Leni: "I got this." [She takes the briefcase, pulls out her hairpin, and picks the lock open with it. Her sisters gasp in amazement, causing her to become annoyed.] "What? There's more to my head than just air, you know."

[Lincoln takes the briefcase from her. He opens it. He, along with everyone else gasps to discover that the money is real. Lola takes the money out and checks the total.]

Lola: "Five...hundred...DOLLARS!!!"

[The kids gasp again while Lincoln drops the briefcase.]

Lincoln: "So, if we share it equally, that means we each get, uh..."

Lisa: "45.4545455 dollars each."

[The kids and the pets all cheer over their achievement. Luna cheers and Lucy is throwing confetti around like a flower girl at a wedding.]

Luna: "YEAH! WOO-HOO!"

Lucy: "Yay. Yay. Yay."

Lola: [spreading some of the money out.] "ONE! TWO! THREE!"

[Lincoln plays the bongos on his cheeks. Lori and Leni jump for joy and start doing the tango together. Lana is twirling a lasso, Luan is hugging a tree, and Luna is literally tumbling around. Charles, Cliff, Geo, Walt, Hops, Fangs, Gary, El Diablo, Izzy, Bitey, Duncan, Duckling and Ann all cheer and make a lot of pet noises playing around with the money. All the while, their parents watch on at their children's happiness.]

Rita: "It was really nice of you to give up your work bonus. Are you ever gonna tell them that you're Sharon DeMonet?"

Lynn Sr.: "Nah."

Rita: "I have to admit. It's nice to see them sharing money and not fighting over it."

Lynn Sr.: "Yep. All part of Sharon's plan."

Rita: "Was destroying the house part of Sharon's plan?"

[The camera cuts to the overview of the destruction in several room from the kids' previous fights.]

Lynn Sr.: "No. No it was not."

Rita: "Well, now she can...Sharon DeCleanUp!" [hands him a broom]

[Lynn Sr. is now cleaning up the attic.]

Lynn Sr.: [to the viewers] "Money. There just isn't a lot of it in the Loud House. But when there is, it's good to know that from now on, the kids and their pets will share it." [spots a dime] "Ooh! A dime!" [picks it up] "I'll just, uh...keep this one to myself." [puts it in his pocket and steps right onto the loose floorboard, and gets smacked by it he warned Charles, Cliff, Geo and Walt about. The screen turns to black after the floorboard hit Lynn Sr's face and then the episode ends.]


End credits

(End Credits)

Cramped inside this tiny space

May sound bad but ain't the case

In the Loud House

(Loud House)

Duck and dodge and push and shove

That's the way we show our love

In the Loud House

(Loud House)

Laundry piles stacked up high

Hand-me-downs that make me cry

Stand in line to take a pee

Never any privacy

Chaos with 11 kids

That's the way it always is

In the Loud House

"93rd Street Productions"

"Quick to Judge"

"Nickelodeon Productions"

"A Paramount Plus Original Series"

TM Copyright @ 2024 Nickelodeon/Nicktoons/Paramount Plus/93rd Street Productions/Quick to Judge

The Loud Pets: Season 1 - Part 1: Welcome to the Loud Pets/Script (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.