Project_Person (Removed)
Removed from profile
Profile created: Tue, 06 Dec 2022 03:47:11 GMT
Fairy souls: 3/247Skill average: 11.57
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11.57 avg.
- 42% to next level, 125/300 xpAlchemy3
- 0% to next level, 0/50 xpCarpentry0
- 24% to next level, 12,125/50k xpCombat16
- 58% to next level, 43,344/75k xpEnchanting17
- 6% to next level, 3/50 xpFarming0
- 7% to next level, 700/10k xpFishing12
- 17% to next level, 1,241/7.5k xpForaging11
- 41% to next level, 30,653/75k xpMining17
- 93% to next level, 116/125 xpRunecrafting2
- 0% to next level, 0/50 xpSocial0
- 59% to next level, 11,703/20k xpTaming14
⚚ Pure Bonzo's Mask ✪✪✪✪✪Gear Score: 598 (1076) Growth V, Protection V, Thorns III Ability: Clownin' Around RARE DUNGEON HELMET ID: STARRED_BONZO_MASK Growth V, Protection V, Thorns III Full Set Bonus: Shoal Perfect 52461 / 52500 ID: ZOMBIE_SOLDIER_CHESTPLATE Growth V, Protection V, Thorns III Full Set Bonus: Shoal Perfect 52461 / 52500
Strength: +4 (+4) (+7.8)
Crit Chance: +6% (+6%) (+9%)
Crit Damage: +4% (+4%) (+7.8%)
Bonus Attack Speed: +2% (+2%) (+3%)
Health: +216.5 (+4) (+397.8)
Defense: +134 (+4) (+241.8)
Speed: +1 (+1) (+1.95)
Intelligence: +169 (+4) (+300.3)
Instead of dying, gain damage
immunity and +24 ❁ Strength
for 3s and fully replenish
your health. The cooldown and
Strength bonus you receive
improve based on your
Dungeoneering Skill level.
This ability only works while in
The Catacombs!
Cooldown: 324s
Strength: +6 (+6) (+9.9)
Crit Chance: +8% (+8%) (+9.6%)
Crit Damage: +6% (+6%) (+9.9%)
Bonus Attack Speed: +3% (+3%) (+3.6%)
Health: +160.04 (+6) (+259.05)
Defense: +173.68 (+6) (+277.2)
Speed: +1 (+1) (+1.65)
Intelligence: +6 (+6) (+9.9)
Gain +30❈ Defense for each
Zombie Soldier Set within
30 blocks.
Strength: +6 (+6) (+9.9)
Crit Chance: +8% (+8%) (+9.6%)
Crit Damage: +6% (+6%) (+9.9%)
Bonus Attack Speed: +3% (+3%) (+3.6%)
Health: +140.28 (+6) (+227.7)
Defense: +148.72 (+6) (+237.6)
Speed: +1 (+1) (+1.65)
Intelligence: +6 (+6) (+9.9)
Gain +30❈ Defense for each
Zombie Soldier Set within
30 blocks.
Pure Zombie Soldier Boots ✪✪✪Gear Score: 339 (551)Strength: +6 (+6) (+10.5)
Crit Chance: +8% (+8%) (+10.4%)
Crit Damage: +6% (+6%) (+10.5%)
Bonus Attack Speed: +3% (+3%) (+3.9%)
Health: +109.62 (+6) (+189)
Defense: +85.36 (+6) (+143.5)
Speed: +1 (+1) (+1.75)
Intelligence: +6 (+6) (+10.5)
Depth Strider III, Feather Falling V, Growth V
Protection V, Thorns III
Full Set Bonus: Shoal
Gain +30❈ Defense for each
Zombie Soldier Set within
30 blocks.
Perfect 52461 / 52500
Fierce Heavy BootsGear Score: 335 (469) Depth Strider III, Feather Falling V, Growth V Full Set Bonus: Vindicate Perfect 35000 / 35000 ID: HEAVY_BOOTS Apply Cost: 55 Exp Levels Use this on an item in an Anvil RARE ID: ENCHANTED_BOOK RARE ID: SUPERBOOM_TNT ID: TRIPWIRE_HOOK You can only have 1 Ultimate Apply Cost: 45 Exp Levels Use this on an item in an Anvil COMMON ID: ENCHANTED_BOOK Growth V, Protection V, Thorns III Increase the damage you deal Perfect 52500 / 52500 ID: SKELETON_GRUNT_HELMET ID: ENCHANTED_BONE Depth Strider III, Feather Falling V, Growth V Increase the damage you deal Full Set Bonus: Skeleton Soldier Perfect 52500 / 52500 ID: SKELETON_SOLDIER_BOOTS Apply Cost: 23 Exp Levels Use this on an item in an Anvil COMMON ID: ENCHANTED_BOOK Growth V, Protection V, Thorns III Full Set Bonus: Zombie Knight Perfect 49655 / 52500 ID: ZOMBIE_KNIGHT_CHESTPLATE ID: ENDER_PEARL ID: ENDER_STONE ID: OBSIDIAN ID: ENCHANTED_ENDSTONE ID: LEVER EPIC ID: POTION All stats on this piece of This item can be reforged! ID: ENDER_NECKLACE Dungeons only! COMMON DUNGEON ITEM ID: INFLATABLE_JERRY LEGENDARY DUNGEON ITEM ID: DUNGEON_STONE Cleave V, Critical V, Ender Slayer V ◆ Snow Rune II Ability: Instant Transmission RIGHT CLICK RARE SWORD ID: ASPECT_OF_THE_END Critical V, Cubism V, Ender Slayer V ◆ Snow Rune I As a weapon created by Scarf, Berserk: +35❁ Strength +5✦ Speed Right-click to use your class ability! EPIC DUNGEON SWORD ID: STARRED_STONE_BLADE ID: ENDER_PEARL Apply Cost: 55 Exp Levels Use this on an item in an Anvil RARE ID: ENCHANTED_BOOK EPIC ID: HOLY_FRAGMENT ID: ENDER_PEARL Growth V, Protection V, Thorns III Full Set Bonus: Vindicate Perfect 35000 / 35000 ID: HEAVY_HELMET Snowballs: 1,885/2,000 Right click to shoot! EPIC ID: SNOW_BLASTER Click to open! ID: SKYBLOCK_MENU
Strength: +6 (+6) (+8.7)
Crit Chance: +4% (+4%) (+4%)
Crit Damage: +10% (+10%) (+14.5%)
Health: +75 (+108.75)
Defense: +105 (+152.25)
Speed: -5
Protection V, Thorns III
Grants +1 walk speed for
every 50 defense that you
Increases how high you can fall
before taking fall damage by
6 and reduces fall damage by
to apply it!
to blow up Crypts in The
Catacombs and Crystal
Saves 10% of your coins on
death. Additionally, enemies
drop +0.5 coins when killed.
Enchantment on an item!
to apply it!
Strength: +8 (+8) (+11.6)
Crit Chance: +4% (+4%) (+4%)
Crit Damage: +17% (+24.65%)
Health: +99 (+8) (+143.55)
Defense: +54 (+8) (+78.3)
Speed: +2 (+2) (+2.9)
Intelligence: +40 (+40) (+58)
with arrows by 5%.
Strength: +8 (+8) (+11.6)
Crit Chance: +7% (+4%) (+7%)
Crit Damage: +23% (+33.35%)
Health: +102 (+8) (+147.9)
Defense: +58 (+8) (+84.1)
Speed: +2 (+2) (+2.9)
Intelligence: +40 (+40) (+58)
Protection V, Thorns III
with arrows by 5%.
Increase the damage you deal
with arrows by an extra 25%.
Increases how quickly your tool
breaks blocks.
to apply it!
Strength: +63 (+8) (+113.1)
Crit Chance: +10% (+10%) (+15%)
Crit Damage: +8% (+8%) (+15.6%)
Bonus Attack Speed: +4% (+4%) (+6%)
Health: +83 (+8) (+161.85)
Defense: +294.2 (+8) (+526.5)
Speed: +13.1 (+1) (+23.4)
Intelligence: +8 (+8) (+15.6)
Gains +50❈ Defense when used
with the Zombie Knight Sword
❣ Requires Catacombs Skill
❣ Requires Catacombs Skill 24
while in The Catacombs.
Healing VIII
Instantly heals for +500.
Defense: +10
equipment are multiplied by 2x
while on the End Island!
* Co-op Soulbound *
places, when all other lights go
stone adapts to its user and
allows them to use their class
Strength: +100
Crit Chance: +14% (+14%)
Crit Damage: +90% (+40%)
Experience III, Fire Aspect II, Giant Killer V
Life Steal III, Looting III, Scavenger III
Sharpness V, Vampirism V
Teleport 8 blocks ahead of
you and gain +50 ✦ Speed
for 3 seconds.
Mana Cost: 50
Damage: +229 (+20) (+409.5)
Strength: +20 (+20) (+39)
Crit Chance: +17% (+17%) (+25.5%)
Crit Damage: +105% (+55%) (+204.75%)
Execute V, Experience III, First Strike IV
Giant Killer V, Lethality V, Life Steal III
Looting III, Luck VI, Scavenger III
Sharpness V, Thunderlord VI, Vampirism V
it automatically adapts to its user
inside Dungeons.
Healer: +20❣ Health Regen & +5 HP/s aura
Mage: +200✎ Intelligence
Tank: +100❈ Defense +5❂ True Defense
Archer: +100☠ Crit Damage
Increases how high you can fall
before taking fall damage by
6 and reduces fall damage by
to apply it!
Crit Chance: +2% (+2%) (+2%)
Crit Damage: +3% (+3%) (+4.35%)
Bonus Attack Speed: +3% (+3%) (+3%)
Health: +85 (+10) (+123.25)
Defense: +109 (+3) (+158.05)
Speed: -2 (+3)
Grants +1 walk speed for
every 50 defense that you
you pickup Snowballs, they
increase the ammo held by this
item. Blasts Snowballs at a
higher velocity than a Snow
progress, including your Skills,
Collections, Recipes, and more!