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Les études de marché sont une source vitale d’informations pour le marketing produit, mais comment pouvez-vous vous assurer que ces informations sont traduites en plans efficaces et réalisables ? Dans cet article, vous apprendrez quelques conseils pratiques et meilleures pratiques pour transformer les données d’études de marché en stratégies de marketing produit qui correspondent à vos objectifs commerciaux et aux besoins de vos clients.
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- Sweta Govani 🧩 Rooting for underestimated entrepreneurs on the 0 to $1M journey | Get your first 100 Happy Paying Customers with…
- Jon Freeman Boosting Organizational Performance | Head of Business Development at - Leading the Way in Real-Time…
1 Comprendre vos objectifs et vos questions de recherche
Avant de mener une étude de marché, vous devez avoir une idée claire de ce que vous voulez réaliser et des questions auxquelles vous voulez répondre. Cela vous aidera à choisir les bonnes méthodes, sources et outils pour votre recherche, ainsi qu’à définir la portée et les critères de votre analyse. Par exemple, si vous souhaitez comprendre la taille du marché et le potentiel de votre produit, vous pouvez utiliser des données secondaires provenant de rapports sectoriels, d’enquêtes et de plateformes en ligne. Si vous souhaitez explorer le parcours client et les points faibles de votre produit, vous pouvez utiliser des données primaires provenant d’entretiens, de groupes de discussion et d’observations.
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- Amit Bathla Marketing B2C | Product Marketing | GTM
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I find satisfaction in conducting comprehensive market research and engaging with customers, prospects, and internal teams like sales and support. Through these conversations, I gain valuable insights into customer pain points, our product, and the competitive landscape. This feedback directly informs strategic decisions, influencing messaging, positioning, product roadmap, pricing, and packaging, among other aspects. I emphasize the importance of making market research a periodic and iterative process, fostering agility and customer-centricity across all teams.
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- Iris Damasio Oliveira Sumar
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When hiring a market research company, choose one specialized in your desired area. The investment impacts result quality, so plan an appropriate budget. Align expectations from the start and maintain communication throughout the project. Ensure the sample used is appropriate and validate the selection criteria. In addition to obtaining raw data, the company should provide analysis and interpretation of the results to generate actionable insights.
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- Brian Rhea 🌱 Making AI work for Product people 🎯️ Follow for guides, tips, and resources
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Nothing is more important to a research project than having clearly stated desired outcomes. "What is it that we don't know right now that we want to be able to bet on with confidence when we're done?" Let the answers to that question guide the design, execution, and analysis of the research.
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- James Lee Performance-Driven Marketing for Business Leaders | Founder of Evolution Engineers
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To turn market research insights into actionable product marketing strategies, start by analysing the data thoroughly to identify trends and customer needs. Connect these insights directly to your product, ensuring it addresses the identified market gaps or issues. Segment the market based on this research, create compelling value propositions aligned with audience desires, and develop clear communication strategies using the preferred channels. Set measurable goals tied to the research findings and regularly evaluate and adjust strategies to remain aligned with market shifts. This iterative approach ensures that research insights directly inform effective product marketing plans.
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- lee wilson Online and Marketing Manager
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See AlsoQualitative vs. Quantitative Research Marketing: Key DifferencesQualitative vs. Quantitative Market Research: Why Not Both?Jeu de l'été : étude marketing quantitative ou qualitative ? - EDinstitut, Institut d'Études MarketingEtude marketing comment mener une etude marketing pour le marketing de votre entreprise - FasterCapitalDriving forward insights into action are all based on prioritization.If something is a priority, and that priority is clear, defined and communicated with the relevant people, it get's done.If there are undefined priorities and a lack of clarity on who is accountable for what (at multiple layers in the business), it is likely that people gravitate towards what's easier, repeatable, or simply what they prefer to do.A change in focus can be disruptive and lead to barriers to getting things done - planned and prioritized workloads are much easier to make happen.
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2 Analyser et interpréter vos données de recherche
Une fois que vous avez collecté vos données d’étude de marché, vous devez les analyser et les interpréter pour en extraire des informations significatives et pertinentes pour votre marketing produit. Cela implique l’utilisation de diverses techniques, telles que l’analyse quantitative, l’analyse qualitative, la segmentation, le regroupement et la création de personas, pour identifier les modèles, les tendances, les lacunes et les opportunités dans vos données. Vous devez également valider et vérifier vos résultats, en recoupant différentes sources, en triangulant différentes méthodes et en testant vos hypothèses et hypothèses.
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- Sweta Govani 🧩 Rooting for underestimated entrepreneurs on the 0 to $1M journey | Get your first 100 Happy Paying Customers with go-to-market (GTM) micro-tests | 2x first GTM hire | 5 GTM mistakes to avoid (free video) featured below
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In my work with early-stage tech startups, this step is often skipped. When I ask founders and executives if they've done research, the answer is always a resounding yes. But, when I ask to see summary of the key takeaways...crickets. What about rough notes...crickets. What about call recordings...more crickets. "Research" has been "analyzed" in their minds. Due to a variety of human biases such as confirmation bias (i.e. our tendency to favor information that confirms our beliefs), their "takeaways" are likely deeply biased. Pausing to analyze research might feel like a waste of time, but imagine the time wasted when the business fails? Fail fast, indeed.
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- James Harper
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Analyzing market research data can be intimidating. More importantly, a rushed analysis can lead to bad decisions later on, especially when evaluating qualitative research.When I review market research data, I'll build out a few different models and validate those with a couple of colleagues (it's always a good idea to stress-test your models and assumptions!). From there, I look for the story behind the data and how that compares to what we had seen before. Because there can be multiple stories in that data, you want to avoid putting your own spin or interpretation on it, and instead go back to the original data to verify your claims.
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- Brian McCabe Growth Specialist @ zlick | Digital Marketing Expert
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After gathering market data, it's time to go radical. Think beyond basic analysis – use advanced segmentation and clustering to unravel hidden patterns. Challenge every assumption, debunk myths, and turn data on its head to uncover groundbreaking insights. Your findings aren't just numbers; they're ammunition to disrupt the market and propel your product to the forefront. Be bold, think extreme, and rewrite the rules of product marketing.
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Uncovering that educators favored platforms with easy integration of interactive quizzes, we strategically integrated a user-friendly quiz feature into our platform, aligning with their preferences.
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3 Communiquer et partager vos résultats de recherche
Après avoir analysé et interprété les données de votre étude de marché, vous devez communiquer et partager vos informations avec votre équipe de marketing produit et d’autres parties prenantes, telles que les chefs de produit, les ventes et les dirigeants. Cela implique de créer et de présenter des rapports, des tableaux de bord, des histoires et des recommandations qui mettent en évidence les principales conclusions, implications et actions pour votre marketing produit. Vous devez également adapter votre style et votre format de communication à votre public, en utilisant un langage clair, des aides visuelles et des récits attrayants.
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- Jon Freeman Boosting Organizational Performance | Head of Business Development at - Leading the Way in Real-Time, High-Accuracy Indoor Location Analytics with Patented WiFi Technology
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Supercharge your presentations by following the "hero's journey model" of presentations.Use a call to adventure to excite your audience.Position your solution as necessary in your new world view to ensure buyin to the need for change.Characterize what the early engagements will sound like, have them live the new reality in your imaginary view.Expand on what the future results will look like by taking the journey.I'm not doing the hero's journey justice, look it up and study it in detail.
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- Oviya Balan Product Marketing Manager @🚀
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Incorporating snippets of video footage from customer interviews or live data displays and visualization helps. This way the insights become memorable and provide a deeper understanding of customer experience. Also, nothing better than having your employees share their points of view on the insights shared and making this a dialogue between team players. This way we can see whether the insights align with the product under development or if is it going on a different tangent. Either way, everyone will be on the same page with the developments.
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- Brian McCabe Growth Specialist @ zlick | Digital Marketing Expert
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After dissecting your market research data, it's time to broadcast those insights. Transform your findings into compelling reports, dashboards, and stories for your product marketing team and key stakeholders like product managers and execs. Your mission: make these insights pop with clarity, engaging visuals, and narratives that drive action. Tailor your communication to each audience, ensuring your revolutionary data story isn't just heard, but resonates and inspires strategic moves. This isn't just data sharing; it's a campaign to fuel your product's success.
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Presenting visually engaging reports proved effective. For instance, using infographics to showcase the demand for mobile-friendly learning materials helped our teams grasp the insights more intuitively.
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4 Alignez vos résultats de recherche sur vos objectifs de marketing produit
Pour vous assurer que les informations de votre étude de marché sont traduites en plans de marketing produit exploitables, vous devez les aligner sur vos buts et objectifs de marketing produit. Cela signifie que vous devez hiérarchiser et vous concentrer sur les informations les plus pertinentes et les plus percutantes pour le positionnement, le message, le lancement, la promotion et l’évaluation de votre produit. Vous devez également définir et mesurer les indicateurs clés de performance (KPI) et des mesures qui vous aideront à suivre et à évaluer le succès de vos plans de marketing produit.
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- Rudra Pratap Singh Digital Marketing | E-commerce Marketing | Google Ads
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In my experience, it is better to reverse this process. First, talk to your product team regarding the product in focus. It is an existing product or going to be launched. In both cases, ask questions and try to find out the answers. What are your product marketing goals and objectives? Now to find out the answers, perform the research activity. This way chances are going wrong with your research is low.
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- Rudra Pratap Singh Digital Marketing | E-commerce Marketing | Google Ads
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In my experience, it is better to reverse this process. First, talk to your product team regarding the product in focus. It is an existing product or going to be launched. In both cases, ask questions and try to find out the answers. What are your product marketing goals and objectives? Now to find out the answers, perform the research activity. This way chances are going wrong with your research is low.
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- Brian McCabe Growth Specialist @ zlick | Digital Marketing Expert
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To align your market research insights with your product marketing goals, think of it like matching puzzle pieces. Focus on insights that directly impact your product's messaging, launch, and promotion. Prioritize what matters most for your product's success. Then, set up key performance indicators (KPIs) to track how well your marketing strategies are working. It's about using research to make informed, effective marketing decisions, ensuring every step you take is backed by solid data. This approach helps you stay focused and measure success accurately.
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5 Collaborez et itérez avec votre équipe de marketing produit
Enfin, pour vous assurer que les informations de votre étude de marché sont traduites en plans de marketing produit exploitables, vous devez collaborer et itérer avec votre équipe de marketing produit et d’autres parties prenantes tout au long du processus. Cela signifie que vous devez les impliquer dans les étapes de conception, d’exécution, d’analyse et de communication de la recherche, en sollicitant des commentaires, des contributions et des idées. Vous devez également adapter et affiner vos plans de marketing produit en fonction de l’évolution des conditions du marché, des commentaires des clients et des résultats commerciaux.
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6 Voici ce qu’il faut considérer d’autre
Il s’agit d’un espace pour partager des exemples, des histoires ou des idées qui ne correspondent à aucune des sections précédentes. Que voudriez-vous ajouter d’autre ?
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Much of these points are about ‘explaining’ insights. Of course this is a key priority. Then what happens? How do product manages actually use insights to make strategic decisions? So after communication and explanation there could be so much more to do for insights to make a difference. To ensure insights are used we need to ensure there is accountability and outcomes from what is being presented. A way that this can be done is by working very closely with product managers in a workshop programme style so they can see the value on how the insights can help in product planning and even PL. So rather than having a big meeting small 30 min sessions over a short period could be more impactful on insight’s implementation
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- Iris Damasio Oliveira Sumar
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Market research should not be treated as an isolated event. It is important to have ongoing monitoring and analysis of the results over time so that decisions can be adjusted and refined.
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- Sabrinath Rao Products | Product Management | Product Marketing | Ex-Microsoft| Ex-AWS
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Much of what is mentioned here is about process, very little on data quality. Garbage in always = Garbage out. Questions need to be precise. If multiple choice - the choices must convey something both to the researcher and the person participating in the research. Finally quantitative data must always be filtered with qualitative conversations. How we generate and consume insights is still a process of judgment. Ensure that the sources and the methodology is well rounded.
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- Brian McCabe Growth Specialist @ zlick | Digital Marketing Expert
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Effective product marketing thrives on collaboration. Involve your team at every step, from research to execution. Embrace their feedback and ideas to shape a dynamic marketing plan. Stay agile, adapting to market shifts and customer feedback. This isn't a solo mission; it's a team effort, with each iteration refining your strategy for real-world success
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Beyond initial research, ongoing monitoring is crucial. Establish feedback loops with educators, students, and the marketing team to ensure that marketing plans stay responsive to evolving needs.
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